Trump's Revenge: Dems Will Not Be Able To Steal 2024


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
The recent MAGA conquest of the RNC has been depicted by the Lamestream media as some narcissistic coup to mold the Republican machine in Trump's image and pay his (Banana Republic induced) legal bills.

Oh, but that's tremendously wishful thinking.

The Democrats should be so lucky.

The reality is the RNC is being transformed into an election integrity sustaining, vote producing super weapon - that is about to be deployed against the DNC and their media toady minions in the most epic possible fashion.

Republicans and right leaning voters everywhere are no longer being forced to pick the Generic "conservative" brand over the greater evil that is the establishment commie Borg.

We've got the real deal this time, and there will be no hiding for the Democrats.

Legal ballot harvesting, true poll watching where we know how many ballots are arriving in real time to each and every precinct, and all expenses being spent to one end: The conclusion of Joe Biden's potemkin "Presidency".

And a team truly invested in nothing less than a resounding Donald Trump, Republican Party romp in November.

Let 2024 begin.
Getting Scott Presler involved in actual position within the RNC is the best choice they could possibly make. He has been practically single handedly upping the number of registered Republicans in states across the board.
I actually switched my registration with him personally at an event.
He is one of the nicest and most genuine people I have ever met. He means what he says and sure as hell walks the walks. So much so that it nearly killed him last year.
With this new leadership at the RNC and with Scott's help, MAGA is here to stay.

Be afraid Dems.

Anchor Larry Kudlow said, “Alex I’ll start , a couple of good articles out today. Matt Continenti, for example, Trump’s coalition looks like it’s a broad-based, working folks, white, African-American, Hispanic, Latino, young people, women perhaps. He is breaking through in ways that no Republican has broken through in a very long time which probably attests to his lead in the polls. What do you make of that, Alex Marlow?”

Marlow said, “Yeah. it seems like Biden’s policies particularly with regard to the economy and the Bidenflation as well as the open border, it just seems like this is finally resonating with a lot of these groups, these coalitions that Joe Biden has had working on his behalf for his entire career. Suburban women, Latino voters, black voters, all of them can’t be lied to anymore. They’re seeing what’s happening in this country at this moment, and the polling’s backing it up.”

He added, “Larry if you look at the polls there was no doubt about it, Donald Trump is polling better than any Republican candidate in decades. That’s a major thing right now, and you got to bet the Democrats are scared.

Be very afraid.
The recent MAGA conquest of the RNC has been depicted by the Lamestream media as some narcissistic coup to mold the Republican machine in Trump's image and pay his (Banana Republic induced) legal bills.

Oh, but that's tremendously wishful thinking.

The Democrats should be so lucky.

The reality is the RNC is being transformed into an election integrity sustaining, vote producing super weapon - that is about to be deployed against the DNC and their media toady minions in the most epic possible fashion.

Republicans and right leaning voters everywhere are no longer being forced to pick the Generic "conservative" brand over the greater evil that is the establishment commie Borg.

We've got the real deal this time, and there will be no hiding for the Democrats.

Legal ballot harvesting, true poll watching where we know how many ballots are arriving in real time to each and every precinct, and all expenses being spent to one end: The conclusion of Joe Biden's potemkin "Presidency".

And a team truly invested in nothing less than a resounding Donald Trump, Republican Party romp in November.

Let 2024 begin.

YOu seem very confused.
The recent MAGA conquest of the RNC has been depicted by the Lamestream media as some narcissistic coup to mold the Republican machine in Trump's image and pay his (Banana Republic induced) legal bills.

Oh, but that's tremendously wishful thinking.

The Democrats should be so lucky.

The reality is the RNC is being transformed into an election integrity sustaining, vote producing super weapon - that is about to be deployed against the DNC and their media toady minions in the most epic possible fashion.

Republicans and right leaning voters everywhere are no longer being forced to pick the Generic "conservative" brand over the greater evil that is the establishment commie Borg.

We've got the real deal this time, and there will be no hiding for the Democrats.

Legal ballot harvesting, true poll watching where we know how many ballots are arriving in real time to each and every precinct, and all expenses being spent to one end: The conclusion of Joe Biden's potemkin "Presidency".

And a team truly invested in nothing less than a resounding Donald Trump, Republican Party romp in November.

Let 2024 begin.

Don't you MAGAts ever get tired of recycling the same old worn out losing bullshit?
This is the SAME cult-speak horseshit you guys were braying about in 2022 when your imaginary "red wave" was predicted to sweep both houses of Congress.
But you were wrong.
MAGAts lost.
And in 2020.
MAGA lost.
And in 2018?
Same thing.
And MAGAts will lose this year as well because MOST of America sees you for what you are. A washed-up, radical, cult of anger but not much in the way of real policies and solutions.
Rabid, radical, fringe-lunatic, barking dogs in a mangy pack of whiny deplorables on their way to political extinction.
You should be used to it by now.

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