Trump's thinks Pennsylvania is changing its name - cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

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all the ellipsis means is that I am skipping over some (usually) unimportant words

nice try,

Improper use of ellipsimes. You just connected thoughts with them.

You skipped over your poorly written last sentence that said your own sentences were worse than 3rd graders.

Improper use of ellipsimes. You just connected thoughts with them.

You skipped over your poorly written last sentence that said your own sentences were worse than 3rd graders.

View attachment 900195

You, on the other hand, do not know how to use a simple thing like an apostrophe!

or refrain from using it, I should say, nor do you know about the use of plural / singular

Other than that, I am gone... do not care

and no, I am not removing the ellipsis

Ignore is sounding great.. "Another one bites the dust

and another one gone and another one gone.. another one bites the dust... "

Because the are losers trying to mooch off the rest of us.
probably but another reason is they want to be "free" to .. well, u name the nefarious activity..

free to molest children
free to murder children
free to mutilate them through surgery

I mean, what is it about the left and their obvious hatred of children... ? so sad.. Children are the most awesome thing God created.. too bad they have to (sigh)

grow up

so called

Cult Fucks are so stupid they didnt know their pals tried to cancel the ABOLISHONIST AND QUAKER, WILLIAM PENN.

Pretty much every single Extreme Biden Cult Fuck is one question away from exposing how fucking stupid they truly are.
Because the are losers trying to mooch off the rest of us.
Says another social security recipient to a person generating wealth. You takers who act like you have some pile of dirt to crow about crack me up.

Anything that doesnt support me and the rest of the top grabbing everything you try to call socialism. You’re a rube for trickle down economic under another name.
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