Tucker Carlson defending Russia while they build up troops at Ukraine border

Boy, is Putin paying Treasonous Tucker to carry his water? Someone needs to check to see if Carlson's bank account is bulging from Moscow deposits. Naw, they are more careful than that. Maybe they use Bitcoins?

MAGA has become MMGA (Make Moscow Great Again)
Did you even read the article that you posted? A democrat decided that Tucker was making all kinds of claims. All that Tucker claimed was Putin was probably not going to invade but was only worried about security. The fact that the democrat was being a crazy democrat and accusing someone does not make it true. But then again you and truth have never really crossed paths.
which party colluded with Russians through middle man Steele to get a fake dossier in an attempt to overturn the 2016 election ? who sent Ukraine weapons to defend against Russian aggression ? and who sent blankets and mre's instead of weapons ?
Who took Putin's word over US Intel? BAM!
Did you even read the article that you posted? A democrat decided that Tucker was making all kinds of claims. All that Tucker claimed was Putin was probably not going to invade but was only worried about security. The fact that the democrat was being a crazy democrat and accusing someone does not make it true. But then again you and truth have never really crossed paths.
My truth is most often THEE truth, son. I am glad to hear that Tuckums sticks to his guns, although he and "his truths never really cross paths." Nothing Tuckums says would surprise me, but a cute comment for sure. Did you think that up all by yourself, because
I don't see comments like those from Trump followers who would vote for him if he 'shot someone on 5th Avenue'.
I did peruse the article and Tuckums said that Putin was just shoring up his defense at the Ukraine border and had no offensive plan. Sounds like another view of the situation to me, although not really a defense of Putin.
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BAM ? you use that as proof as colluding with Russians but ignore what the DNC did with the fake Russian dossier ? :auiqs.jpg:
Putin is counting on HIS BOY...trump winning in 2024. He knows trump will try to take the US down.

By then...trump may be in jail.
My truth is most often THEE truth, son. I am glad to hear that Tuckums sticks to his guns, although he and "his truths never really cross paths." Nothing Tuckums says would surprise me, but a cute comment for sure. Did you think that up all by yourself, because
I don't see comments like those from Trump followers who would vote for him if he 'shot someone on 5th Avenue'.
I did peruse the article and Tuckums said that Putin was just shoring up his defense at the Ukraine border and had no offensive plan. Sounds like another view of the situation to me, although not really a defense of Putin.
Bobby boy first off thee truth? how is the air on your planet? Yes he did say Putin probably was not planning on invading but the democrat felt that he had to go against things like someone being allowed to an opinion. The democrat made it into Carlson was somehow in bed with Russia. which an opinion is not even close to the same thing.
Second of all if you had managed to look I was replying to little Jimmy and not you.
Putin is counting on HIS BOY...trump winning in 2024. He knows trump will try to take the US down.

By then...trump may be in jail.
Bobby boy first off thee truth? how is the air on your planet? Yes he did say Putin probably was not planning on invading but the democrat felt that he had to go against things like someone being allowed to an opinion. The democrat made it into Carlson was somehow in bed with Russia. which an opinion is not even close to the same thing.
Second of all if you had managed to look I was replying to little Jimmy and not you.
The article was written by Forbes Magazine, hardly a liberal rag. It could be interpreted differently, since Tuckums is not known for accurate remarks. Shame on little Jimmy.
Putin is counting on HIS BOY...trump winning in 2024. He knows trump will try to take the US down.

By then...trump may be in jail.
kiss our democracy goodbye if tump regains the White House. He will weaponize the DOJ and have his opponents tossed in jail to satisfy his personal vendettas, flaunt our laws and operate like the dictators he admires, destroy our electoral system and our democracy in the process, exercise his "locked and loaded threats", abandon our allies and steer them toward China for economic agreements. Of course, his base will believe every fucking lie he vomits, and his warped children, Uday and Husay, will play a prominent role in his autocracy.
Bobby boy first off thee truth? how is the air on your planet? Yes he did say Putin probably was not planning on invading but the democrat felt that he had to go against things like someone being allowed to an opinion. The democrat made it into Carlson was somehow in bed with Russia. which an opinion is not even close to the same thing.
Second of all if you had managed to look I was replying to little Jimmy and not you.

Bobby boy first off thee truth? how is the air on your planet? Yes he did say Putin probably was not planning on invading but the democrat felt that he had to go against things like someone being allowed to an opinion. The democrat made it into Carlson was somehow in bed with Russia. which an opinion is not even close to the same thing.
Second of all if you had managed to look I was replying to little Jimmy and not you.
Treasonous tucker is carrying the flag for Putin. Here is the analogy in the article:

"Tucker Carlson's support of Putin's claim that he has a historical right to protect Russian-Ukrainians is the same as if Mexico claimed a right to take Texas back.

tucker is supporting Putin as he ponders attacking Ukraine. There is NO other way to spin it, as hard as you try. So....if Putin does invade Ukraine it will all be Biden's fault. Then tucker will find another excuse to justify one country attacking and annexing a sovereign country.

What has happened to the repub party? They used to be against dictatorships and authoritarians. Now they admire them and defend them. I guess I know what happened. It is call donald trump....Putin's Boy.


There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory”.
Treasonous tucker is carrying the flag for Putin. Here is the analogy in the article:

"Tucker Carlson's support of Putin's claim that he has a historical right to protect Russian-Ukrainians is the same as if Mexico claimed a right to take Texas back.

tucker is supporting Putin as he ponders attacking Ukraine. There is NO other way to spin it, as hard as you try. So....if Putin does invade Ukraine it will all be Biden's fault. Then tucker will find another excuse to justify one country attacking and annexing a sovereign country.

What has happened to the repub party? They used to be against dictatorships and authoritarians. Now they admire them and defend them. I guess I know what happened. It is call donald trump....Putin's Boy.


There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory”.

So....if Putin does invade Ukraine it will all be Biden's fault.

Maybe Biden should send Putin another reset button?

It worked so well the last time, eh?
Treasonous tucker is carrying the flag for Putin. Here is the analogy in the article:

"Tucker Carlson's support of Putin's claim that he has a historical right to protect Russian-Ukrainians is the same as if Mexico claimed a right to take Texas back.

tucker is supporting Putin as he ponders attacking Ukraine. There is NO other way to spin it, as hard as you try. So....if Putin does invade Ukraine it will all be Biden's fault. Then tucker will find another excuse to justify one country attacking and annexing a sovereign country.

What has happened to the repub party? They used to be against dictatorships and authoritarians. Now they admire them and defend them. I guess I know what happened. It is call donald trump....Putin's Boy.


There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory”.
It is a fact that tump admires dictators and would emulate much of their behavior, had he been reelected.
The article was written by Forbes Magazine, hardly a liberal rag. It could be interpreted differently, since Tuckums is not known for accurate remarks. Shame on little Jimmy.
Hardly an accurate portrayal of what was actually said
Treasonous tucker is carrying the flag for Putin. Here is the analogy in the article:

"Tucker Carlson's support of Putin's claim that he has a historical right to protect Russian-Ukrainians is the same as if Mexico claimed a right to take Texas back.

tucker is supporting Putin as he ponders attacking Ukraine. There is NO other way to spin it, as hard as you try. So....if Putin does invade Ukraine it will all be Biden's fault. Then tucker will find another excuse to justify one country attacking and annexing a sovereign country.

What has happened to the repub party? They used to be against dictatorships and authoritarians. Now they admire them and defend them. I guess I know what happened. It is call donald trump....Putin's Boy.


There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory”.
Hardly an accurate portrayal of what was actually said. It is an opinion of someone with an obvious agenda
Putin is counting on HIS BOY...trump winning in 2024. He knows trump will try to take the US down.

By then...trump may be in jail.
with his approval of Nordstream and his disaster of a withdrawal [ show of weakness ] in Afghanistan Biden has been a huge gift for China and Russia ! they are showing signs of aggression that they never dared during the last admin ! facts !
kiss our democracy goodbye if tump regains the White House. He will weaponize the DOJ and have his opponents tossed in jail to satisfy his personal vendettas, flaunt our laws and operate like the dictators he admires, destroy our electoral system and our democracy in the process, exercise his "locked and loaded threats", abandon our allies and steer them toward China for economic agreements. Of course, his base will believe every fucking lie he vomits, and his warped children, Uday and Husay, will play a prominent role in his autocracy.
you just described the 1st year of the Biden admin !

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