Trump's Unlimited Powers (Part 1): The FCC... "The Root Of The Weed"..

I've seen this programming and...

  • I agree, it appears to be drawing children into sexualized content.

  • I disagree, it doesn't seem to be doing that.

  • It doesn't are going to learn about sex so better sooner than later.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Executive controls the FCC...the uber brainwashing central..didn't Obama know it. Tru-TV and stations like it will no longer be promoting sex to kids like on the show "Adam Ruins Everything"..(the gay guy who is trying to unravel norms)...and women's orgasm ads/ men's penis cream ads on prime time during children-type shows like "Impractical Jokers"...

Trump's advisors will be quick to tell him to seize the reins of the FCC and put a stopper in the bleed-out of moral values on the right via one of the main pulpits in the world: media brainwashing.. Poor GLAAD...and they almost had sex-pitched-to-kids nailed down on prime time! Will have to start from square 1 again on that one.

I guess if Trump wants his image to be tied to "sex with kids"..he'll not do a damn thing about the soft-porn being pitched to kids on ads and programming that belong not aired at least until after midnight. So, if the Impractical Jokers want their series to be switched to 1AM I guess they'd be OK with airing the women's orgasm or men's penis cream during their show? Or, Tru TV can be given a choice to shut down or comply with FCC regulations, completely relaxed by the Obama "gay education czar/fisting & boys in girls' showers in schools" Administration?

BTW, question #3 in the poll above was taken as nearly a direct quote from the "Adam Ruins Everything" show in the episode where he was talking about the fake TV doctor and vitamins; he referenced the old episode "Adam Ruins Sex" or some such. The kids in his shows are around 8-10 years old. So "sooner" would be what? age 4-5? After all, that's the ages the cult are pitching their "transgender children" bullshit to.
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Let's dissect the chain of command here. What We Do 1st is the body responsible for creating FCC regulations. Congress of course:

The Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. An independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress, the commission is the United States' primary authority for communications law, regulation and technological innovation. In its work facing economic opportunities and challenges associated with rapidly evolving advances in global communications, the agency capitalizes on its competencies in:

Now the party(s) direction responsible for enforcement: the executive of course:

The agency is directed by five commissioners who are appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. The president also selects one of the commissioners to serve as chairman. Only three commissioners can be of the same political party at any given time and none can have a financial interest in any commission-related business. All commissioners, including the chairman, have five-year terms, except when filling an unexpired term.

Time to do some hiring and some firing Mr. Trump. Let the FCC's gutting be the first to commence. Since gay is a religion of deviant sex acts, the commission should be balanced out by fundamental Christians 3-2 in a Trump Administration. Anything less would look like Trump is complicit with sexualizing children....since for some reason the dominance currently in the commission seems to enjoy women's orgasm ads during prime time child-type show programming.

I'd say, 3 Christian or devote members of another faith, or mixed faiths & 2 democrats, 1 or both of which are moderates. Examine closely the type of approvals each of the existing members have given...their track record of rubber stamping the smut pitched to kids. Fire and rehire according to the person's moral credibility especially with respect to children. It will make Trump look strong and he doesn't need anyone's approval to do this.
Also, Trump should keep a log of what he has cleaned up at the FCC & run it as a commercial during the 2018 election cycle to show what he has done for children (and ultimately women, their mothers concerned..)
Funny as hell, The FCC was deregulated under Clinton, that's when your media came off the rails, operated ~totally now by 6 major multinational corporations. This is what concentrated corporate power and wealth over apsects of the commons looks like. I'm sure this crowd is committed to overturning what ammounts to a corporate state media machine.
I have seen Adam Ruins Everything and it is an educational show that explains myths and truths...
I have seen Adam Ruins Everything and it is an educational show that explains myths and truths...
Pitched to and often including children in the show as the "sponges absorbing Adam's "truths"...including very overtly sexualized topics...innuendo and the like.
I have seen Adam Ruins Everything and it is an educational show that explains myths and truths...
Pitched to and often including children in the show as the "sponges absorbing Adam's "truths"...including very overtly sexualized topics...innuendo and the like.
You mean like what is a hymen? Oh dear that is wrong, to teach people anatomy, why that may make them informed...
I have seen Adam Ruins Everything and it is an educational show that explains myths and truths...
Pitched to and often including children in the show as the "sponges absorbing Adam's "truths"...including very overtly sexualized topics...innuendo and the like.
You mean like what is a hymen? Oh dear that is wrong, to teach people anatomy, why that may make them informed...
Age-appropriate never occurs to you or your cult, does it? Well it does occur to the people who voted your party out of power recently. Might want to mull that over for a minute. In our country, the majority rules...especially when it comes to setting standards around children...
I have seen Adam Ruins Everything and it is an educational show that explains myths and truths...
Pitched to and often including children in the show as the "sponges absorbing Adam's "truths"...including very overtly sexualized topics...innuendo and the like.
You mean like what is a hymen? Oh dear that is wrong, to teach people anatomy, why that may make them informed...
Age appropriate never occurs to you or your cult, does it? Well it does occur to the people who voted your party out of power recently. Might want to mull that over for a minute. In our country, the majority rules...especially when it comes to setting standards around children...
It was age appropriate.. There was nothing nasty or exposing about it, unless you can't stand the word vagina, which is a proper term....The shows time slot is late night, so the so called kiddies are in bed...When will you grow up? The show's targeted audience is college age humans...Albeit kids to me...
It was age appropriate.. There was nothing nasty or exposing about it, unless you can't stand the word vagina, which is a proper term....The shows time slot is late night, so the so called kiddies are in bed...When will you grow up? The show's targeted audience is college age humans...Albeit kids to me...

The show is pitched specifically to children because it includes children IN THE CAST as absorbing sponges to "Adam's great wisdom". Have you not watched the actual show and seen this?

The words "vagina" or "hymen" have no place in children's entertainment programming whatsoever. They are to be introduced slowly in a controlled setting with heavy and direct parental the health ed classes we have in place already in schools, geared to appropriate ages. Anything less than this direct and tightly-controlled proximate oversight is rife for exploitation as kiddie soft-porn masquerading on the boob tube as "educational".

Here's an episode where Adam introduces gender blending with a child cast. He cleverly uses the venue of video games to introduce the idea of gender-blending: chief tenet of the LGBT cult.

Cue to the screen image show at 2:44. Note the erect penis with testicles icon at the bottom. Familiarize yourselves with 1. Subliminal advertising and 2. The predatory nature of pedophiles "grooming" techniques.

Also cue to :05- on to hear "Adam's" direct insertion (pun intended) of the gender blending concept...pitched to a boy no older than 9 or 10; a crucial time in preadolescent-sexual development..

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It was age appropriate.. There was nothing nasty or exposing about it, unless you can't stand the word vagina, which is a proper term....The shows time slot is late night, so the so called kiddies are in bed...When will you grow up? The show's targeted audience is college age humans...Albeit kids to me...
The words "vagina" or "hymen" have no place in children's entertainment programming whatsoever. They are to be introduced slowly in a controlled setting with heavy and direct parental the health ed classes we have in place already in schools, geared to appropriate ages. Anything less than this direct and tightly-controlled proximate oversight is rife for exploitation as kiddie soft-porn masquerading on the boob tube as "educational".
The show is on at 10 pm.If kids are up that late on a school night watching TV, then the parents are to blame..
Adam Ruins Everything started airing on Tuesday, September 29. ... in this timeslot for the 18-34 demographic, the median age being 29.
The show is on at 10 pm.If kids are up that late on a school night watching TV, then the parents are to blame..
A show with children in the cast as its absorbing targets is a child's show no matter what. A show showing sexualizing to/of children ( see post #10) has no business being aired AT ANY TIME to anyone; lest the concept become normalized in the adult population. The FCC's obligation to protect children extends beyond simple timed programming. For instance, a show pitching itself as an educational show showing "it's OK to brutally murder children" in any format would not be allowed on TV at any time.
The show is on at 10 pm.If kids are up that late on a school night watching TV, then the parents are to blame..
A show with children in the cast as its absorbing targets is a child's show no matter what. A show showing sexualizing to/of children ( see post #10) has no business being aired AT ANY TIME to anyone; lest the concept become normalized in the adult population. The FCC's obligation to protect children extends beyond simple timed programming. For instance, a show pitching itself as an educational show showing "it's OK to brutally murder children" in any format would not be allowed on TV at any time.
How old are the cast members?
Again it is not a children's show it is for young adult and adults. It is not targeted to those under 18...
How old are the cast members?
Again it is not a children's show it is for young adult and adults. It is not targeted to those under 18...
I just told you. One, the boy, who "Adam" at one point in the episode (not shown on the youtube post #10) had the boy put on a dress and say he loved it.. was no older than 10. The girl appears to be around 13.
Age-appropriate never occurs to you or your cult, does it? Well it does occur to the people who voted your party out of power recently. Might want to mull that over for a minute. In our country, the majority rules...especially when it comes to setting standards around children.
The show comes on at 10 pm. If there's content inappropriate for younger children, that's on the parents for not having them in bed.
^^ Wrong. A show pitching itself as an educational program with a child-cast as "absorbing targets" of the "educational content" should never be shown period. Crimes against children cannot be normalized even to adult viewers under an "educational/OK" banner.

How old are the cast members?
Again it is not a children's show it is for young adult and adults. It is not targeted to those under 18...
I just told you. One was no older than 10. The girl appears to be around 13.
And a girl at thirteen should not know what a hymen is?
+ a boy no older than keep leaving that part out. And no, the 13 year old should not receive sexualized education without direct proximal pre-program oversight by her parents in the controlled setting at her school; not on TV.
How old are the cast members?
Again it is not a children's show it is for young adult and adults. It is not targeted to those under 18...
I just told you. One was no older than 10. The girl appears to be around 13.
And a girl at thirteen should not know what a hymen is?
+ a boy no older than keep leaving that part out. And no, the 13 year old should not receive sexualized education without direct oversight by her parents in the controlled setting at her school; not on TV.
There was no sex ed on the description of a hymen...There was no sex what so ever...There was no identifying ideology. They were nothing crude, exploitative or crass..It was like an anatomy class for dummies..With no pictures of a vagina or a hymen...

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