The Left hates Trump but now also the Supreme Court

Democrats are not going to back off personal destruction. Dana Perino made this point recently, the only thing that will back up Dems on this crap is giving them a dose of their own medicine.
As Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof said to a declaration of an "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth", "Oh good. Then the whole world will be blind and toothless."

Every time we give them a 'dose of their own medicine' they turn it against us and use it to show how evil WE are. Remember, they control pretty much all the message. That gives them a huge advantage.

We should put them on notice that any illegal acts will be dealt with swiftly and surely so behave themselves. But this going back years, decades, even into teen years to dig up something to use to demonize or prosecute somebody needs to stop with the good guys.

I want us to be the good guys.
Marxism requires suppression of religion, private property, speech, thought, belief, and total obedience/allegiance to the 'collective'. In order to obtain that they must achieve absolute power and ability to order that and punish or eliminate any who object or don't comply. Then theoretically the government dissolves itself and the people live in perfect harmony. No government in history once achieving totalitarian power has ever willingly given it up though.

We are dangerously close to that now.
You are a Marxist? I thought you were a fascist.
As Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof said to a declaration of an "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth", "Oh good. Then the whole world will be blind and toothless."

Every time we give them a 'dose of their own medicine' they turn it against us and use it to show how evil WE are. Remember, they control pretty much all the message. That gives them a huge advantage.

We should put them on notice that any illegal acts will be dealt with swiftly and surely so behave themselves. But this going back years, decades, even into teen years to dig up something to use to demonize or prosecute somebody needs to stop with the good guys.

I want us to be the good guys.
Well, you are not.
It isn't Trump I don't think or the Supreme Court but it's the craving for power that is driving the current political conversation in the USA:

--The personal attacks and the more ridiculous the analogies/accusations/predictions re Trump get the closer the election gets.

--The personal attacks and the more ridiculous the analogies/accusations/predictions re Supreme Court justices get the closer the election gets.

The media is flooded with it.
Social media is flooded with it.
USMB is flooded with it.

Did somebody flip a switch or send out a code word or something to trigger the onslaught of this kind of attack rhetoric?

It seems to be aggravated by the increasing support for the agenda Trump proposes.
It seems to be aggravated by an increased number of unanimous decisions in a high court that is more unified than we have seen it in awhile.

The left seems more and more determined lately that political opponents should be persecuted and prosecuted. And they seem more and more determined that if the Supreme Court can't be done away with, then pack it with people like them so they can depend on it to support the leftist agenda which seems to be based on abortion rights, DEI, and power over everybody concentrated in a leftist central government.

Meanwhile the agenda and positions on the right are pretty much what they have been for some decades now which is a strong, free, secure, prosperous America with choices, options, opportunity and liberty for all Americans. (There will be some disagreement on what that entails here and there.)

The November election will largely determine which America we will live in.

Left wants to pack Supreme Court

Media coverage of Trump 98% negative and getting worse

The left won't consider any proposals but their own

What it means to be a Patriot
There appears to be a Global shift away from the Left back to the Center/Right. Macron may be out, Trudeau may be out, Biden may be out. Our Democrat controlled Media is behaving like an animal in it's death throes.
There appears to be a Global shift away from the Left back to the Center/Right. Macron may be out, Trudeau may be out, Biden may be out. Our Democrat controlled Media is behaving like an animal in it's death throes.
When the brand of radical leftism becomes unpopular and indefensible by MOST in our society the pendulum will swing back and hopefully our institutions that control the message with again become more objective and honest. But right now with the iron grip the Marxists have on those institutions, it won't be easy to reform them.
The gaslighting is yours, Foxfyre. We will follow the law, when you break it you will be crushed.

Trump found that out, and now is attempted weaponzing is going to bounce back on all of you.
When the brand of radical leftism becomes unpopular and indefensible by MOST in our society the pendulum will swing back and hopefully our institutions that control the message with again become more objective and honest. But right now with the iron grip the Marxists have on those institutions, it won't be easy to reform them.
It will certainly not be easy for Trump to "clean house". But getting rid of the political hacks who lead our most important agencies will be a great start in restoring the country.
The gaslighting is yours, Foxfyre. We will follow the law, when you break it you will be crushed.

Trump found that out, and now is attempted weaponzing is going to bounce back on all of you.
Slow pony thinks "following the law" means twisting laws to destroy your political opponent.
It will certainly not be easy for Trump to "clean house". But getting rid of the political hacks who lead our most important agencies will be a great start in restoring the country.
I suspect any bad actors that can be fired will be out the door pretty much on Day 1. And if we can get a strong majority of reformer Republicans elected along with Trump, Schedule F can be reinstated and made law. Schedule F made it possible to remove incompetent or bad actors among the Civil Service employees in Federal Government. Trump put it into effect via EO but Biden rescinded it as soon as he took office.

Federal employees are very difficult to fire or even demote these days. They can be moved around to minimize the damage the bad actors and/or incompetents do but they remain on the payroll. I am all in favor of the federal employees being immune to the political whims of the Executive and his/her appointees and they should have some protection. But nobody should be on the public payroll and not doing their job or committing malfeasance.

For sure agencies like the FBI and CIA should have some people expunged and with the right kind of law in place and good people appointed to the helm, that could happen. Won't happen overnight, but it could happen.
All patriotic Americans should hold distaste for this corrupt court. Nearly half the judges intentionally deceived the Congress and the American peope in their confirmation hearings. In any other country, they would have been tossed already.
As Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof said to a declaration of an "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth", "Oh good. Then the whole world will be blind and toothless."

Every time we give them a 'dose of their own medicine' they turn it against us and use it to show how evil WE are. Remember, they control pretty much all the message. That gives them a huge advantage.

We should put them on notice that any illegal acts will be dealt with swiftly and surely so behave themselves. But this going back years, decades, even into teen years to dig up something to use to demonize or prosecute somebody needs to stop with the good guys.

I want us to be the good guys.
Unfortunately, that's exactly how Trump saw it when elected as he didn't "lock her up".
After that, the demented LEFT impeached him twice after dragging the country through a three year Russia Russia Russia dystopian gaslighting marathon.

The DemocRATS have to be defeated at the ballot box across the board nationwide at all levels.

"One way or another, this darkness got to give."

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