Trump’s Swearing-In Will Move Inside The Capitol Rotunda Because of Intense Cold Weather.

Donald Trump Says Continental Army 'Took Over The Airports' In The Revolutionary War | NBC News

“Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports; it did everything it had to do” - President Donald J. Trump, 4. July 2019

In the same sentence, Mr Trump also appeared to date a battle at Fort McHenry to the American Revolution, when it unfolded decades later during the War of 1812.

It's a good thing fort McHenry didn't become the 52nd state.
It's also a good security move though. First thing I thought of when I knew he was going to be inaugurated was what a great opportunity it would present for anyone with a long-range rifle and a scope.

Nah, they can put bullet proof glass in front of him.

This is about being embarrassed. He knows the crowd size will be compared to Obamas again, and that's an embarrassment he cant take. And with the tv cameras on all of those convicted felon signs, it will be the front page news of every paper in the world.
Nah, they can put bullet proof glass in front of him.

This is about being embarrassed. He knows the crowd size will be compared to Obamas again, and that's an embarrassment he cant take. And with the tv cameras on all of those convicted felon signs, it will be the front page news of every paper in the world.

Well I don't know about anyone else but I ain't standing outside in 20° weather all day long for nobody.

I don't care if it's the king of then Galaxy.
William Henry Harrison :smoochEE:

Inauguration day was in March when Harrison took the oath. Didn't have as much of a problem with frozen tundra. Maybe they should switch the location to Florida, at least for future inaugurations.
Well I don't know about anyone else but I ain't standing outside in 20° weather all day long for nobody.

I don't care if it's the king of then Galaxy.

They did for Reagan, and Obama.

If maga thinks for a minute the tv cameras won't be showing thousands of shots outside, of the crowd size, and the protestors. They are high on their own supply.

Trump will have to hear about it. Whether he wants to or not.
They did for Reagan, and Obama.

If maga thinks for a minute the tv cameras won't be showing thousands of shots outside, of the crowd size, and the protestors. They are high on their own supply.

Trump will have to hear about it. Whether he wants to or not.

Any attempted insurrections will certainly be dealt with I'm sure.
Doubly so when the wind is blowing out of the WNW at 15mph and it's only supposed to be 21 with snow on the ground.

21°? That warm? I bet it is in the teens by the next day. Biggest cold freeze to hit the East in years comes monday-wednesday with many places not even getting out of the single digits. I bet this puts a real damper on any protests and could even kill any crowd along the mall since the president will be inside.

Shame, I was hoping Trump's crowd attendance would beat Obumma's first, setting it as the most attended inauguration ever!

I also hear that many states will be flying their flags at FULL MAST for the inauguration saying screw it to Carter's passing!

Finally, Trump will be holding an inauguration luncheon and both Obumma, Clinton AND GW Bush are all backing out not attending. Say's all you ever needed to know about the Bushes.
If I have to frame out a house in freezing weather then they should listen to an inauguration the same.;):auiqs.jpg:
They pay you to show up.
More than likely there's a concern about the health and safety of the Trumpster hordes, who are known to camp out for days to attend his appearances.
What made you think the trump campaign or trump administration actually care about trumpers?
More than likely there's a concern about the health and safety of the Trumpster hordes, who are known to camp out for days to attend his appearances.

MAGA's are extremely tough. One rally in Iowa was attended by folks who braved -40 wind chill, if I recall correctly.

It's forecast to be in the teens in DC on Monday.

MAGA's are extremely tough.
We have to be, we put up with democrats. Being tough is what makes you MAGA.

It's forecast to be in the teens in DC on Monday.
That is pretty cold when you are just standing around for hours. Here is a diagram of the building. Too bad it will be resized down by Xenforo much smaller than the original file but here it is.

Actually no former president will be there (except Trump himself) Says all you ever needed to know about Trump.

He shamed them all. Well Biden won't be there, he is flying home after the inauguration. Besides, he takes his lunches by straw or enema. And Obumma and Clinton won't be there, they are both hardcore leftists who lied and cheated trying to stop Trump from being elected. Why would they attend? And Bush won't be there because he is a Bush. A RINO. He even sucks face with Mike Obumma. Says all we need to know that DC is the uniparty of the deep state and they won't be there in support of Smokey who will be putting out their fire. Trump is gonna fire a whole lotta democrats.

Gee, do you think all of the democrats could all just not attend? Maybe they can all go to some meeting on how Big Oil and climate change is really the cause that half of LA burned to the ground.
Says all we need to know that DC is the uniparty of the deep state and they won't be there in support of Smokey who will be putting out their fire. Trump is gonna fire a whole lotta democrats.
In short, Trump is against every administration that came before him.
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