Tucker Carlson: Joe Biden indecipherable

Stupid finished up in style... the deaf signer had to quit after spraining his wrist...

Then he came close to backhanding his ol' lady into next week..... what a sweet old fucker he is....

OMG, ONG. Hey demofks here’s your guy!!

be proud

If they steal it with the mail in votes and Biden gets in then it's going to be such an embarrassment having senile Biden on the world stage, at important summits babbling away total gibberish. We will be the laughing stock of the world.

If the Dems are able to steal the election, Joe won't be President for long. He's a Trojan Horse to get Kamala in, and then turn the U.S. into a one-party Socialist state.
OMG, ONG. Hey demofks here’s your guy!!

be proud

So is Tucker Carlson. In addition to always looking like he's constipated.

Hmmmm thought you libbers never watched him

Always good to watch what dirty tricks and bullshit the opposition trots out.
That's the way you stay ahead of their crap. :)

Right, you are a CNN and MSNBC watcher for that very reason.
OMG, ONG. Hey demofks here’s your guy!!

be proud

News alert, Tucker" the sucker" Carlson flopped trying to throw shit on Bidens....

Maybe so, but the lights are on bright at Comedy Central, for Biden's gaffes. :laughing0301:

That is a great place for them just like the hilarious Bushisms were.

Yes, but they are old news and besides, they arent the ones running for president now..

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