Trumps problem with women......doesn't look good

So. Women won't vote for Trump??

Kinda doubt that. Guess we'll find out.

40% of women will vote for Trump

That number will ensure he can't win
I dunno who repped that as funny, but Mitt got 44% of all women, and lost by 3%. 53% of voters were women and 47% male.

And the Donald is not gonna to any better than Mitt with the latinos and blacks and Asians. So, the only way for your statement to be untrue is that the Donald would have to expand the number of white males voting and/or decrease the number or women overall from voting.

Again, looks like Trump played GOP demographics to get the GOP nomination. He did it masterfully

Those same Demographics will work against him in the General Election. You can't unring a bell and YouTube has a long memory
Well, it seems to me that the Trumpeters are betting a longshot. Obama took 60% of the 18-29. I wouldn't think the dems can expect that again, but then the non-white % of that group has grown even since, and 44% of the latino vote are millenials. And Hillary is crushing the Donald with millienials

Poll shows that Millennials would flock to Clinton against Trump

I don't see where the Donald expands the electorate except with older white males .... and that really is a zero sum game. LOL

And in a nutshell, that's why the gop is peeing itself. And why Mitch hasn't extracted a promise of leaving the 2nd intact and giving Obama anything else he wants on the Court ... is a mystery to me. Even a lot of gopers would not shed a tear over Citizens Untied.

As bad as Trumps demographics look...they get worse when you apply them to electoral votes
Polls in the east close at 9 PM. Hillary will have wrapped up the election by 10
More cause for west coast Republicans to stay home
So. Women won't vote for Trump??

Kinda doubt that. Guess we'll find out.

40% of women will vote for Trump

That number will ensure he can't win
I dunno who repped that as funny, but Mitt got 44% of all women, and lost by 3%. 53% of voters were women and 47% male.

And the Donald is not gonna to any better than Mitt with the latinos and blacks and Asians. So, the only way for your statement to be untrue is that the Donald would have to expand the number of white males voting and/or decrease the number or women overall from voting.

Again, looks like Trump played GOP demographics to get the GOP nomination. He did it masterfully

Those same Demographics will work against him in the General Election. You can't unring a bell and YouTube has a long memory
Well, it seems to me that the Trumpeters are betting a longshot. Obama took 60% of the 18-29. I wouldn't think the dems can expect that again, but then the non-white % of that group has grown even since, and 44% of the latino vote are millenials. And Hillary is crushing the Donald with millienials

Poll shows that Millennials would flock to Clinton against Trump

I don't see where the Donald expands the electorate except with older white males .... and that really is a zero sum game. LOL

And in a nutshell, that's why the gop is peeing itself. And why Mitch hasn't extracted a promise of leaving the 2nd intact and giving Obama anything else he wants on the Court ... is a mystery to me. Even a lot of gopers would not shed a tear over Citizens Untied.

The problem for the GOP is that these primaries seem to revolve around who can take up the most extreme position possible to get that specific part of the GOP vote but then this makes it incredibly difficult to appeal to the wider American electorate. I think Marco Rubio would have caused a lot of problems for Hillary Clinton, he has a great back story, and would have a better chance of appealing to a wider section of voters. I don't know a great deal about Kasich but from what I've seen in interviews he does look more Presidential, of course against Cruz and Trump that wouldn't be hard. The current slagging match between them is demeaning, its very immature. This is supposed to be their interview for the most important job in the world and its been an epic fail!
I don't see how Trump can mend bridges with women

He has cast himself as a millionaire playboy who is only concerned with a woman's looks. His comments towards women who oppose him always center on their appearance
52% of voters are women....Could lead to the worst defeat in 40 years

Examining Trump's Problem With Female Voters

plug in the names "Hillary Clinton" and "Donald Trump" and the gap gets even wider.

In that hypothetical matchup, just 31 percent of women said they would chose Trump, while 58 percent said they would chose Clinton. That's a net advantage of 27 points for Clinton.

In 2012, Barack Obama bested Mitt Romney by far less -- 55 percent to 44 percent -- among female voters.

Trump loses 13 percent more women than Romney
Yup.....Trump hates women....including his wife and daughter....the left accused him of lusting over his daughter because he said she was beautiful.

I know Trump hates degenerates like Rosie O'Donnell, but he hasn't shown any hatred for other women, even that chick that said he insulted her during the debates.....I forget her name now.

Trump loves women.....he tells us every day

It is not helping in his polling. Unless he gets a significant swing in the women's vote, his candidacy will be doomed

Even Republican women can't stand him

That's bullshit. Trump won huge in our county, which wouldn't have been possible without women voting for him.

I attended a county Republican meeting just last night. All the women there love Trump.

You are probably surrounded by a bunch of liberal skanks who hate dominant males.

Maybe those women in your county never heard of Trump bashing and degrading women.
I have to admit Trump is already famous and attract a lot of people even he became a candidate.
Link....... Trump is 70% negative and dismal 21% positive.

Examining Trump's Problem With Female Voters
Yeah, all of his female executives are really bitching on him.

which means what? that they like their jobs?


how about you stick to responding to the topic, hon.

he's a misogynist jerk who insults women's looks when they challenge him. his own party acknowledges that. why would you defend it or pretend it doesn't exist?

Ah, the freshness of the sexist card. Just one problem, NO ONE believes liberal regressives have even slight problems going after people's looks when it fits their agenda. Oops.

Calling women out on stupid shit is not sexism. It's treating them equally.

Trump doesn't call women out on stupid shit. He calls them out one their looks. He dismisses women who aren't good looking because he considers looks to be a woman's only value. He said if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would be dating her. If a woman disagrees with him, he says she's ugly, because to him, that's the only value he places on women.
Yeah, all of his female executives are really bitching on him.

which means what? that they like their jobs?


how about you stick to responding to the topic, hon.

he's a misogynist jerk who insults women's looks when they challenge him. his own party acknowledges that. why would you defend it or pretend it doesn't exist?

Ah, the freshness of the sexist card. Just one problem, NO ONE believes liberal regressives have even slight problems going after people's looks when it fits their agenda. Oops.

Calling women out on stupid shit is not sexism. It's treating them equally.

Trump doesn't call women out on stupid shit. He calls them out one their looks. He dismisses women who aren't good looking because he considers looks to be a woman's only value. He said if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would be dating her. If a woman disagrees with him, he says she's ugly, because to him, that's the only value he places on women.

First of all, I don't care. Liberals call people names all the time so stop pretending you do.

But secondly, where is your proof?
Yeah, all of his female executives are really bitching on him.

which means what? that they like their jobs?


how about you stick to responding to the topic, hon.

he's a misogynist jerk who insults women's looks when they challenge him. his own party acknowledges that. why would you defend it or pretend it doesn't exist?

Ah, the freshness of the sexist card. Just one problem, NO ONE believes liberal regressives have even slight problems going after people's looks when it fits their agenda. Oops.

Calling women out on stupid shit is not sexism. It's treating them equally.

Trump doesn't call women out on stupid shit. He calls them out one their looks. He dismisses women who aren't good looking because he considers looks to be a woman's only value. He said if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would be dating her. If a woman disagrees with him, he says she's ugly, because to him, that's the only value he places on women.

he does more than that... he says women aren't good looking just because he doesn't agree with them. you know, like the loons on this board.
Yeah, all of his female executives are really bitching on him.

which means what? that they like their jobs?


how about you stick to responding to the topic, hon.

he's a misogynist jerk who insults women's looks when they challenge him. his own party acknowledges that. why would you defend it or pretend it doesn't exist?

Ah, the freshness of the sexist card. Just one problem, NO ONE believes liberal regressives have even slight problems going after people's looks when it fits their agenda. Oops.

Calling women out on stupid shit is not sexism. It's treating them equally.

Trump doesn't call women out on stupid shit. He calls them out one their looks. He dismisses women who aren't good looking because he considers looks to be a woman's only value. He said if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would be dating her. If a woman disagrees with him, he says she's ugly, because to him, that's the only value he places on women.
I like Trumps style. All ugly women need to be told they are ugly. Ugly women who think they're pretty need a reality check, just like Fiorina was given one!
Yeah, all of his female executives are really bitching on him.

which means what? that they like their jobs?


how about you stick to responding to the topic, hon.

he's a misogynist jerk who insults women's looks when they challenge him. his own party acknowledges that. why would you defend it or pretend it doesn't exist?

Ah, the freshness of the sexist card. Just one problem, NO ONE believes liberal regressives have even slight problems going after people's looks when it fits their agenda. Oops.

Calling women out on stupid shit is not sexism. It's treating them equally.

Trump doesn't call women out on stupid shit. He calls them out one their looks. He dismisses women who aren't good looking because he considers looks to be a woman's only value. He said if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would be dating her. If a woman disagrees with him, he says she's ugly, because to him, that's the only value he places on women.

he does more than that... he says women aren't good looking just because he doesn't agree with them. you know, like the loons on this board.

Show your proof. Can't wait for you to produce that "Trump calling women ugly" compilation. You will be searching for the source material for a long time. Sorry you were called ugly, get over it, it's probably true...
Yeah, all of his female executives are really bitching on him.

which means what? that they like their jobs?


how about you stick to responding to the topic, hon.

he's a misogynist jerk who insults women's looks when they challenge him. his own party acknowledges that. why would you defend it or pretend it doesn't exist?

Ah, the freshness of the sexist card. Just one problem, NO ONE believes liberal regressives have even slight problems going after people's looks when it fits their agenda. Oops.

Calling women out on stupid shit is not sexism. It's treating them equally.

Trump doesn't call women out on stupid shit. He calls them out one their looks. He dismisses women who aren't good looking because he considers looks to be a woman's only value. He said if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would be dating her. If a woman disagrees with him, he says she's ugly, because to him, that's the only value he places on women.
That is the essence of Trump as he looks at women

He will only date, only marry, only hire women he considers attractive
Yeah, all of his female executives are really bitching on him.

which means what? that they like their jobs?


how about you stick to responding to the topic, hon.

he's a misogynist jerk who insults women's looks when they challenge him. his own party acknowledges that. why would you defend it or pretend it doesn't exist?

Ah, the freshness of the sexist card. Just one problem, NO ONE believes liberal regressives have even slight problems going after people's looks when it fits their agenda. Oops.

Calling women out on stupid shit is not sexism. It's treating them equally.

Trump doesn't call women out on stupid shit. He calls them out one their looks. He dismisses women who aren't good looking because he considers looks to be a woman's only value. He said if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would be dating her. If a woman disagrees with him, he says she's ugly, because to him, that's the only value he places on women.
That is the essence of Trump as he looks at women

He will only date, only marry, only hire women he considers attractive

And your essence of looking at the world is that talk makes real.

Never do you provide facts or evidence for your claims.
Yeah, all of his female executives are really bitching on him.

which means what? that they like their jobs?


how about you stick to responding to the topic, hon.

he's a misogynist jerk who insults women's looks when they challenge him. his own party acknowledges that. why would you defend it or pretend it doesn't exist?

Ah, the freshness of the sexist card. Just one problem, NO ONE believes liberal regressives have even slight problems going after people's looks when it fits their agenda. Oops.

Calling women out on stupid shit is not sexism. It's treating them equally.

Trump doesn't call women out on stupid shit. He calls them out one their looks. He dismisses women who aren't good looking because he considers looks to be a woman's only value. He said if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would be dating her. If a woman disagrees with him, he says she's ugly, because to him, that's the only value he places on women.
That is the essence of Trump as he looks at women

He will only date, only marry, only hire women he considers attractive

And your essence of looking at the world is that talk makes real.

Never do you provide facts or evidence for your claims.

It is Trump who has to explain his reputation to women

Very little in his life or recent actions show he is anything but a misoginist asshole
Last edited:
which means what? that they like their jobs?


how about you stick to responding to the topic, hon.

he's a misogynist jerk who insults women's looks when they challenge him. his own party acknowledges that. why would you defend it or pretend it doesn't exist?

Ah, the freshness of the sexist card. Just one problem, NO ONE believes liberal regressives have even slight problems going after people's looks when it fits their agenda. Oops.

Calling women out on stupid shit is not sexism. It's treating them equally.

Trump doesn't call women out on stupid shit. He calls them out one their looks. He dismisses women who aren't good looking because he considers looks to be a woman's only value. He said if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would be dating her. If a woman disagrees with him, he says she's ugly, because to him, that's the only value he places on women.
That is the essence of Trump as he looks at women

He will only date, only marry, only hire women he considers attractive

And your essence of looking at the world is that talk makes real.

Never do you provide facts or evidence for your claims.

It is Trump who had to explain his reputation to women

Very little in his life or recent actions show he is anything but a misoginist asshole

Yeah as we all know, generating billion dollars is child's play. Especially for this wannabe internet though guy, who can't even spell misogynist correctly.
Yeah, all of his female executives are really bitching on him.

which means what? that they like their jobs?


how about you stick to responding to the topic, hon.

he's a misogynist jerk who insults women's looks when they challenge him. his own party acknowledges that. why would you defend it or pretend it doesn't exist?

Ah, the freshness of the sexist card. Just one problem, NO ONE believes liberal regressives have even slight problems going after people's looks when it fits their agenda. Oops.

Calling women out on stupid shit is not sexism. It's treating them equally.

Trump doesn't call women out on stupid shit. He calls them out one their looks. He dismisses women who aren't good looking because he considers looks to be a woman's only value. He said if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would be dating her. If a woman disagrees with him, he says she's ugly, because to him, that's the only value he places on women.
I like Trumps style. All ugly women need to be told they are ugly. Ugly women who think they're pretty need a reality check, just like Fiorina was given one!

Does your mom let you out of the basement at all?
Yeah, all of his female executives are really bitching on him.

which means what? that they like their jobs?


how about you stick to responding to the topic, hon.

he's a misogynist jerk who insults women's looks when they challenge him. his own party acknowledges that. why would you defend it or pretend it doesn't exist?

Ah, the freshness of the sexist card. Just one problem, NO ONE believes liberal regressives have even slight problems going after people's looks when it fits their agenda. Oops.

Calling women out on stupid shit is not sexism. It's treating them equally.

Trump doesn't call women out on stupid shit. He calls them out one their looks. He dismisses women who aren't good looking because he considers looks to be a woman's only value. He said if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would be dating her. If a woman disagrees with him, he says she's ugly, because to him, that's the only value he places on women.
I like Trumps style. All ugly women need to be told they are ugly. Ugly women who think they're pretty need a reality check, just like Fiorina was given one!
Trump is no stud muffin himself...
Yeah, all of his female executives are really bitching on him.

which means what? that they like their jobs?


how about you stick to responding to the topic, hon.

he's a misogynist jerk who insults women's looks when they challenge him. his own party acknowledges that. why would you defend it or pretend it doesn't exist?

Ah, the freshness of the sexist card. Just one problem, NO ONE believes liberal regressives have even slight problems going after people's looks when it fits their agenda. Oops.

Calling women out on stupid shit is not sexism. It's treating them equally.

Trump doesn't call women out on stupid shit. He calls them out one their looks. He dismisses women who aren't good looking because he considers looks to be a woman's only value. He said if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would be dating her. If a woman disagrees with him, he says she's ugly, because to him, that's the only value he places on women.
I like Trumps style. All ugly women need to be told they are ugly. Ugly women who think they're pretty need a reality check, just like Fiorina was given one!

Does your mom let you out of the basement at all?
Sunday mornings..
I think it has been concluded Trump has no problems with women. Unlike most of the (especially) liberal posters here. It's all projection. /THREAD

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