Trumps Syrian military withdraw perplexes morons.

Trump ran on getting out of all these wars...
Actually, trump ran on building a wall and having Mexico pay for it, and replacing Obamacare with something at a fraction of the cost. Neither of which he has accomplished.
In due time with a congress willing to do more than RESIST
He had that the 1st 2 years of his presidency and couldn't get it done.

In time? LOL. Time is something he doesn't have. He is a one term president.
Trump ran on getting out of all these wars...
Actually, trump ran on building a wall and having Mexico pay for it, and replacing Obamacare with something at a fraction of the cost. Neither of which he has accomplished.
In due time with a congress willing to do more than RESIST
He had that the 1st 2 years of his presidency and couldn't get it done.

In time? LOL. Time is something he doesn't have. He is a one term president.
he is? how so?
Trump ran on getting out of all these wars...
Actually, trump ran on building a wall and having Mexico pay for it, and replacing Obamacare with something at a fraction of the cost. Neither of which he has accomplished.
In due time with a congress willing to do more than RESIST
hell, it isn't even about resist it is about undoing a presidential election. that's treasonous.
You're an idiot.
Trump ran on getting out of all these wars...
Actually, trump ran on building a wall and having Mexico pay for it, and replacing Obamacare with something at a fraction of the cost. Neither of which he has accomplished.
In due time with a congress willing to do more than RESIST
hell, it isn't even about resist it is about undoing a presidential election. that's treasonous.
You're an idiot.
not as big of one as you!!
Trumps Syrian military withdraw perplexes morons.

WASHINGTON ― Donald Trump’s abandonment of one of the United States’ strongest allies in the fight against Islamic State terrorists also happens to reward the authoritarian ruler of Turkey, where the U.S. president personally profits from the Trump Towers in Istanbul.

In Turkey Vs. Kurds Dispute, Trump Chooses The Side Where He Has A Condo Complex

What's perplexing about it? Trump is protecting his Twin Towers in Istanbul.
Trump ran on getting out of all these wars and bringing our men home. How is this move shocking to anyone except the dumbest among us?
Let the camel jockeys figure out their own tribal bullshit. If they want to live like they're in the 15th century let them.
We are quite capable of striking with fury and devastation on a moments notice should the need arise WITHOUT babysitting these animals in person.
You think anyone really cares other than military lobbyists?
The United States was supposed to be in Syria for 30 days, that was many years ago. We stayed and got deeper and deeper into battle with no aim in sight. When I arrived in Washington, ISIS was running rampant in the area. We quickly defeated 100% of the ISIS Caliphate,.....

....including capturing thousands of ISIS fighters, mostly from Europe. But Europe did not want them back, they said you keep them USA! I said “NO, we did you a great favor and now you want us to hold them in U.S. prisons at tremendous cost. They are yours for trials.” They.....

....almost 3 years, but it is time for us to get out of these ridiculous Endless Wars, many of them tribal, and bring our soldiers home. WE WILL FIGHT WHERE IT IS TO OUR BENEFIT, AND ONLY FIGHT TO WIN. Turkey, Europe, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Russia and the Kurds will now have to.....

...figure the situation out, and what they want to do with the captured ISIS fighters in their “neighborhood.” They all hate ISIS, have been enemies for years. We are 7000 miles away and will crush ISIS again if they come anywhere near us!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

A VERY good read on this Syria/ISIS...

President Trump Announces Turkish Unilateral Invasion of Northern Syria…

Things are about to get very interesting and very uncomfortable for NATO. President Trump has announced that Turkey is about to launch a unilateral invasion into Northern Syria… There is going to be a scramble amid many geopolitical interests.

First, the announcement:

(White House) – Today, President Donald J. Trump spoke with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey by telephone. Turkey will soon be moving forward with its long-planned operation into Northern Syria.

The United States Armed Forces will not support or be involved in the operation, and United States forces, having defeated the ISIS territorial “Caliphate,” will no longer be in the immediate area.

The United States Government has pressed France, Germany, and other European nations, from which many captured ISIS fighters came, to take them back, but they did not want them and refused.

The United States will not hold them for what could be many years and great cost to the United States taxpayer. Turkey will now be responsible for all ISIS fighters in the area captured over the past two years in the wake of the defeat of the territorial “Caliphate” by the United States.

Next let’s establish the foundation for the scramble:

There was a 2014 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) voted and approved by Senate committee permitting military action in Syria against the backdrop of chemical weapon use and terrorism – it never went anywhere. The Obama administration used the Bush-era AUMF directed at combating terrorism. With ISIS defeated by President Trump that sketchy 2002 interventionist authorization ends.

Also remember in October 2014 then Vice-President Biden accidentally told the truth when he told an audience that Recep Erdogan was specifically responsible for the rise of ISIS in Syria; and that Turkey had actually armed al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, ISIS, and provided assistance.

Turkey is a member of NATO.

Turkey has previously used its NATO membership as a shield to stop threats from Russia. Remember Turkey shooting down a Russian fighter jet?

Turkish President Recep Erdogan is a manipulative bad actor; a hostile dictator; and sympathetic to extremes within political Islam. Erdogan has openly showcased his friendship with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Europe draws exclusive benefits from NATO defenses. Europe would not take back the ISIS fighters captured in Syria that were EU nationals.

The ISIS prisoners we turn over to Turkey will be regarded less as prisoners, and more likely considered heroes by Erdogan’s govt. Remember, Erdogan gave the Muslim Brotherhood’s leadership safe harbor in Turkey after they were kicked out of Qatar.

Unfortunately, it is likely Erdogan will attack the Kurdish forces in Northern Syria.
The Kurds are U.S. allies; and this will be the point of contention for the neocons.
Turkey will invade NE Syria, but -depending on current strength- Turkey runs the risk of a counter-attack by the Syrian Army, and potentially Russia.

With the European nations, NATO allies, refusing to take their ISIS fighters back as prisoners, President Trump has made a deal with Erdogan to take them.

In the announcement President Trump has made it clear that any action by Turkey into Syria is unilateral; there will be no assistance by the U.S. on any aspect; including if Turkey is counter-attacked by Russia/Syria or organized Kurdish forces.

Essentially, Trump is leaving Erdogan naked to a myriad of his enemies if Erdogan does cross the border. The U.S. part of the NATO shield is removed. The Europeans will likely not evoke the NATO defense treaty without the U.S. Heck, the EU is essentially spineless without the power of the U.S. military.

President Trump is calling out the duplicity of the entire situation by calling all of their bluffs. President Trump is calling-out: NATO, weak EU ‘allies’ and Turkey.

In essence, this White House announcement is a major Gordian knot being cut.

It is unlikely President Erdogan expected to have this framework made so public. This rather loud declaration by President Trump seems strategic in that it could make duplicitous Erdogan think twice about the actual military invasion itself.

However, Erdogan is also a rabid ideologue and he wants to recreate the Ottoman empire… so he’ll likely go ahead regardless of cost.

Down the road…. instead of those ISIS prisoners being held in European jails; and considering the sympathetic Turkish handlers; those ISIS fighters will eventually make their way home without anyone knowing. However, the EU has created that issue by refusing to step-up and take ownership.

That same weak European mindset could likely be facing another challenge surrounding what to do about NATO if Turkey loses this gamble. However, again, another issue created by Europe.


…But we’re out!

President Trump Announces Turkish Unilateral Invasion of Northern Syria…
Trump ran on getting out of all these wars and bringing our men home. How is this move shocking to anyone except the dumbest among us?
Let the camel jockeys figure out their own tribal bullshit. If they want to live like they're in the 15th century let them.
We are quite capable of striking with fury and devastation on a moments notice should the need arise WITHOUT babysitting these animals in person.
You think anyone really cares other than military lobbyists?
The LIBERAL msm seems to REALLY care as they have been shedding tears all day on the subject. Going on and on about betraying allies. You know, the Muslim scum who stab us in the back every chance they get.
Trump ran on getting out of all these wars and bringing our men home. How is this move shocking to anyone except the dumbest among us?
Let the camel jockeys figure out their own tribal bullshit. If they want to live like they're in the 15th century let them.
We are quite capable of striking with fury and devastation on a moments notice should the need arise WITHOUT babysitting these animals in person.
You think anyone really cares other than military lobbyists?
The LIBERAL msm seems to REALLY care as they have been shedding tears all day on the subject. Going on and on about betraying allies. You know, the Muslim scum who stab us in the back every chance they get.
Been lots of repubs upset too. I think the libs just see a shot at trump and repubs lobbyists are mad. I don’t think real people care.
Trump ran on getting out of all these wars and bringing our men home. How is this move shocking to anyone except the dumbest among us?
Let the camel jockeys figure out their own tribal bullshit. If they want to live like they're in the 15th century let them.
We are quite capable of striking with fury and devastation on a moments notice should the need arise WITHOUT babysitting these animals in person.
Sure...release 10,000 ISIS prisoners...let ISIS take back Northern Syria..

There's a reason REPUBLICANS are pushing back.

There is a reason Lindsey Graham called Trump a LIAR today
Trump ran on getting out of all these wars and bringing our men home. How is this move shocking to anyone except the dumbest among us?
Let the camel jockeys figure out their own tribal bullshit. If they want to live like they're in the 15th century let them.
We are quite capable of striking with fury and devastation on a moments notice should the need arise WITHOUT babysitting these animals in person.
Sure...release 10,000 ISIS prisoners...let ISIS take back Northern Syria..

There's a reason REPUBLICANS are pushing back.

There is a reason Lindsey Graham called Trump a LIAR today
The Irony in your first paragraph is FUCKING HILARIOUS after you sucked obama cock for 8 years.
Trump ran on getting out of all these wars and bringing our men home. How is this move shocking to anyone except the dumbest among us?
Let the camel jockeys figure out their own tribal bullshit. If they want to live like they're in the 15th century let them.
We are quite capable of striking with fury and devastation on a moments notice should the need arise WITHOUT babysitting these animals in person.
Sure...release 10,000 ISIS prisoners...let ISIS take back Northern Syria..

There's a reason REPUBLICANS are pushing back.

There is a reason Lindsey Graham called Trump a LIAR today
The Irony in your first paragraph is FUCKING HILARIOUS after you sucked obama cock for 8 years.
I know you think you said something worthwhile...but all you did was say

"I hate Obama!"
Trump ran on getting out of all these wars and bringing our men home. How is this move shocking to anyone except the dumbest among us?
Let the camel jockeys figure out their own tribal bullshit. If they want to live like they're in the 15th century let them.
We are quite capable of striking with fury and devastation on a moments notice should the need arise WITHOUT babysitting these animals in person.
Sure...release 10,000 ISIS prisoners...let ISIS take back Northern Syria..

There's a reason REPUBLICANS are pushing back.

There is a reason Lindsey Graham called Trump a LIAR today
The Irony in your first paragraph is FUCKING HILARIOUS after you sucked obama cock for 8 years.
I know you think you said something worthwhile...but all you did was say

"I hate Obama!"
I don't hate him. I despised him. He was a TERRIBLE leader.
Trump ran on getting out of all these wars and bringing our men home. How is this move shocking to anyone except the dumbest among us?
Let the camel jockeys figure out their own tribal bullshit. If they want to live like they're in the 15th century let them.
We are quite capable of striking with fury and devastation on a moments notice should the need arise WITHOUT babysitting these animals in person.
So, this is what you assfucks were saying in 2002 & 2003?
Yanno, i've only one rule when it comes to deploying our troops


Trump ran on getting out of all these wars and bringing our men home. How is this move shocking to anyone except the dumbest among us? Let the camel jockeys figure out their own tribal bullshit. If they want to live like they're in the 15th century let them. We are quite capable of striking with fury and devastation on a moments notice should the need arise WITHOUT babysitting these animals in person.
The dumbest among us, like Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley? You know the sh*t's going to hit the fan, when your own party members think you've lost it! :lmao:
2 leftover clowns from the Bush era....this is a surprise? No not at all. One ran and lost MISERABLY for president and the other is a real bitch who betrayed South Carolina as governor. A position she should have NEVER been allowed to have.

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