Tucker Carlson Had A Hard Time In First Grade And It Turned Into A Lifetime Of Grievance

Various biographical hints suggest that little Tucker's contempt for his womanfolk teacher might have more to do with being abandoned by his mother at around the same time, which might be interesting if Tucker was the sort of person worth such psychoanalysis. The problem with all these attempts to psychoanalyze Tucker Carlson and determine what makes him tick is that there is no mystery to be solved. Tucker Carlson is quite possibly one of the most boring people alive. He doesn't do anything that isn't borrowed directly from past pundit gadflies. He offers no rhetorical schtick or intellectual pseudoheft that is not a dull pantomime of his ideology’s past malcontents. I can tell you the entirety of Tucker's intellectual journey from all the way over here, and it's an embarrassingly short trip.

Wow! All the way back to first grade to try and get dirt on Tucker. Smells of desperation.
Your Orange God fucked a porn star while his wife was at home tending to their newborn and you're whining about the "Creepy Porn Lawyer"


Because cult
Prove it! You liberals have repeated this ad nauseum and no one has ever provided any evidence that you wild-assed assertion is true! Why is that?
Various biographical hints suggest that little Tucker's contempt for his womanfolk teacher might have more to do with being abandoned by his mother at around the same time, which might be interesting if Tucker was the sort of person worth such psychoanalysis. The problem with all these attempts to psychoanalyze Tucker Carlson and determine what makes him tick is that there is no mystery to be solved. Tucker Carlson is quite possibly one of the most boring people alive. He doesn't do anything that isn't borrowed directly from past pundit gadflies. He offers no rhetorical schtick or intellectual pseudoheft that is not a dull pantomime of his ideology’s past malcontents. I can tell you the entirety of Tucker's intellectual journey from all the way over here, and it's an embarrassingly short trip.

And you know this how? You have access to all school records for any you disagree with? You are gifted with a complete knowledge on everything?

BTW, how did you do in grammar school? Fly through with nothing but top marks? Doubtful. You probably are the one who sat in the corner eating paste.

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