The Left hates Trump but now also the Supreme Court

All patriotic Americans should hold distaste for this corrupt court. Nearly half the judges intentionally deceived the Congress and the American peope in their confirmation hearings. In any other country, they would have been tossed already.
Lib loon bullshit is telling others what others should do or be ashamed.
Childs play
Thinkers Always state what Thinkers do or will do and never about what others “should do”
Unfortunately, that's exactly how Trump saw it when elected as he didn't "lock her up".
After that, the demented LEFT impeached him twice after dragging the country through a three year Russia Russia Russia dystopian gaslighting marathon.

The DemocRATS have to be defeated at the ballot box across the board nationwide at all levels.

"One way or another, this darkness got to give."
If we Patriots can set aside our issue and personality disagreements and unify in electing Trump and a substantial reformer GOP majority in Congress in November we can make some good inroads into the mess Obama and Biden have made of things. Trump without a strong GOP majority is severely handicapped. A GOP controlled Congress with a Democrat President is equally handicapped.

But if we can unify on a strong, secure, free, prosperous American that we all want and work out our differences on those issues after we have achieved reformer GOP power, I don't think we can be defeated no matter how dishonest and ruthless they are or how much they cheat. I am fairly sure that Patriots whatever they call themselves substantially outnumber the Marxists and the Democrats they control and/or fool.
If we Patriots can set aside our issue and personality disagreements and unify in electing Trump and a substantial reformer GOP majority in Congress in November we can make some good inroads into the mess Obama and Biden have made of things. Trump without a strong GOP majority is severely handicapped. A GOP controlled Congress with a Democrat President is equally handicapped.

But if we can unify on a strong, secure, free, prosperous American that we all want and work out our differences on those issues after we have achieved reformer GOP power, I don't think we can be defeated no matter how dishonest and ruthless they are or how much they cheat. I am fairly sure that Patriots whatever they call themselves substantially outnumber the Marxists and the Democrats they control and/or fool.
There's no doubt that we NEED both Chambers and the Whitehouse, and a renaissance!
The right has hated the Supreme Court since it's inception. Even as the right changed and morphed into what it is today, hatred of the court system has always lurked behind the faux banners of "Law and Order"

A temporary few wins before one particular court will not change the fundamental hatred that motivates the right.

Mark my words


keeper post on the right and the courts


usmb members triggered.png
People here like Foxfyre mocked and laughed at the tragic and brutal attack on the Pelosi family.

Just use the search feature here at usmb , if you don't believe me when I point out how pathetic and hateful some of the sweet talking members here really are.
Post your evidence or continue to be seen as the empty dishonest shell that you otherwise are.
I'm just being honest. I'm not saying I want it to happen. But if if did, I'd cheer a little inside. Because the person is corrupt and on a major scale.

Put it this way. I would be okay with passing a law that if a Supreme Court Justice takes money or gifts from anyone, they get the death penalty. I would support that. Because then it would be there decision.

If they can't live on $300,000 a year then quit.

Thomas was hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and becoming increasingly frustrated with his financial standing, according to ProPublica. While he made the equivalent of $300,000 today, other members of the court were much wealthier.

According to the report, Thomas told the lawmaker that if Congress didn’t bump salaries, “one or more justices will leave soon.” Thomas had also repeatedly talked with other people about removing a ban on justices giving paid speeches, per ProPublica.
Lawmakers never green-lighted significant raises for the justices or lifted the paid speech ban.
“But in the years that followed … Thomas accepted a stream of gifts from friends and acquaintances that appears to be unparalleled in the modern history of the Supreme Court,” ProPublica wrote.
ProPublica has been trying to take out Clarence Thomas ever since it started publishing on line. It has accused him of everything under the sun. There's no proof for any of it of course. But they keep hammering away at him as do most left leaning organizations providing opinion.
Identifying what Foxfyre is makes me a hater?
Still waiting for that evidence I asked for that you ignored. And when you cannot support your argument about one thing, it's a pretty safe bet you can't support your argument about most things.

So I'll give you another chance. Give me one example of ANYTHING I've ever posted that makes a fascist as you say I am.

Take your time. I'm very patient.

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