TRUMP'S "UNDOCUMENTED" workers go ON RECORD with NYT re Trump ORG treatment


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
Gee, at least in FLORIDA he supposedly hires TEMP FOREIGN WORKERS. You know those who come with paperwork. Of course I'm SURE some overstay their visas so how many were brought legally here for work at Mar A Lago (or other properties) and aren't here legally now?

Undocumented immigrant worker at Trump golf club lashes out at president’s ‘abuse’: ‘We are tired of the insults’


06 DEC 2018 AT 13:58 ET

President Donald Trump (Screen cap).

Undocumented immigrants who either work or have worked at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey are now going on the record to talk about their experiences working there in interviews with the New York Times.

One of the undocumented immigrants, a woman named Victorina Morales who hails from Guatemala, tells the Times that in the past she has been responsible for making President Donald Trump’s bed and cleaning his toilet.

In fact, she was even given an official certificate of appreciation by the Trump White House for her “outstanding” support in taking care of the president during one of his visits to the resort.

The Times also interviews a woman named Sandra Diaz, another undocumented immigrant who worked at Trump’s golf course from 2010 to 2013, and who tells the paper that at least two of her supervisors knew she was not in the country legally.

“There are many people without papers,” Diaz said of employees working at Trump’s golf club.

Morales tells the Times that she was motivated to speak up because she was sick of hearing the president attack undocumented immigrants while on the campaign trail.

“We are tired of the abuse, the insults, the way he talks about us when he knows that we are here helping him make money,” she said. “We sweat it out to attend to his every need and have to put up with his humiliation.”

Read the whole story here.
Yes, and the bottom line is both presented counterfeit papers they were hired. Granted their supervisor figured it out years later and did nothing.

Are they still working there illegally?

Creating false SS numbers and ITIN numbers is easy to do and big business catering to the illegal immigration crowd.
You have to respect President Trump. There aren't many men (or women) in the world that can be the leader of the Free World and still have time to hands-on manage the HR at a South Florida golf resort.

I wonder if he even has time to sleep.
Every mega corporation has had illegals working for them at one time or another...its sadly unavoidable with all of the easy to fake and forge documents...
It's OK. No problem. Trump loves America and American workers. He doesn't have to hire them. His love is more than enough.
Where is the upside? Lefties should love him for hiring undocumented workers if that's what happens. There are dirty tricksters on the left that you wouldn't believe. Since we know that the President doesn't personally authorize the hiring of grounds keepers on his golf course the logical assumption is that dirty tricksters hire the people and then leak it to the media.
The Trump organization is reviewing employees and will terminate any found to be illegal.
Trump lies about everything. He is despised and mocked. Worst President in American history. He belongs in jail.
Every mega corporation has had illegals working for them at one time or another...its sadly unavoidable with all of the easy to fake and forge documents...

and/or easy to ignore....

It's OK. No problem. Trump loves America and American workers. He doesn't have to hire them. His love is more than enough.

another elitist showering us w/affection.....

The Trump organization is reviewing employees and will terminate any found to be illegal.

do tell.....


Sandra Diaz, from Costa Rica, told the Times she worked illegally at the club from 2010 to 2013 and at least two supervisors were aware that she and others did not have working rights.

But despite his "America First" policies, he regularly employs cheap, temporary foreign workers at his hotels and golf clubs.

Mr Trump wants the next government funding package to include at least $7 billion for his proposed wall in exchange for helping hundreds of thousands of young immigrants avoid deportation.

Democrats have refused, saying the two should not be linked, but approved a bipartisan Senate plan for $2.2 billion in border security funding, which would only be used for fencing.

Ergo, Trump along with his 1% constituency ensures cheap foriegn labor, while screaming about walls and caravans

Enter our country illegally and present phony documents in order to get hired and then bitch about the organization later. Yeah, I’ve got lots of sympathy for such criminals. Enjoy your trips back to the shitholes that spawned you. Adios!
Apparently what is misunderstood here is the perps are the same folks advocating a wall.....because they KNOW it will never and a day address or affect the cheap labor market which only legilsaton can remedy....


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