Trust in media report drops ... Only 26% of Americans hold a favorable view of News Media...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Yep...due to another thread I was looking for 2023 trust in media...

Where did I find it?


That's right... search "trust in media us 2023" and hit 'news'...only Al Jazeera comes up.

But wait..."Al Jazeera" you say..."probably propaganda"...

I'm with ya...but Al Jazeera provides their source...

The survey, released Wednesday by Gallup and the Knight Foundation, goes beyond others that have shown a low level of trust in the media to the startling point where many believe there is an intent to deceive.

Asked whether they agreed with the statement that national news organisations do not intend to mislead, 50 percent said they disagreed. Only 25 percent agreed, the study found.​

Americans’ trust in US news organisations declines: Study

And here is the it for yourselves...


Trust in media report drops ... Only 26% of Americans hold a favorable view of News Media...​

Do you realize that 76.4 % of statistics posted on the internet are made up on the spot?
"Maybe it's not us, it's you". Now you see why a generation of young people refuse to accept responsibility.
Well....sure....but.....they all do it. *wink....wink*

This is the excuse the left always gives us when they've been caught lying to us.
The point being....the left considers lying a tool....and thus nothing they say can be trusted.
But this also makes it next to impossible to trust anything whether it's genuine or not.
It appears the only thing people trust is the source dependent on their politics.
This is Marxism 101
Yep...due to another thread I was looking for 2023 trust in media...

Where did I find it?

View attachment 760446

That's right... search "trust in media us 2023" and hit 'news'...only Al Jazeera comes up.

But wait..."Al Jazeera" you say..."probably propaganda"...

I'm with ya...but Al Jazeera provides their source...

The survey, released Wednesday by Gallup and the Knight Foundation, goes beyond others that have shown a low level of trust in the media to the startling point where many believe there is an intent to deceive.​
Asked whether they agreed with the statement that national news organisations do not intend to mislead, 50 percent said they disagreed. Only 25 percent agreed, the study found.​

Americans’ trust in US news organisations declines: Study

And here is the it for yourselves...

viewership for CNN used to be in the millions ten years ago,now its down to just hundreds. there is a huge awakening that the MSM media is mouthpiece for the government and just a tool for the government.

Trust in media report drops ... Only 26% of Americans hold a favorable view of News Media...​

Do you realize that 76.4 % of statistics posted on the internet are made up on the spot?
It's no secret that trust in the media has been going down for a very long time. The funny part is that the left blame it all on Fox News, etc, when, in reality, trust in ALL media has been dropping for years.
Do you realize that 76.4 % of statistics posted on the internet are made up on the spot?
Do you realized this isn't one of them?

Highlights from the linked Gallup/Knight Foundation study released on Feb 10th 2023

Gallup and Knight have been tracking the decline of trust in the news media since 2017.​
Only 26% of Americans have a favorable opinion of the news media, the lowest level Gallup and Knight have recorded in the past five years, while 53% hold an unfavorable view.​
72% say national news organizations have the resources and opportunity to report the news accurately and fairly to the public, only 35% say most national news organizations can be relied on to deliver the information they need.​
New data show that more independents today report distrusting news than ever previously reported.​
Read it for yourself. ^^^​
Or stick your head in the sand and do your best to wish these facts away.​
Either way ... Good luck.​
Yep...due to another thread I was looking for 2023 trust in media...

Where did I find it?

View attachment 760446

That's right... search "trust in media us 2023" and hit 'news'...only Al Jazeera comes up.

But wait..."Al Jazeera" you say..."probably propaganda"...

I'm with ya...but Al Jazeera provides their source...

The survey, released Wednesday by Gallup and the Knight Foundation, goes beyond others that have shown a low level of trust in the media to the startling point where many believe there is an intent to deceive.​
Asked whether they agreed with the statement that national news organisations do not intend to mislead, 50 percent said they disagreed. Only 25 percent agreed, the study found.​

Americans’ trust in US news organisations declines: Study

And here is the it for yourselves...

So, the news media is still above congress in this area.
Here's the link if you're interested.

I've got tools to put up and then a trip to the market...then I'm going to read it.

First paragraph...

"Efforts to explain the decline in public trust in media tend to focus on the media’s own undeniable flaws, as American journalist Matt Yglesias pointed out this week.."

That article was trash.

Here is a much, much better article...

"Jeff Gerth, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and former reporter for the New York Times, published in the Columbia Journalism Review, a 24,000-word critical analysis of the Times’ coverage of the so-called Russia Hoax (which most readers will recognize without any further explanation). This fantasy occupied a central position in the nation’s news for three years during the Trump administration—including false claims of a president’s collusion with Russia—with never a scintilla of evidence, and was the most irresponsible piece of journalism ever published in this country. Despite these shocking factual revelations there was virtually no coverage of the Gerth analysis in any major non-conservative news outlet, and none of course in the New York Times."
Do you realized this isn't one of them?

Highlights from the linked Gallup/Knight Foundation study released on Feb 10th 2023

Gallup and Knight have been tracking the decline of trust in the news media since 2017.​
Only 26% of Americans have a favorable opinion of the news media, the lowest level Gallup and Knight have recorded in the past five years, while 53% hold an unfavorable view.​
72% say national news organizations have the resources and opportunity to report the news accurately and fairly to the public, only 35% say most national news organizations can be relied on to deliver the information they need.​
New data show that more independents today report distrusting news than ever previously reported.​
Read it for yourself. ^^^​
Or stick your head in the sand and do your best to wish these facts away.​
Either way ... Good luck.​
Shows that the misinformation campaign coming from Conservatives is turning the public against the media. They are doing the same thing with our elections

A free press and open elections are the cornerstones of our Democracy
Conservatives are trying to destroy confidence in their attempt to destroy our Democracy.

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