The ACLU has fought the government over their unconstitutional surveillance practices before. The fact that it was announced just weeks before this new surveillance program was revealed that our government changed the federals laws to give it's TSA personnel immunity is a bellwether of things to come in my opinion.
If anyone needs assistance with any issues of this nature feel free to send me a private message. And please do not use my invitation for any abusive purposes.
K since you have "fought the government over their unconstitutional surveillance practices", tell me what the ACLU is doing about these disgusting FISA warrants in the case of the FBI and Carter Page. Because honestly, a weaponized FBI is about the most scary violation of civil liberties I can think of. Then we can get to the TSA, don't you think?
is concerned about abuses of the FISA courts as explained in this brochure:
Why the FAA Is Unconstitutional (Handout)
The difference however between the Page situation and the TSA's new surveillance program is that approximately 1.75 million Americans fly every day. The FBI or any agency who wants a FISA warrant has to at least present a warrant to a FISA judge and get him/her to sign off on it, even if the underlying legal basis is flimsy, legally unsound or a pretext. The TSA's surveillance program requires no warrant, has no oversight and no matter how badly they screw up or screw up someones life with their suspecious, they now have immunity at least that's what I've read. I have not actually reviewed the new law yet, so an entirely different set of laws will probably have to be applied.
Sorry I don't have time right now to go into this in more detail but I'd be happy to continue the conversation at another time if you'd like.