Trumps strong military support has got the caving started to become a stampede!!

its just plain and simple economics
China needs the US more than the US needs China and that is the strongest bargaining chip you can have
All Trump needed to do was be stronghold his ground ignore the liberal media and the socialist economist that were predicting American demise


China has no other choice
its just plain and simple economics
China needs the US more than the US needs China and that is the strongest bargaining chip you can have
All Trump needed to do was be stronghold his ground ignore the liberal media and the socialist economist that were predicting American demise


China has no other choice
China is already buying soy elsewhere, I think. South America?
Do you know the history of Protestant white men ?
They have won all the wars and brought the most prosperous nation and brought the world out of the misery of the Stone Age
Excuse me? Are you citing wars after the Protestant revolution? The world didn't come out of the stone age until Martin Luther tacked those 95 thesis on that church door in the stone age campsite called Wurttenberg (sp?)? And were there no white Catholics killing gobs of humans in an effort to civilize in the name of Jesus? As for prosperity...hate to get corny on you but the Good Book says (paraphrased) "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world ...and loses his soul"?
Do you know the history of Protestant white men ?
They have won all the wars and brought the most prosperous nation and brought the world out of the misery of the Stone Age
Excuse me? Are you citing wars after the Protestant revolution? The world didn't come out of the stone age until Martin Luther tacked those 95 thesis on that church door in the stone age campsite called Wurttenberg (sp?)? And were there no white Catholics killing gobs of humans in an effort to civilize in the name of Jesus? As for prosperity...hate to get corny on you but the Good Book says (paraphrased) "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world ...and loses his soul"?
In all these wars, we also have to remember those in charge. Some may have been just, the rest not so. Anyway, the invention of the fiat currency made wars such a nice thing for those so inclined. I believe Jesus made statements about/and to men who were in that direction in his time and supposedly men of God also. Money changing and usury has caused so much misery. People can make money for doing nothing and they do. And so you need your slaves and death and carnage to balance it out.
its just plain and simple economics
China needs the US more than the US needs China and that is the strongest bargaining chip you can have
All Trump needed to do was be stronghold his ground ignore the liberal media and the socialist economist that were predicting American demise


China has no other choice
China is already buying soy elsewhere, I think. South America?
soy isn't Chinas problem it will be with their tech industry like Huawia 3rd largest cell phone company in the world
if Trump enacts the proposed sanctions China will have no access to important software like Google Microsoft or Apple and a cell phone without google or apple software are worthless and compters without Microsoft or apple are worthless

those sanctions would eventually but Chinias tech industry out of business

I know all this because I own a Huawei phone and on the Huawei American forums ive been warned i will be receiving no further updates or support from google on my phone so it convinced me time to get a new phone and it won't be a Huawei probably going with a Samsung
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China may throw the crooked democrats they were using to the curb ...the democrats were using China and letting China buy off America
Joe China Biden
Obama Bin China
Hillary China Clinton
Bill China Clinton
Chuck China Schummer
Nancy China Pelosi
Maxine China Waters
Chuck China Newsome
Adam China Schiff

All of these prominent Democrats take donations from garment distributors, and all sorts of businesses here that have direct ties to CHINA. This is why they have been opposing new fair trade deals with China and Mexico.
China runs the largest Counterfit Goods Operations in The World Bar None.
They steal intellectual property, blue prints, patents, anything they can, and if they cannot steal the actual designs, they counterfeit them.

Just at LAX alone they confiscate Millions upon Millions in Counterfeit Goods.
At best we have military parity with China.

And you talk about nut's.. The chinks only supperiority is the numbers of soft targets in their army. They only have one air craft carrier, a paucity of nukes and/or a way to deliver them,,,, ahhh funkit, your to ignorant to even discuss it with. A bozo clown in every way, sheeeese.

Yeah. Should the Navy Really Fear China's So-Called Aircraft Carrier-Killer Missiles?

Carriers are awesome. And really big targets. The Chinese aren’t competing head to head. Instead like the Russians going for the vulnerability of the targets. Our Carriers. Experts in Washington are saying that our Carrier Air Wings must have a range of 1,200 miles. That is to stay outside the range of those Chinese Missiles you are ignorant of.

The F/A 18 has a Ferry range, that is carrying nothing but fuel, of 1,800 miles. So the planes, even with tanking, could make an attack light, that is to say with few weapons to drop. Against an enemy that outnumbers them. Add in anti aircraft missiles and guns and you aren’t getting all your pilots back. So you dedicate half your planes to carrying fuel for the other half. Then those fuel planes have to land and refuel so they can refuel your planes for the return trip. So out of the 100 planes on a carrier, you can send maybe 40 to attack the enemy without risking the carrier.

But wait, the F-35 you say? The Air Force Version has about the same numbers as the F-18. That is the most efficient version. The Marine and Navy versions do not reach as far.

Interceptor missiles and the awesome CIWS you shout? Sure. But I said that China had followed the same path as the Russians. That means more incoming missiles than you have interceptors. They plan on swamping your defenses. The CIWS only has a few seconds. It can not hit many in that time.

Guess how many planes can hit the target if the Mighty Carrier is at the bottom of the sea.

Launch all your cruise missiles. And China has five times as many targets that aren’t hit. You get the electronic components for your Smart Bombs And Missiles from China. Do you think they are going to sell them if we are at War? A month, maybe two, and you are back to dumb bombs and V-1 missiles mate. Then the war becomes one of attrition. Now what are you going to do? You can’t invade China. If you go Nuclear then the retaliatory strikes hurt you as much as them, probably more. The US Government falls. Now what?
At best we have military parity with China.

And you talk about nut's.. The chinks only supperiority is the numbers of soft targets in their army. They only have one air craft carrier, a paucity of nukes and/or a way to deliver them,,,, ahhh funkit, your to ignorant to even discuss it with. A bozo clown in every way, sheeeese.

Yeah. Should the Navy Really Fear China's So-Called Aircraft Carrier-Killer Missiles?

Carriers are awesome. And really big targets. The Chinese aren’t competing head to head. Instead like the Russians going for the vulnerability of the targets. Our Carriers. Experts in Washington are saying that our Carrier Air Wings must have a range of 1,200 miles. That is to stay outside the range of those Chinese Missiles you are ignorant of.

The F/A 18 has a Ferry range, that is carrying nothing but fuel, of 1,800 miles. So the planes, even with tanking, could make an attack light, that is to say with few weapons to drop. Against an enemy that outnumbers them. Add in anti aircraft missiles and guns and you aren’t getting all your pilots back. So you dedicate half your planes to carrying fuel for the other half. Then those fuel planes have to land and refuel so they can refuel your planes for the return trip. So out of the 100 planes on a carrier, you can send maybe 40 to attack the enemy without risking the carrier.

But wait, the F-35 you say? The Air Force Version has about the same numbers as the F-18. That is the most efficient version. The Marine and Navy versions do not reach as far.

Interceptor missiles and the awesome CIWS you shout? Sure. But I said that China had followed the same path as the Russians. That means more incoming missiles than you have interceptors. They plan on swamping your defenses. The CIWS only has a few seconds. It can not hit many in that time.

Guess how many planes can hit the target if the Mighty Carrier is at the bottom of the sea.

Launch all your cruise missiles. And China has five times as many targets that aren’t hit. You get the electronic components for your Smart Bombs And Missiles from China. Do you think they are going to sell them if we are at War? A month, maybe two, and you are back to dumb bombs and V-1 missiles mate. Then the war becomes one of attrition. Now what are you going to do? You can’t invade China. If you go Nuclear then the retaliatory strikes hurt you as much as them, probably more. The US Government falls. Now what?

America would ramp up

India and japan and Taiwan

And together they would be enough to keep China controlled

Outrageous thinking that China can compete with America even in the pacific
Do you know the history of Protestant white men ?
They have won all the wars and brought the most prosperous nation and brought the world out of the misery of the Stone Age
Excuse me? Are you citing wars after the Protestant revolution? The world didn't come out of the stone age until Martin Luther tacked those 95 thesis on that church door in the stone age campsite called Wurttenberg (sp?)? And were there no white Catholics killing gobs of humans in an effort to civilize in the name of Jesus? As for prosperity...hate to get corny on you but the Good Book says (paraphrased) "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world ...and loses his soul"?

The Protestants separated from the Catholics with Martin Luther and have won all
The wars even the Protestants against the Catholics

The Italy Catholics joined hitler and lost again

The Protestant white male has shown as having the most power of all

And trump has them supporting him in a landslide and that will bring down this crooked govt
China announces first tariff exemptions on US goods - FreightWaves

China now sees the power trump has with his very strong military vote in N.C. elections and have caved on tariffs

Two of the liberal supremes has caved

Now trump has the power he needs to stop the crooked deep state and now a caving stampede will come to try to save their crooked hide

Liberals are toast !!
Unless China is certain Trump will lose the election it will offer to cave to his demands before the election because they know his demands will be much higher after the election and China cannot afford an extended trade war with the US.
China announces first tariff exemptions on US goods - FreightWaves

China now sees the power trump has with his very strong military vote in N.C. elections and have caved on tariffs

Two of the liberal supremes has caved

Now trump has the power he needs to stop the crooked deep state and now a caving stampede will come to try to save their crooked hide

Liberals are toast !!
Haven't your Kremlin paymasters blocked your Internet access yet, Vanya?

Is there even a coherent thought in that mess-of-an-OP you just dumped on our sidewalk?

Never mind the atrocious English-as-a-third-language grammar...

You need to ask for a refund for your Moskva Junior College night-school class in English...

You're either a Roooooskie or you're a domestic hyper-Leftist clumsily trying to make the Right look even worse than they already do...

In either case, it's not working...


A tentative and temporary easing of tariffs between the two countries is no reason to have a TrumpBot Orgasm online... :21:
Trump can ramp up
Hong Kong
South Korea

China and North Korea boxed in

When the caving starts it will become a stampede

And that caving has started
The biggest source for who is being bought off

Is from Ross Perot

He told the nation that both the democrats and rino republicans were both pushing this unfair trade called nafta and gatt

Trump will go after both crooked groups who has increased our enemies power with their i greed. China is now stronger because of that unfair trade
The United States would delay a planned increase in its 25 percent tariff on $250 billion of Chinese goods from Oct. 1 to Oct. 15, a move that was made “at the request of the Vice Premier of China, Liu He, and due to the fact that the People’s Republic of China will be celebrating their 70th Anniversary on October 1st,” the president said in a tweet.
Trump Delays Planned Tariff Increase in ‘Gesture of Good Will’ to China

China's economy is on the verge of going Venezuela. Of course, after democrats got schlonged in NC, they returned to the table NOW, before having to try to deal with Trump's Second term
Trump will go after both crooked groups who has increased our enemies power with their i greed. China is now stronger because of that unfair trade
It is so difficult for me to understand you. China is stronger because of NAFTA and GATT? And when do you figure Trump will go after 'both crooked groups' when he hasn't so far?
Trump will go after both crooked groups who has increased our enemies power with their i greed. China is now stronger because of that unfair trade
It is so difficult for me to understand you. China is stronger because of NAFTA and GATT? And when do you figure Trump will go after 'both crooked groups' when he hasn't so far?

Are you blind??

Trump has already gone after them calling them the enemy of America

And exposing out right crookedness
At best we have military parity with China.

And you talk about nut's.. The chinks only supperiority is the numbers of soft targets in their army. They only have one air craft carrier, a paucity of nukes and/or a way to deliver them,,,, ahhh funkit, your to ignorant to even discuss it with. A bozo clown in every way, sheeeese.

Yeah. Should the Navy Really Fear China's So-Called Aircraft Carrier-Killer Missiles?

Carriers are awesome. And really big targets. The Chinese aren’t competing head to head. Instead like the Russians going for the vulnerability of the targets. Our Carriers. Experts in Washington are saying that our Carrier Air Wings must have a range of 1,200 miles. That is to stay outside the range of those Chinese Missiles you are ignorant of.

The F/A 18 has a Ferry range, that is carrying nothing but fuel, of 1,800 miles. So the planes, even with tanking, could make an attack light, that is to say with few weapons to drop. Against an enemy that outnumbers them. Add in anti aircraft missiles and guns and you aren’t getting all your pilots back. So you dedicate half your planes to carrying fuel for the other half. Then those fuel planes have to land and refuel so they can refuel your planes for the return trip. So out of the 100 planes on a carrier, you can send maybe 40 to attack the enemy without risking the carrier.

But wait, the F-35 you say? The Air Force Version has about the same numbers as the F-18. That is the most efficient version. The Marine and Navy versions do not reach as far.

Interceptor missiles and the awesome CIWS you shout? Sure. But I said that China had followed the same path as the Russians. That means more incoming missiles than you have interceptors. They plan on swamping your defenses. The CIWS only has a few seconds. It can not hit many in that time.

Guess how many planes can hit the target if the Mighty Carrier is at the bottom of the sea.

Launch all your cruise missiles. And China has five times as many targets that aren’t hit. You get the electronic components for your Smart Bombs And Missiles from China. Do you think they are going to sell them if we are at War? A month, maybe two, and you are back to dumb bombs and V-1 missiles mate. Then the war becomes one of attrition. Now what are you going to do? You can’t invade China. If you go Nuclear then the retaliatory strikes hurt you as much as them, probably more. The US Government falls. Now what?

America would ramp up

India and japan and Taiwan

And together they would be enough to keep China controlled

Outrageous thinking that China can compete with America even in the pacific

‘Merica would Ramp Up. How long do you think that would take? Japan? Japan is right next door. They are not going to get involved in China. They were essentially Neutral in Vietnam and again, were right next door. Although some of the troops in Vietnam when War II ended joined the Viet Minh which was the Communist Forces. Not to mention Yokohama is within range of those Chinese Missiles we talked about before.

Taiwan? Seriously? Taiwan would attack only because it would be doomsday and they were ceasing their existence in a few hours. Kind of hard for their factories to crank out components when they are rubble in a field.

India? Do you honestly think they can retool and produce the components that China makes now in any sort of timely manner?

It is interesting. At the beginning of this thread we saw the attitude that the US can walk all over China without any real problems. Now we are up to half the Countries in the Hemisphere getting on board, no matter how unlikely it may be.

Japan wary of being Nuked again will probably invite the Navy to go back to Pearl Harbor.

Who else do you have as a part of your coalition of those willing to commit economic suicide to make ‘Merica look tough.
At best we have military parity with China.

And you talk about nut's.. The chinks only supperiority is the numbers of soft targets in their army. They only have one air craft carrier, a paucity of nukes and/or a way to deliver them,,,, ahhh funkit, your to ignorant to even discuss it with. A bozo clown in every way, sheeeese.

Yeah. Should the Navy Really Fear China's So-Called Aircraft Carrier-Killer Missiles?

Carriers are awesome. And really big targets. The Chinese aren’t competing head to head. Instead like the Russians going for the vulnerability of the targets. Our Carriers. Experts in Washington are saying that our Carrier Air Wings must have a range of 1,200 miles. That is to stay outside the range of those Chinese Missiles you are ignorant of.

The F/A 18 has a Ferry range, that is carrying nothing but fuel, of 1,800 miles. So the planes, even with tanking, could make an attack light, that is to say with few weapons to drop. Against an enemy that outnumbers them. Add in anti aircraft missiles and guns and you aren’t getting all your pilots back. So you dedicate half your planes to carrying fuel for the other half. Then those fuel planes have to land and refuel so they can refuel your planes for the return trip. So out of the 100 planes on a carrier, you can send maybe 40 to attack the enemy without risking the carrier.

But wait, the F-35 you say? The Air Force Version has about the same numbers as the F-18. That is the most efficient version. The Marine and Navy versions do not reach as far.

Interceptor missiles and the awesome CIWS you shout? Sure. But I said that China had followed the same path as the Russians. That means more incoming missiles than you have interceptors. They plan on swamping your defenses. The CIWS only has a few seconds. It can not hit many in that time.

Guess how many planes can hit the target if the Mighty Carrier is at the bottom of the sea.

Launch all your cruise missiles. And China has five times as many targets that aren’t hit. You get the electronic components for your Smart Bombs And Missiles from China. Do you think they are going to sell them if we are at War? A month, maybe two, and you are back to dumb bombs and V-1 missiles mate. Then the war becomes one of attrition. Now what are you going to do? You can’t invade China. If you go Nuclear then the retaliatory strikes hurt you as much as them, probably more. The US Government falls. Now what?

America would ramp up

India and japan and Taiwan

And together they would be enough to keep China controlled

Outrageous thinking that China can compete with America even in the pacific

‘Merica would Ramp Up. How long do you think that would take? Japan? Japan is right next door. They are not going to get involved in China. They were essentially Neutral in Vietnam and again, were right next door. Although some of the troops in Vietnam when War II ended joined the Viet Minh which was the Communist Forces. Not to mention Yokohama is within range of those Chinese Missiles we talked about before.

Taiwan? Seriously? Taiwan would attack only because it would be doomsday and they were ceasing their existence in a few hours. Kind of hard for their factories to crank out components when they are rubble in a field.

India? Do you honestly think they can retool and produce the components that China makes now in any sort of timely manner?

It is interesting. At the beginning of this thread we saw the attitude that the US can walk all over China without any real problems. Now we are up to half the Countries in the Hemisphere getting on board, no matter how unlikely it may be.

Japan wary of being Nuked again will probably invite the Navy to go back to Pearl Harbor.

Who else do you have as a part of your coalition of those willing to commit economic suicide to make ‘Merica look tough.

Wrong dead wrong

India and China are already fighting over border issues

Hong Kong is already draining chinas energy

Lear facts and learn history

China has no choice but to work with trump

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