Truth About Republican Leadership


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2009
Making the US Economy "Scream"

Modern Republicans have a simple approach to politics when they are not in the White House: Make America as ungovernable as possible by using almost any means available, from challenging the legitimacy of opponents to spreading lies and disinformation to sabotaging the economy.

Over the past four decades or so, the Republicans have simply not played by the old give-and-take rules of politics. Indeed, if one were to step back and assess this Republican approach, what you would see is something akin to how the CIA has destabilized target countries, especially those that seek to organize themselves in defiance of capitalist orthodoxy.

When a Democrat somehow does manage to get into the White House, Republicans in Congress (and even in the Courts) are ready to do their part in the destabilization campaign. Rather than grant traditional “honeymoon” periods of cooperation with the president’s early policies, the battle lines are drawn immediately.

Making the US Economy "Scream" | Truthout

One of the most truthful articles I've read in a long time. Lots of information on the Republican leadership in this country. And none of it good.
Making the US Economy "Scream"

Modern Republicans have a simple approach to politics when they are not in the White House: Make America as ungovernable as possible by using almost any means available, from challenging the legitimacy of opponents to spreading lies and disinformation to sabotaging the economy.

Over the past four decades or so, the Republicans have simply not played by the old give-and-take rules of politics. Indeed, if one were to step back and assess this Republican approach, what you would see is something akin to how the CIA has destabilized target countries, especially those that seek to organize themselves in defiance of capitalist orthodoxy.

When a Democrat somehow does manage to get into the White House, Republicans in Congress (and even in the Courts) are ready to do their part in the destabilization campaign. Rather than grant traditional “honeymoon” periods of cooperation with the president’s early policies, the battle lines are drawn immediately.

Making the US Economy "Scream" | Truthout

One of the most truthful articles I've read in a long time. Lots of information on the Republican leadership in this country. And none of it good.

Obama being black made it much worse.

I'm pretty sure the Republican plan isn't to bring down the country, even though it seems that way. I think Republicans view the US as a kind of "golden goose" that just keeps on giving. They squeeze and squeeze without stepping back and figuring how to "put something back".

Notice, there is no plan of revenue or investment. They work with the Chamber of Commerce to send millions of jobs to China and call it, "free market". They even say, "Let the market take care of it". China sends out poison milk that has caused sickness and death and the Republican leadership says, "Let the market sort it out".

Even with examples like Medicare and the VA, Republicans insist "for profit" health care is better. Well, yea, for people who want to build up their bank accounts. But is it good for people standing before "death panels"? Not so much.

Take a good long look at the Republican leadership in the last 6 to 8 months:

Feed the poor and they'll breed.

Money to victims of natural disaster, like Joplin, needs to be "considered".

End Medicare and give vouchers to the elderly who insurance companies won't insure.

The unemployed are hobos.

The unemployed use their benefits for drugs.

Cut VA benefits.

Cut school lunches.

Cut Special Olympics.

Increase tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.

End corporate tax.

Republicans keep saying their leaders don't represent ALL Republicans. Well, who do they represent? After all, they were voted into office by "guess who"?

I vaguely seem to remember, "Jobs jobs jobs". When did that turn into "abortion and gay rights and deregulate Wall Street and deregulate the EPA and banks"?

Drives me crazy when Republicans see corporate employees, like tellers and janitors, giving to Obama the same as Corporations giving to Republicans over Democrats 9 to 1.

Then entire Republican Party has changed. It's not the same one when Eisenhower was president. The last Republican president who left office with a balanced budget. What would he think of what his party has become?
Can't believe you bozos are talking about leadership after Obama's sorry record over his term in office so far. Totally pathetic, and you want to trash the GOP? The ones that had the guts to present a real budget with cuts in it to bring down the deficits? The ones that forced the Dems to pass a budget for 2011, cuz they (Dems) didn't have the balls to do it when they had the super majorities?

One time Obama has shown leadership, one time when he sent Seal Team 6 in to get OBL. Other than that, nothin'.
Making the US Economy "Scream"

Modern Republicans have a simple approach to politics when they are not in the White House: Make America as ungovernable as possible by using almost any means available, from challenging the legitimacy of opponents to spreading lies and disinformation to sabotaging the economy.

Over the past four decades or so, the Republicans have simply not played by the old give-and-take rules of politics. Indeed, if one were to step back and assess this Republican approach, what you would see is something akin to how the CIA has destabilized target countries, especially those that seek to organize themselves in defiance of capitalist orthodoxy.

When a Democrat somehow does manage to get into the White House, Republicans in Congress (and even in the Courts) are ready to do their part in the destabilization campaign. Rather than grant traditional “honeymoon” periods of cooperation with the president’s early policies, the battle lines are drawn immediately.

Making the US Economy "Scream" | Truthout

One of the most truthful articles I've read in a long time. Lots of information on the Republican leadership in this country. And none of it good.

and this differs from how democrats act when republicans are in power how?

Both parties do the same damn thing, eagerly waiting for thier chance at the helm. To say otherwise is either stupid or overtly partisan.
You've got that right Marty. The only difference between the parties is what lies they tell us so that they can get elected. They all have their own pet agendas to pursue, and gaining political power is their means to do so. Anything that keeps their party in power is good by definition, and anything that helps the other party is bad. Whether any of it is good or bad for the people they were actually elected to represent is totally beside the point. As long as your opinion polls are positive all's well.
Just a glance at that site stuns me that anyone that isn't a paid poster would consider for a moment that there's more than a shred of truth on that.


You're as dumb as dirt if you buy this non-sense.
What a bunch of crap. All the Republicans care about is defeating Obama. What have they done about jobs in the last 6 months??? Nothing. They sure ran their mouths last November about all they were going to do. It was just talk. This is all they REALLY planned on doing.

Forget Jobs. The Republican Priority is to Defeat Obama

Expectations that Republicans will work with President Obama for the good of the nation are vastly overrated.

Forget Jobs. The Republican Priority is to Defeat Obama |
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What a bunch of crap. All the Republicans care about is defeating Obama. What have they done about jobs in the last 6 months??? Nothing. They sure ran their mouths last November about all they were going to do. It was just talk. This is all they REALLY planned on doing.

Forget Jobs. The Republican Priority is to Defeat Obama

Expectations that Republicans will work with President Obama for the good of the nation are vastly overrated.

Forget Jobs. The Republican Priority is to Defeat Obama |
Please let my Senators and Congressmen exactly how in the PHUK they're supposed to get anything done.
Your Libtards are blocking everything that comes down the pike.....

The Dems couldn't even propose their own budget when they had the majority of both houses and you expect the Repubs to get something done????
Making the US Economy "Scream"

Modern Republicans have a simple approach to politics when they are not in the White House: Make America as ungovernable as possible by using almost any means available, from challenging the legitimacy of opponents to spreading lies and disinformation to sabotaging the economy.

Over the past four decades or so, the Republicans have simply not played by the old give-and-take rules of politics. Indeed, if one were to step back and assess this Republican approach, what you would see is something akin to how the CIA has destabilized target countries, especially those that seek to organize themselves in defiance of capitalist orthodoxy.

When a Democrat somehow does manage to get into the White House, Republicans in Congress (and even in the Courts) are ready to do their part in the destabilization campaign. Rather than grant traditional “honeymoon” periods of cooperation with the president’s early policies, the battle lines are drawn immediately.

Making the US Economy "Scream" | Truthout

One of the most truthful articles I've read in a long time. Lots of information on the Republican leadership in this country. And none of it good.

LOL, DID you MISS the anti........protesters from the Bush administration. they protested if he took a shit. so your article and you are a real laugh riot..
What a bunch of crap. All the Republicans care about is defeating Obama. What have they done about jobs in the last 6 months??? Nothing. They sure ran their mouths last November about all they were going to do. It was just talk. This is all they REALLY planned on doing.

Forget Jobs. The Republican Priority is to Defeat Obama

Expectations that Republicans will work with President Obama for the good of the nation are vastly overrated.

Forget Jobs. The Republican Priority is to Defeat Obama |

So you are as dumb as dirt.
And you're bad at math.

The GOP controls 1/2 of 1/3 of the government.

Everything got worse b/c obama sucks and is far in the lead for worst Pres ever.

Carter prays every single night that no one kills him. B/c if they do, he's stuck at the bottom for another 40 years.
What a bunch of crap. All the Republicans care about is defeating Obama. What have they done about jobs in the last 6 months??? Nothing. They sure ran their mouths last November about all they were going to do. It was just talk. This is all they REALLY planned on doing.

Forget Jobs. The Republican Priority is to Defeat Obama

Expectations that Republicans will work with President Obama for the good of the nation are vastly overrated.

Forget Jobs. The Republican Priority is to Defeat Obama |

ah well

What a bunch of crap. All the Republicans care about is defeating Obama. What have they done about jobs in the last 6 months??? Nothing. They sure ran their mouths last November about all they were going to do. It was just talk. This is all they REALLY planned on doing.

Forget Jobs. The Republican Priority is to Defeat Obama

Expectations that Republicans will work with President Obama for the good of the nation are vastly overrated.

Forget Jobs. The Republican Priority is to Defeat Obama |
Please let my Senators and Congressmen exactly how in the PHUK they're supposed to get anything done.
Your Libtards are blocking everything that comes down the pike.....

The Dems couldn't even propose their own budget when they had the majority of both houses and you expect the Repubs to get something done????

I would not have expected any other answer.
Making the US Economy "Scream"

Modern Republicans have a simple approach to politics when they are not in the White House: Make America as ungovernable as possible by using almost any means available, from challenging the legitimacy of opponents to spreading lies and disinformation to sabotaging the economy.

Over the past four decades or so, the Republicans have simply not played by the old give-and-take rules of politics. Indeed, if one were to step back and assess this Republican approach, what you would see is something akin to how the CIA has destabilized target countries, especially those that seek to organize themselves in defiance of capitalist orthodoxy.

When a Democrat somehow does manage to get into the White House, Republicans in Congress (and even in the Courts) are ready to do their part in the destabilization campaign. Rather than grant traditional “honeymoon” periods of cooperation with the president’s early policies, the battle lines are drawn immediately.

Making the US Economy "Scream" | Truthout

One of the most truthful articles I've read in a long time. Lots of information on the Republican leadership in this country. And none of it good.

LOL, DID you MISS the anti........protesters from the Bush administration. they protested if he took a shit. so your article and you are a real laugh riot..

Steph, one has nothing to do with the other. You have NEVER posted any reference to a story, headline, or news item. All your posts are nonsense. So shut up.
What a bunch of crap. All the Republicans care about is defeating Obama. What have they done about jobs in the last 6 months??? Nothing. They sure ran their mouths last November about all they were going to do. It was just talk. This is all they REALLY planned on doing.

Forget Jobs. The Republican Priority is to Defeat Obama

Expectations that Republicans will work with President Obama for the good of the nation are vastly overrated.

Forget Jobs. The Republican Priority is to Defeat Obama |

So you are as dumb as dirt.
And you're bad at math.

The GOP controls 1/2 of 1/3 of the government.

Everything got worse b/c obama sucks and is far in the lead for worst Pres ever.

Carter prays every single night that no one kills him. B/c if they do, he's stuck at the bottom for another 40 years.

You are not offering any defense to my assertion that the Republicans care only about defeating Obama. Has nothing to do with math, dummy. Go ahead and defend them. I'm waiting with baited breath.
Making the US Economy "Scream"

Modern Republicans have a simple approach to politics when they are not in the White House: Make America as ungovernable as possible by using almost any means available, from challenging the legitimacy of opponents to spreading lies and disinformation to sabotaging the economy.

Over the past four decades or so, the Republicans have simply not played by the old give-and-take rules of politics. Indeed, if one were to step back and assess this Republican approach, what you would see is something akin to how the CIA has destabilized target countries, especially those that seek to organize themselves in defiance of capitalist orthodoxy.

When a Democrat somehow does manage to get into the White House, Republicans in Congress (and even in the Courts) are ready to do their part in the destabilization campaign. Rather than grant traditional “honeymoon” periods of cooperation with the president’s early policies, the battle lines are drawn immediately.

Making the US Economy "Scream" | Truthout

One of the most truthful articles I've read in a long time. Lots of information on the Republican leadership in this country. And none of it good.

Obama being black made it much worse.

I'm pretty sure the Republican plan isn't to bring down the country, even though it seems that way. I think Republicans view the US as a kind of "golden goose" that just keeps on giving. They squeeze and squeeze without stepping back and figuring how to "put something back".

Notice, there is no plan of revenue or investment. They work with the Chamber of Commerce to send millions of jobs to China and call it, "free market". They even say, "Let the market take care of it". China sends out poison milk that has caused sickness and death and the Republican leadership says, "Let the market sort it out".

Even with examples like Medicare and the VA, Republicans insist "for profit" health care is better. Well, yea, for people who want to build up their bank accounts. But is it good for people standing before "death panels"? Not so much.

Take a good long look at the Republican leadership in the last 6 to 8 months:

Feed the poor and they'll breed.

Money to victims of natural disaster, like Joplin, needs to be "considered".

End Medicare and give vouchers to the elderly who insurance companies won't insure.

The unemployed are hobos.

The unemployed use their benefits for drugs.

Cut VA benefits.

Cut school lunches.

Cut Special Olympics.

Increase tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.

End corporate tax.

Republicans keep saying their leaders don't represent ALL Republicans. Well, who do they represent? After all, they were voted into office by "guess who"?

I vaguely seem to remember, "Jobs jobs jobs". When did that turn into "abortion and gay rights and deregulate Wall Street and deregulate the EPA and banks"?

Drives me crazy when Republicans see corporate employees, like tellers and janitors, giving to Obama the same as Corporations giving to Republicans over Democrats 9 to 1.

Then entire Republican Party has changed. It's not the same one when Eisenhower was president. The last Republican president who left office with a balanced budget. What would he think of what his party has become?

I'm not going to respond to all your drivel but,

Cut school lunches? Why do I have to pay for someone's "lunch" when I am making sandwiches every morning on my dime? It's called taking care of your kids. Get a job. You made em - feed em.

What VA benefits have been cut? I haven't noticed any cuts when I get my meds, etc. And don't give me some crap about a Republican offering up a VA-cut. That's Liberal lame-stream propoganda BS. Swallow it some more.

Is Obama President?

If these things offend you, ask the asshole you elected to lead/veto. You are among the 62.5 million idiots that elected him. Time to cough up some Hope and Change.

I'll put my hope in Christ. Not some empty suit idiot you elected. He'll pass like a fart in the wind in 2012.

Not too complicated.

Post on dumb-wit.
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Making the US Economy "Scream"

Modern Republicans have a simple approach to politics when they are not in the White House: Make America as ungovernable as possible by using almost any means available, from challenging the legitimacy of opponents to spreading lies and disinformation to sabotaging the economy.

Over the past four decades or so, the Republicans have simply not played by the old give-and-take rules of politics. Indeed, if one were to step back and assess this Republican approach, what you would see is something akin to how the CIA has destabilized target countries, especially those that seek to organize themselves in defiance of capitalist orthodoxy.

When a Democrat somehow does manage to get into the White House, Republicans in Congress (and even in the Courts) are ready to do their part in the destabilization campaign. Rather than grant traditional “honeymoon” periods of cooperation with the president’s early policies, the battle lines are drawn immediately.

Making the US Economy "Scream" | Truthout

One of the most truthful articles I've read in a long time. Lots of information on the Republican leadership in this country. And none of it good.

LOL, DID you MISS the anti........protesters from the Bush administration. they protested if he took a shit. so your article and you are a real laugh riot..

Steph, one has nothing to do with the other. You have NEVER posted any reference to a story, headline, or news item. All your posts are nonsense. So shut up.

when you become the board owner you can tell me what to do, till then I guess you'll have to deal....waaaaaa:lol:
You damn right we want to beat that idiot Obama.
as for Republicans WORKING WITH him, they BETTER NOT as they are being told by the PEOPLE THEY REPRESENT. We've have enough of that idiots "visions" taking us down as a country..
I wouldn't mind the asshole getting re-elected if something could GET DONE!!
Problem being, this dude will be making a speech in Sept. 2014, when unemployment is 14%, and STILL blame Bush.

Just let me see a viable budget.
Let me see a significant bill, about any-fucking-thing, get passed.

Barry said he'd reach across the aisle. DO IT! Follow Clinton's example when his legislative branch got overrun by republicans. Work WITH us to get something done.

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