Trump's Revenge: Dems Will Not Be Able To Steal 2024

YOu seem very confused.
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The recent MAGA conquest of the RNC has been depicted by the Lamestream media as some narcissistic coup to mold the Republican machine in Trump's image and pay his (Banana Republic induced) legal bills.

Oh, but that's tremendously wishful thinking.

The Democrats should be so lucky.

The reality is the RNC is being transformed into an election integrity sustaining, vote producing super weapon - that is about to be deployed against the DNC and their media toady minions in the most epic possible fashion.

Republicans and right leaning voters everywhere are no longer being forced to pick the Generic "conservative" brand over the greater evil that is the establishment commie Borg.

We've got the real deal this time, and there will be no hiding for the Democrats.

Legal ballot harvesting, true poll watching where we know how many ballots are arriving in real time to each and every precinct, and all expenses being spent to one end: The conclusion of Joe Biden's potemkin "Presidency".

And a team truly invested in nothing less than a resounding Donald Trump, Republican Party romp in November.

Let 2024 begin.

I see, the RNC and the GOP have given up gerrymandering for the sake of election integrity?
The recent MAGA conquest of the RNC has been depicted by the Lamestream media as some narcissistic coup to mold the Republican machine in Trump's image and pay his (Banana Republic induced) legal bills.

Oh, but that's tremendously wishful thinking.

The Democrats should be so lucky.

The reality is the RNC is being transformed into an election integrity sustaining, vote producing super weapon - that is about to be deployed against the DNC and their media toady minions in the most epic possible fashion.

Republicans and right leaning voters everywhere are no longer being forced to pick the Generic "conservative" brand over the greater evil that is the establishment commie Borg.

We've got the real deal this time, and there will be no hiding for the Democrats.

Legal ballot harvesting, true poll watching where we know how many ballots are arriving in real time to each and every precinct, and all expenses being spent to one end: The conclusion of Joe Biden's potemkin "Presidency".

And a team truly invested in nothing less than a resounding Donald Trump, Republican Party romp in November.

Let 2024 begin.

I'm all for the GOP utilizing the Democrats' unethical and dishonest voting systems to win. The law is the law however wrong it might be and they are not dishonorable to use existing law to throw out the most destructive and dangerous government in U.S. history. But once in office I hope they find a way to clean up and secure federal elections so that NOBODY can steal an election ever again. They should not have any jurisdiction in state and local elections but a GOP majority in Congress can sure pass some federal laws that will help.
This is nothing at all like anything ever before.

In fact, that's kinda the entire fucking point.

The entire basis for the thread to begin with.

Do try and keep up.

Nothing "magic" about stupid.
Same old shit. Only you extreme dullards are naive enough to keep falling for the same old recycled fundraising propaganda this many times without figuring the scam out.
I guess cultists just gotta cult.
Don't you MAGAts ever get tired of recycling the same old worn out losing bullshit?
This is the SAME cult-speak horseshit you guys were braying about in 2022 when your imaginary "red wave" was predicted to sweep both houses of Congress.
But you were wrong.
MAGAts lost.
And in 2020.
MAGA lost.
And in 2018?
Same thing.
And MAGAts will lose this year as well because MOST of America sees you for what you are. A washed-up, radical, cult of anger but not much in the way of real policies and solutions.
Rabid, radical, fringe-lunatic, barking dogs in a mangy pack of whiny deplorables on their way to political extinction.
You should be used to it by now.
You ever getting tired being a joyless and angry?
Yeah cuz gerrymandering hasn't been a thing perpetrated by both sides since time immemorial.

Try again.

But thanks for at least putting that yellow ass away.
I see, so the RNC and GOP are still blowing smoke up asses.

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