Trumps strong military support has got the caving started to become a stampede!!

Remember that Elevator Ride? Trump had every bit of what has happened so far, planned out already when he and Melania took that ride. I can't wait to see what's next. I love that man. :113:
You are a nut. At best we have military parity with China. We don’t have enough bullets to kill them all.
At best we have military parity with China.

And you talk about nut's.. The chinks only supperiority is the numbers of soft targets in their army. They only have one air craft carrier, a paucity of nukes and/or a way to deliver them,,,, ahhh funkit, your to ignorant to even discuss it with. A bozo clown in every way, sheeeese.
Remember that Elevator Ride? Trump had every bit of what has happened so far, planned out already when he and Melania took that ride. I can't wait to see what's next. I love that man. :113:

Yes first thing trump got the real power behind him
The military
The law enforcement
The Men
The White men in a landslide ???
China may throw the crooked democrats they were using to the curb ...the democrats were using China and letting China buy off America
Remember that Elevator Ride? Trump had every bit of what has happened so far, planned out already when he and Melania took that ride. I can't wait to see what's next. I love that man. :113:

Yes first thing trump got the real power behind him
The military
The law enforcement
The Men
The White men in a landslide ???
OK! Now I understand. I didn't realize you are delusional.

the military? You mean the fighting agency whose funding Trump plundered as he UnConstitutionally usurped the power of the legislature? THAT military?

law enforcement? You mean like all our national agencies like CIA, NSA, FBI etc that he spits on while sucking up to dictators? You mean like spitting on subpoenas, his AND his staff..present and former? You mean like lining his personal pockets with the power of the office YOU gave him?

the Men? What men? You mean those who disregard every lie, overlook all the programs that haven't happened and pretend they are already in infrastructure, grid reinforcement, healthcare, alternate energy...and full funding of military facilities?

The White men? What white men? Only those scared chitless of losing their superiority because of their birth instead of their accomplishments.
The United States would delay a planned increase in its 25 percent tariff on $250 billion of Chinese goods from Oct. 1 to Oct. 15, a move that was made “at the request of the Vice Premier of China, Liu He, and due to the fact that the People’s Republic of China will be celebrating their 70th Anniversary on October 1st,” the president said in a tweet.
Trump Delays Planned Tariff Increase in ‘Gesture of Good Will’ to China
Did you read the article?

Basically China is holding American exports hostage toward a tariff negotiation

in other words, THEY'll back down on $75 Bil of our exports to them ,If WE back down on $263 Bil of theirs to us

WTF do you think holds the winning hand here?

Remember that Elevator Ride? Trump had every bit of what has happened so far, planned out already when he and Melania took that ride. I can't wait to see what's next. I love that man. :113:

Yes first thing trump got the real power behind him
The military
The law enforcement
The Men
The White men in a landslide ???
OK! Now I understand. I didn't realize you are delusional.

the military? You mean the fighting agency whose funding Trump plundered as he UnConstitutionally usurped the power of the legislature? THAT military?

law enforcement? You mean like all our national agencies like CIA, NSA, FBI etc that he spits on while sucking up to dictators? You mean like spitting on subpoenas, his AND his staff..present and former? You mean like lining his personal pockets with the power of the office YOU gave him?

the Men? What men? You mean those who disregard every lie, overlook all the programs that haven't happened and pretend they are already in infrastructure, grid reinforcement, healthcare, alternate energy...and full funding of military facilities?

The White men? What white men? Only those scared chitless of losing their superiority because of their birth instead of their accomplishments.

Ignoring real data is not wise

Ignoring that trump has the real power is very foolish.

Because all the lies and screaming against trump has not shook away his support from the real power of America

Because of that and it’s even growing some have started the caving in so that they won’t get hit so hard

2 liberals plus Roberts must be really shaking

Roberts is over the fisa judges that have proved high treason acts by many

China was influencing the crooked democrats in order for them to advance on America .. China now sees trump has the power to stop America’s crooks and instead of going against trump for their gain they now have no choice but to cave and now go With Trump which increases trumps power even more

and Barr is being watched close by the real power to see if he will cover up the high treason crimes

The men have made this judgement as has the military and law enforcement and they will act when trump declares a broken govt because of crooked democrats
Did you read the article?

Basically China is holding American exports hostage toward a tariff negotiation

in other words, THEY'll back down on $75 Bil of our exports to them ,If WE back down on $263 Bil of theirs to us

WTF do you think holds the winning hand here?


China has not the winning hand

Trump helping japan and India against China has clearly the winning hand

Along with helping Hong Kong and Taiwan

China has no choice but to work with trump and stop working against
Remember that Elevator Ride? Trump had every bit of what has happened so far, planned out already when he and Melania took that ride. I can't wait to see what's next. I love that man. :113:

Yes first thing trump got the real power behind him
The military
The law enforcement
The Men
The White men in a landslide ???
OK! Now I understand. I didn't realize you are delusional.

the military? You mean the fighting agency whose funding Trump plundered as he UnConstitutionally usurped the power of the legislature? THAT military?

law enforcement? You mean like all our national agencies like CIA, NSA, FBI etc that he spits on while sucking up to dictators? You mean like spitting on subpoenas, his AND his staff..present and former? You mean like lining his personal pockets with the power of the office YOU gave him?

the Men? What men? You mean those who disregard every lie, overlook all the programs that haven't happened and pretend they are already in infrastructure, grid reinforcement, healthcare, alternate energy...and full funding of military facilities?

The White men? What white men? Only those scared chitless of losing their superiority because of their birth instead of their accomplishments.

Do you know the history of Protestant white men ??

Look it up

They have won all the wars and brought the most prosperous nation and brought the world out of the misery of the Stone Age

Learn history to know the universal laws
Also the stock market gaining is giving trump more power

And the Russell index 2000 is doing better than Dow Jones or the others


Because they are conservative companies which is showing conservative companies are advancing better than liberal companies

All this by trump is him setting up the chess table and letting China have one more move before they get trapped and checkmated

China will take the only choice they have. Is to help and work with trump
its just plain and simple economics
China needs the US more than the US needs China and that is the strongest bargaining chip you can have
All Trump needed to do was be strong hold his ground ignore the liberal media and the socialist economist that were predicting American demise
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Did you read the article?

Basically China is holding American exports hostage toward a tariff negotiation

in other words, THEY'll back down on $75 Bil of our exports to them ,If WE back down on $263 Bil of theirs to us

WTF do you think holds the winning hand here?

America does
just google apple and Microsoft being barred from Chinese tech companies from having use of their software would bankrupt those companies
a cell phone or computer without access to google Microsoft or apple is a worthless cell phone or computer

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