Truss blames "deep state" for sinking her government

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

She has been speaking at CPAC a conference of far right loons in America,

She claims power lies with various organissations who make it impossible to govern. The govt appoints the people who sit on these orgs. The orgs she lists are

She went on to list the Environment Agency, Office for Budget Responsibility, Bank of England and Judicial Appointments Commission.

How any of these orgs had anything to do with her total failure is a mystery. She failed because her nutty policies scared the financial markets. The very same free markets she supposedly loves.

Her sums didnt add up and she paid the price. Not as much as ordinary folk who are still paying the price of her brand of libertarian crap.

It was a lesson for the country in conservative politics. People over here are laughing at her but I suppose she can make a living in the US by telling fellow loons what they want to hear/

America can have her. she is fucking useless.

She has been speaking at CPAC a conference of far right loons in America,

She claims power lies with various organissations who make it impossible to govern. The govt appoints the people who sit on these orgs. The orgs she lists are

She went on to list the Environment Agency, Office for Budget Responsibility, Bank of England and Judicial Appointments Commission.

How any of these orgs had anything to do with her total failure is a mystery. She failed because her nutty policies scared the financial markets. The very same free markets she supposedly loves.

Her sums didnt add up and she paid the price. Not as much as ordinary folk who are still paying the price of her brand of libertarian crap.

It was a lesson for the country in conservative politics. People over here are laughing at her but I suppose she can make a living in the US by telling fellow loons what they want to hear/

America can have her. she is fucking useless.
Conservatives are liars and dishonest whether it's the US or UK.

She has been speaking at CPAC a conference of far right loons in America,

She claims power lies with various organissations who make it impossible to govern. The govt appoints the people who sit on these orgs. The orgs she lists are

She went on to list the Environment Agency, Office for Budget Responsibility, Bank of England and Judicial Appointments Commission.

How any of these orgs had anything to do with her total failure is a mystery. She failed because her nutty policies scared the financial markets. The very same free markets she supposedly loves.

Her sums didnt add up and she paid the price. Not as much as ordinary folk who are still paying the price of her brand of libertarian crap.

It was a lesson for the country in conservative politics. People over here are laughing at her but I suppose she can make a living in the US by telling fellow loons what they want to hear/

America can have her. she is fucking useless.
The woman is totally bonkers.
She will pick up a six figure sum for peddling this crap.
And look who she is sitting next to. Britains leading racist shit farage. A man who has never won an election. A total shit.
For a guy who has never won an election that clown is never off TV and even has his own show on that Murdoch filth.
The woman is totally bonkers.
Moon Bats define the word "Bonkers".

Imagine being a Leftest idiot and being so damn bonkers that you think higher taxation, less energy, more Illegals, more welfare, more debt and more government regulations will make a country more prosperous? You can't invent that level of stupidity.

She has been speaking at CPAC a conference of far right loons in America,

She claims power lies with various organissations who make it impossible to govern. The govt appoints the people who sit on these orgs. The orgs she lists are

She went on to list the Environment Agency, Office for Budget Responsibility, Bank of England and Judicial Appointments Commission.

How any of these orgs had anything to do with her total failure is a mystery. She failed because her nutty policies scared the financial markets. The very same free markets she supposedly loves.

Her sums didnt add up and she paid the price. Not as much as ordinary folk who are still paying the price of her brand of libertarian crap.

It was a lesson for the country in conservative politics. People over here are laughing at her but I suppose she can make a living in the US by telling fellow loons what they want to hear/

America can have her. she is fucking useless.

No one cares about your racist little island.
Moon Bats define the word "Bonkers".

Imagine being a Leftest idiot and being so damn bonkers that you think higher taxation, less energy, more Illegals, more welfare, more debt and more government regulations will make a country more prosperous? You can't invent that level of stupidity.
No but you can make it up, people have to pay taxes to have a civilized level of services, who wants illegals in Britain? as for welfare whats wrong with a civilized safety net for the poorer in society or those without work through no fault of their own? the actual reality if you look back over the decades the Conservatives have borrowed more money than anyone, but they used it for tax cuts to their rich pals.
No but you can make it up, people have to pay taxes to have a civilized level of services, who wants illegals in Britain? as for welfare whats wrong with a civilized safety net for the poorer in society or those without work through no fault of their own? the actual reality if you look back over the decades the Conservatives have borrowed more money than anyone, but they used it for tax cuts to their rich pals.
If out of control bloated debt ridden government spending creates "civilization" then I invite you to visit one of the Democrat controlled big city shitholes after dark.

I do think that ordinary tories are unaware of the type of people this woman is mixing with,
Its a dirty tory secret. I think its getting worse. Heritage Foundation money buying tories.
And now people are taking notice of her crazy

Meeting with fucking bannon and other shit.
Also that clown Farage, i believe there was a extremist speaker at the meeting who said democracy should be ended, the people at that gathering sound like a cross between the KKK and the British Union of Fascists under Mosley, to think that barmy cow was the Prime minister, she should be sectioned.
Also that clown Farage, i believe there was a extremist speaker at the meeting who said democracy should be ended, the people at that gathering sound like a cross between the KKK and the British Union of Fascists under Mosley, to think that barmy cow was the Prime minister, she should be sectioned.
They should throw her out of the party but they wont. Most of their brexit shit members think the same way.
They shoud kick out Cruella as well. Hate filled slag,
They should throw her out of the party but they wont. Most of their brexit shit members think the same way.
They shoud kick out Cruella as well. Hate filled slag,
It gets worse, she shared a platform with some American extremist who was praising that pound shop Fascist Tommy Robinson and she said nothing, it's clear the Tory party are a bunch of righting nutters.

She has been speaking at CPAC a conference of far right loons in America,

She claims power lies with various organissations who make it impossible to govern. The govt appoints the people who sit on these orgs. The orgs she lists are

She went on to list the Environment Agency, Office for Budget Responsibility, Bank of England and Judicial Appointments Commission.

How any of these orgs had anything to do with her total failure is a mystery. She failed because her nutty policies scared the financial markets. The very same free markets she supposedly loves.

Her sums didnt add up and she paid the price. Not as much as ordinary folk who are still paying the price of her brand of libertarian crap.

It was a lesson for the country in conservative politics. People over here are laughing at her but I suppose she can make a living in the US by telling fellow loons what they want to hear/

America can have her. she is fucking useless.
The thing that sunk Truss is what inflicts you too, she was a useless dick.

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