The Left hates Trump but now also the Supreme Court

So fucking what? That was hilarious!
I can't criticize you. If Clarence Thomas and his wife were to be hammered by some lwnj, I would think they had it coming too.

Here's the problem with attacking politicians and their families. In the future, we won't have any good people who will run for office. All we will have is a Senate and House full of MTG's.
I can't criticize you. If Clarence Thomas and his wife were to be hammered by some lwnj, I would think they had it coming too.

Here's the problem with attacking politicians and their families. In the future, we won't have any good people who will run for office. All we will have is a Senate and House full of MTG's.
All we will have is a Senate and House full of MTG's.
don't worry.

there will always be a Squad.
Physical attacks?

I'm just being honest. I'm not saying I want it to happen. But if if did, I'd cheer a little inside. Because the person is corrupt and on a major scale.

Put it this way. I would be okay with passing a law that if a Supreme Court Justice takes money or gifts from anyone, they get the death penalty. I would support that. Because then it would be there decision.

If they can't live on $300,000 a year then quit.

Thomas was hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and becoming increasingly frustrated with his financial standing, according to ProPublica. While he made the equivalent of $300,000 today, other members of the court were much wealthier.

According to the report, Thomas told the lawmaker that if Congress didn’t bump salaries, “one or more justices will leave soon.” Thomas had also repeatedly talked with other people about removing a ban on justices giving paid speeches, per ProPublica.
Lawmakers never green-lighted significant raises for the justices or lifted the paid speech ban.
“But in the years that followed … Thomas accepted a stream of gifts from friends and acquaintances that appears to be unparalleled in the modern history of the Supreme Court,” ProPublica wrote.
I'm just being honest. I'm not saying I want it to happen. But if if did, I'd cheer a little inside. Because the person is corrupt and on a major scale.

Put it this way. I would be okay with passing a law that if a Supreme Court Justice takes money or gifts from anyone, they get the death penalty. I would support that. Because then it would be there decision.

If they can't live on $300,000 a year then quit.

Thomas was hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and becoming increasingly frustrated with his financial standing, according to ProPublica. While he made the equivalent of $300,000 today, other members of the court were much wealthier.

According to the report, Thomas told the lawmaker that if Congress didn’t bump salaries, “one or more justices will leave soon.” Thomas had also repeatedly talked with other people about removing a ban on justices giving paid speeches, per ProPublica.
Lawmakers never green-lighted significant raises for the justices or lifted the paid speech ban.
“But in the years that followed … Thomas accepted a stream of gifts from friends and acquaintances that appears to be unparalleled in the modern history of the Supreme Court,” ProPublica wrote.
term limits. Unfortunately before McConnell and Trump, the gop might have gone for it. But Dobbs may make it possible, even so.
The left longs for ABSOLUTE RULE and hate anyone who gets in their way. We are dealing with a group of people who are UNHINGED. :cuckoo:
Marxism requires suppression of religion, private property, speech, thought, belief, and total obedience/allegiance to the 'collective'. In order to obtain that they must achieve absolute power and ability to order that and punish or eliminate any who object or don't comply. Then theoretically the government dissolves itself and the people live in perfect harmony. No government in history once achieving totalitarian power has ever willingly given it up though.

We are dangerously close to that now.
Marxism requires suppression of religion, private property, speech, thought, belief, and total obedience/allegiance to the 'collective'. In order to obtain that they must achieve absolute power and ability to order that and punish or eliminate any who object or don't comply. Then theoretically the government dissolves itself and the people live in perfect harmony. No government in history once achieving totalitarian power has ever willingly given it up though.

We are dangerously close to that now.
So we should utterly destroy them, got it.
Oh give me a break. If that's what you think I said you should join the remedial reading comprehension group I've recommended to most of the leftists here.
No, I really want to destroy the Dems and boot them out of power. When you experience more Dem lies and corruption you will catch up to me.
Seriously, are Leftists too stupid to understand the concept of "corruption."

It requires a quid pro quo. Something of value is exchanged for an official act that benefits the donor.

We have a fucking ARMY of Leftist journalists who have been sifting through every molecule of information obtainable about Justice Thomas, hoping to find even a hint of CORRUPTION, and they have come up with bupkis.

There IS NO CORRUPTION on the part of Justice Thomas, Justice Alito, or any other Justice who is perceived as being on the Right. It is all bullshit.

Like everything else pushed by the Left.
Seriously, are Leftists too stupid to understand the concept of "corruption."

It requires a quid pro quo. Something of value is exchanged for an official act that benefits the donor.

We have a fucking ARMY of Leftist journalists who have been sifting through every molecule of information obtainable about Justice Thomas, hoping to find even a hint of CORRUPTION, and they have come up with bupkis.

There IS NO CORRUPTION on the part of Justice Thomas, Justice Alito, or any other Justice who is perceived as being on the Right. It is all bullshit.

Like everything else pushed by the Left.
Not a problem, the left will just fabricate the corruption and lie. We are dealing with a group of people who have no morals, there's no lie or dirty deed they won't pull to get what they want.
No, I really want to destroy the Dems and boot them out of power. When you experience more Dem lies and corruption you will catch up to me.
I'm with President Trump on that one. At some point somebody has to take the lead and say ENOUGH on this politics of personal destruction whatever.

Yes. You boot the bad guys out of power or deny them power in the first place via the electoral process. But this weaponization of the system to destroy political opponents needs to stop.
I'm with President Trump on that one. At some point somebody has to take the lead and say ENOUGH on this politics of personal destruction whatever.

Yes. You boot the bad guys out of power or deny them power in the first place via the electoral process. But this weaponization of the system to destroy political opponents needs to stop.
Democrats are not going to back off personal destruction. Dana Perino made this point recently, the only thing that will back up Dems on this crap is giving them a dose of their own medicine.

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