Trump’s suspension of payroll tax: righting a socialist evil imposed by democrat leaders


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

See: The Trump administration wants to give workers a payroll tax cut. Experts question whether it could work

JUN 5 2020

How a payroll tax cut would work

“Payroll taxes are withheld from workers’ wages and are used to fund government programs, such as Social Security and Medicare.

For Social Security, employee wages are subject to a 6.2% tax up to $137,700 in 2020. Workers also pay a Medicare tax of 1.45%.

Employers match what workers contribute by also putting in 6.2% toward Social Security and 1.45% for Medicare.”

One of the most notoriously evil and unjust taxes imposed by the Democrat Party Leadership is, a direct, un-apportioned, tax on the property [earned wages], which a poor working person has earned and acquired by the sweat of their labor.

With all the blathering our socialist/communist democrat party Leadership, including squinty eyes, Joe Biden, preaches about helping the “poor working person”, it is absolutely stunning the Democrat Leadership would cook up a tax to confiscate a portion of the wages earned by a poor working person, especially one working two, and sometimes three jobs, to extricate themselves from poverty, and trying to achieve economic freedom and independence.

But the very aim of such a tax is to keep a portion of our nation’s working poor in poverty and dependent on government, and loyal to the Democrat Party Leadership which promises to give back, in the form of “programs”, earned wages which they stole from the very soles they pretend to care for.

President Trump’s suspension of the payroll tax would once again, and as it was prior to 1943, free laboring class citizens (your store clerk, auto mechanic, waitress, truck driver, butcher, baker, etc.,) from a federal tax on the property they earn by the sweat of their labor.

President Trump’s desire to suspend the payroll tax would leave money in the hands of employers and employees, which in turn allows the former to invest the money for increased growth, and the latter to achieve economic freedom while stimulating the economy when spending the money they have rightfully earned.

Keep in mind, prior to 1943, working people had no federal tax imposed on their earned wages. Unfortunately, the Democrat Party Leadership used the 2nd World War to change that and get their hooks into the pockets of working class people. They enacted the “Temporary Victory Tax” of 1943, as a means to help finance the war effort, but never ended this type of tax. They simply dropped the name “Victory Tax” and included this tax under “The Individual Income Tax Act of 1944”, Pub. L. No. 315, Ch. 210, 58 Stat. 231 (May 29, 1944), raising individual income tax rates and repealed the 3% Victory Tax.

The bottom line is, President Trump wants to do the right thing for both businesses and wage earners. The problem is, our communist/socialist democrat party leadership wants to keep their wretched fingers around the necks of poor working people, and hinder them from achieving economic independence and freedom. Their strategy follows an age old maxim:


One final note. Suspending the payroll tax does not mean a loss of federal revenue. The revenue lost could be made up under a just type of tax___ a one or two percent luxury tax imposed on specifically selected articles of luxury, which is a voluntarily paid type of tax and allows, as Hamilton points out:

”The amount to be contributed by each citizen will in a degree be at his own option, and can be regulated by an attention to his resources. The rich may be extravagant, the poor can be frugal; and private oppression may always be avoided by a judicious selection of objects proper for such impositions. “ ___ Federalist No. 21


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims to be an advocate of hard working people living in the Bronx. If that is so, why is she not advocating an end to the unconstitutional “Temporary Victory Tax” of 1943, which began today’s un-apportioned federal direct tax on the property which working people have earned by the sweat of their labor?
But but but this would surely take away Pelosis government would she and her family do without that?....
But but but this would surely take away Pelosis government would she and her family do without that?....

Good question. And how would she afford her monthly facial Botox injections?


Joe Biden wants elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender their healthcare to millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders.
There is no Democrat Party....
Yup! It's the socialist/communist Democrat Party.


When it comes to healthcare, our socialist candidate, Joe Biden, has no moral compass whatsoever. He refuses to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the healthcare needs of illegal entrants.
There is no Democrat Party....


Real name: The Democratic Party - The Party of slavery, the Civil War, assassinating Lincoln, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings.

Funny, that same definition, today, covers the Party of the Rump with the exception of Lincoln. But if another Lincoln were to come along, I suggest he avoid open theaters or some rtwingnutjob would surely take care of that omission. Notice, I didn't say the Republican Party. But the Republican Party has lost it's way in the last 40 or 50 years to degrade into what was once the old Democratic Party before the transition.
There is no Democrat Party....


Real name: The Democratic Party - The Party of slavery, the Civil War, assassinating Lincoln, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings.

Funny, that same definition, today, covers the Party of the Rump with the exception of Lincoln. But if another Lincoln were to come along, I suggest he avoid open theaters or some rtwingnutjob would surely take care of that omission. Notice, I didn't say the Republican Party. But the Republican Party has lost it's way in the last 40 or 50 years to degrade into what was once the old Democratic Party before the transition.

No, there is no Republican Party of slavery, the Civil War, the assassination of Lincoln, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings.

No matter how you try to slice that it still comes out as baloney.
There is no Democrat Party....


Real name: The Democratic Party - The Party of slavery, the Civil War, assassinating Lincoln, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings.

Funny, that same definition, today, covers the Party of the Rump with the exception of Lincoln. But if another Lincoln were to come along, I suggest he avoid open theaters or some rtwingnutjob would surely take care of that omission. Notice, I didn't say the Republican Party. But the Republican Party has lost it's way in the last 40 or 50 years to degrade into what was once the old Democratic Party before the transition.

No, there is no Republican Party of slavery, the Civil War, the assassination of Lincoln, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings.

No matter how you try to slice that it still comes out as baloney.

Yet the Rightwing supports many of the Jim Crow things. And the KKK fully supports the right wing. And equal rights stopped being part of the Republican Planks decades ago. And you rtwingnutjobs talk about your Revolution coming if you don't get your own way. Revolution is another way of saying "Civil War" except there is nothing Civil about any war. If you want to call yourself a Republican, take up the Mantle before it was destroyed. I Like Ike.
Funny, that same definition, today, covers the Party of the Rump with the exception of Lincoln. But if another Lincoln were to come along, I suggest he avoid open theaters or some rtwingnutjob would surely take care of that omission. Notice, I didn't say the Republican Party. But the Republican Party has lost it's way in the last 40 or 50 years to degrade into what was once the old Democratic Party before the transition.

And what does all that have to do with suspending the notoriously evil tax [the Victory Tax of 1943] imposed by the communist/socialist inspired Democrat Leadership, which robs the property ordinary working people [your store clerk, auto mechanic, waitress, truck driver, butcher, baker, etc.] have earned by the sweat of their labor?


If, by calling a tax indirect when it is essentially direct, the rule of protection [apportionment] could be frittered away, one of the great landmarks defining the boundary between the nation and the states of which it is composed, would have disappeared, and with it one of the bulwarks of private rights and private property. POLLOCK v. FARMERS' LOAN & TRUST CO., 157 U.S. 429 (1895) JUSTICE FULLER
Funny, that same definition, today, covers the Party of the Rump with the exception of Lincoln. But if another Lincoln were to come along, I suggest he avoid open theaters or some rtwingnutjob would surely take care of that omission. Notice, I didn't say the Republican Party. But the Republican Party has lost it's way in the last 40 or 50 years to degrade into what was once the old Democratic Party before the transition.

And what does all that have to do with suspending the notoriously evil tax [the Victory Tax of 1943] imposed by the communist/socialist inspired Democrat Leadership, which robs the property ordinary working people [your store clerk, auto mechanic, waitress, truck driver, butcher, baker, etc.] have earned by the sweat of their labor?


If, by calling a tax indirect when it is essentially direct, the rule of protection [apportionment] could be frittered away, one of the great landmarks defining the boundary between the nation and the states of which it is composed, would have disappeared, and with it one of the bulwarks of private rights and private property. POLLOCK v. FARMERS' LOAN & TRUST CO., 157 U.S. 429 (1895) JUSTICE FULLER

It ended the carnage of the Mobsters which was murdering even more citizens than Mobsters. Without being that intrusive, it got full auto weapons off the street like the Thompson 1921 and the Browning BMG. And it left a method to allow citizens to own them. Time to act like an Adult. You want either the Thompson or the Browning, plunk down the 200 bucks, file the paperwork (sorry convicted felons may not apply) and it's yours. Of course, you are going to have to find someone willing to sell it to you and the sticker price is going to be a shocker. It was 200 bucks back then and it's still 200 bucks. If you can pass a normal background check to purchase a handgun, you can probably pass the background check for the Automatic Weapons. The safety of the Public far outweighs your personal wants and wishes.

I do question the same 1934 Law as well but for different reasons other than, "You can't tell me what to do".
It ended the carnage of the Mobsters which was murdering even more citizens than Mobsters. Without being that intrusive, it got full auto weapons off the street like the Thompson 1921 and the Browning BMG. And it left a method to allow citizens to own them. Time to act like an Adult. You want either the Thompson or the Browning, plunk down the 200 bucks, file the paperwork (sorry convicted felons may not apply) and it's yours. Of course, you are going to have to find someone willing to sell it to you and the sticker price is going to be a shocker. It was 200 bucks back then and it's still 200 bucks. If you can pass a normal background check to purchase a handgun, you can probably pass the background check for the Automatic Weapons. The safety of the Public far outweighs your personal wants and wishes.

Again I ask, what does the above have to do with suspending the notoriously evil tax [the Victory Tax of 1943] imposed by the communist/socialist inspired Democrat Leadership, which robs the property ordinary working people [your store clerk, auto mechanic, waitress, truck driver, butcher, baker, etc.] have earned by the sweat of their labor?

It ended the carnage of the Mobsters which was murdering even more citizens than Mobsters. Without being that intrusive, it got full auto weapons off the street like the Thompson 1921 and the Browning BMG. And it left a method to allow citizens to own them. Time to act like an Adult. You want either the Thompson or the Browning, plunk down the 200 bucks, file the paperwork (sorry convicted felons may not apply) and it's yours. Of course, you are going to have to find someone willing to sell it to you and the sticker price is going to be a shocker. It was 200 bucks back then and it's still 200 bucks. If you can pass a normal background check to purchase a handgun, you can probably pass the background check for the Automatic Weapons. The safety of the Public far outweighs your personal wants and wishes.

Again I ask, what does the above have to do with suspending the notoriously evil tax [the Victory Tax of 1943] imposed by the communist/socialist inspired Democrat Leadership, which robs the property ordinary working people [your store clerk, auto mechanic, waitress, truck driver, butcher, baker, etc.] have earned by the sweat of their labor?


The Victory tax, you are having trouble with? It was part of establishing the modern day Tax Code. Plus, there was a War that had to be paid for. I guess you would rather the US Government just default on everything like it did in the 1790s that brought down the French Government when the newly formed US refused to pay the 1.3 billion worth of debts it owed the French. France had only about a 630 million dollar a year GDP at the time. Wars are not free. Loaves of bread are not free either. You borrowed it, you pay it back.
The Victory tax, you are having trouble with?

You are the one having trouble referencing the "temporary" Victory Tax. It was fraudulently sold as a temporary tax to fund the war, so people would not object to it being unconstitutional.

They even got Walt Disney to propagandize promoting the Victory Tax


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims to be an advocate of hard working people living in the Bronx. If that is so, why is she not advocating an end to the unconstitutional “Temporary Victory Tax” of 1943, which began today’s un-constitutional, un-apportioned federal direct tax on the property which working people have earned by the sweat of their labor?
The Victory tax, you are having trouble with?

You are the one having trouble referencing the "temporary" Victory Tax. It was fraudulently sold as a temporary tax to fund the war, so people would not object to it being unconstitutional.

They even got Walt Disney to propagandize promoting the Victory Tax


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims to be an advocate of hard working people living in the Bronx. If that is so, why is she not advocating an end to the unconstitutional “Temporary Victory Tax” of 1943, which began today’s un-constitutional, un-apportioned federal direct tax on the property which working people have earned by the sweat of their labor?

The reason the US has outlasted EVERY other Country in the world is that we pay our debts. And how do we do that? We use taxes. Yes, the US can wake up one morning and say, "We ain't paying the World Bank another thin dime" but the problems that would occur from that action would very well tear the US up. Is that what you are wanting to do? To get your Revolution started?
The reason the US has outlasted EVERY other Country in the world is that we pay our debts. And how do we do that? We use taxes. Yes, the US can wake up one morning and say, "We ain't paying the World Bank another thin dime" but the problems that would occur from that action would very well tear the US up. Is that what you are wanting to do? To get your Revolution started?

What does you latest post have to do with the un-constitutional "temporary Victory Tax" of 1943, which the socialist/communist democrat party leaders adopted, and which to this very day robs poor working people of the property they earn by the sweat of their labor?


If, by calling a tax indirect when it is essentially direct, the rule of protection [apportionment] could be frittered away, one of the great landmarks defining the boundary between the nation and the states of which it is composed, would have disappeared, and with it one of the bulwarks of private rights and private property. POLLOCK v. FARMERS' LOAN & TRUST CO., 157 U.S. 429 (1895) JUSTICE FULLER
The Victory tax, you are having trouble with?

You are the one having trouble referencing the "temporary" Victory Tax. It was fraudulently sold as a temporary tax to fund the war, so people would not object to it being unconstitutional.

They even got Walt Disney to propagandize promoting the Victory Tax


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims to be an advocate of hard working people living in the Bronx. If that is so, why is she not advocating an end to the unconstitutional “Temporary Victory Tax” of 1943, which began today’s un-constitutional, un-apportioned federal direct tax on the property which working people have earned by the sweat of their labor?

The reason the US has outlasted EVERY other Country in the world is that we pay our debts. And how do we do that? We use taxes. Yes, the US can wake up one morning and say, "We ain't paying the World Bank another thin dime" but the problems that would occur from that action would very well tear the US up. Is that what you are wanting to do? To get your Revolution started?

We don't pay the World Bank anything. How stupid are you?
The reason the US has outlasted EVERY other Country in the world is that we pay our debts. And how do we do that? We use taxes. Yes, the US can wake up one morning and say, "We ain't paying the World Bank another thin dime" but the problems that would occur from that action would very well tear the US up. Is that what you are wanting to do? To get your Revolution started?

What does you latest post have to do with the un-constitutional "temporary Victory Tax" of 1943, which the socialist/communist democrat party leaders adopted, and which to this very day robs poor working people of the property they earn by the sweat of their labor?


If, by calling a tax indirect when it is essentially direct, the rule of protection [apportionment] could be frittered away, one of the great landmarks defining the boundary between the nation and the states of which it is composed, would have disappeared, and with it one of the bulwarks of private rights and private property. POLLOCK v. FARMERS' LOAN & TRUST CO., 157 U.S. 429 (1895) JUSTICE FULLER

WWII proved otherwise. The Tax was passed in 1942, not 1943. It's first use was in 1943. WWII had to be paid for. I would say that World Wars are the classic definition of Unconstitutional but it happened. And many things during Wars have to be done to pay for it. The ruling you are talking about was in 1939 about a Tax of 1895 which was deemed unconstitutional. But the 16th Amendment gave the Federal Government the right to levy taxes in 1913 which essentially made the 1895 law moot.

16th Amendment

Amendment XVI
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Once again, you are using the Constitution of the United States ad Toilet Paper.

See: The Trump administration wants to give workers a payroll tax cut. Experts question whether it could work

JUN 5 2020

How a payroll tax cut would work

“Payroll taxes are withheld from workers’ wages and are used to fund government programs, such as Social Security and Medicare.

For Social Security, employee wages are subject to a 6.2% tax up to $137,700 in 2020. Workers also pay a Medicare tax of 1.45%.

Employers match what workers contribute by also putting in 6.2% toward Social Security and 1.45% for Medicare.”

One of the most notoriously evil and unjust taxes imposed by the Democrat Party Leadership is, a direct, un-apportioned, tax on the property [earned wages], which a poor working person has earned and acquired by the sweat of their labor.

With all the blathering our socialist/communist democrat party Leadership, including squinty eyes, Joe Biden, preaches about helping the “poor working person”, it is absolutely stunning the Democrat Leadership would cook up a tax to confiscate a portion of the wages earned by a poor working person, especially one working two, and sometimes three jobs, to extricate themselves from poverty, and trying to achieve economic freedom and independence.

But the very aim of such a tax is to keep a portion of our nation’s working poor in poverty and dependent on government, and loyal to the Democrat Party Leadership which promises to give back, in the form of “programs”, earned wages which they stole from the very soles they pretend to care for.

President Trump’s suspension of the payroll tax would once again, and as it was prior to 1943, free laboring class citizens (your store clerk, auto mechanic, waitress, truck driver, butcher, baker, etc.,) from a federal tax on the property they earn by the sweat of their labor.

President Trump’s desire to suspend the payroll tax would leave money in the hands of employers and employees, which in turn allows the former to invest the money for increased growth, and the latter to achieve economic freedom while stimulating the economy when spending the money they have rightfully earned.

Keep in mind, prior to 1943, working people had no federal tax imposed on their earned wages. Unfortunately, the Democrat Party Leadership used the 2nd World War to change that and get their hooks into the pockets of working class people. They enacted the “Temporary Victory Tax” of 1943, as a means to help finance the war effort, but never ended this type of tax. They simply dropped the name “Victory Tax” and included this tax under “The Individual Income Tax Act of 1944”, Pub. L. No. 315, Ch. 210, 58 Stat. 231 (May 29, 1944), raising individual income tax rates and repealed the 3% Victory Tax.

The bottom line is, President Trump wants to do the right thing for both businesses and wage earners. The problem is, our communist/socialist democrat party leadership wants to keep their wretched fingers around the necks of poor working people, and hinder them from achieving economic independence and freedom. Their strategy follows an age old maxim:


One final note. Suspending the payroll tax does not mean a loss of federal revenue. The revenue lost could be made up under a just type of tax___ a one or two percent luxury tax imposed on specifically selected articles of luxury, which is a voluntarily paid type of tax and allows, as Hamilton points out:

”The amount to be contributed by each citizen will in a degree be at his own option, and can be regulated by an attention to his resources. The rich may be extravagant, the poor can be frugal; and private oppression may always be avoided by a judicious selection of objects proper for such impositions. “ ___ Federalist No. 21


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims to be an advocate of hard working people living in the Bronx. If that is so, why is she not advocating an end to the unconstitutional “Temporary Victory Tax” of 1943, which began today’s un-apportioned federal direct tax on the property which working people have earned by the sweat of their labor?

A payroll tax cut is too small to work. Most people will barely notice it. Send a check for $1200 and people notice. Also irt only helps people who are working. People who are unemployed need help as well.

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