The Left hates Trump but now also the Supreme Court

It isn't Trump I don't think or the Supreme Court but it's the craving for power that is driving the current political conversation in the USA:

--The personal attacks and the more ridiculous the analogies/accusations/predictions re Trump get the closer the election gets.

--The personal attacks and the more ridiculous the analogies/accusations/predictions re Supreme Court justices get the closer the election gets.

The media is flooded with it.
Social media is flooded with it.
USMB is flooded with it.

Did somebody flip a switch or send out a code word or something to trigger the onslaught of this kind of attack rhetoric?

It seems to be aggravated by the increasing support for the agenda Trump proposes.
It seems to be aggravated by an increased number of unanimous decisions in a high court that is more unified than we have seen it in awhile.

The left seems more and more determined lately that political opponents should be persecuted and prosecuted. And they seem more and more determined that if the Supreme Court can't be done away with, then pack it with people like them so they can depend on it to support the leftist agenda which seems to be based on abortion rights, DEI, and power over everybody concentrated in a leftist central government.

Meanwhile the agenda and positions on the right are pretty much what they have been for some decades now which is a strong, free, secure, prosperous America with choices, options, opportunity and liberty for all Americans. (There will be some disagreement on what that entails here and there.)

The November election will largely determine which America we will live in.

Left wants to pack Supreme Court

Media coverage of Trump 98% negative and getting worse

The left won't consider any proposals but their own

What it means to be a Patriot
You're in defense mode after all the bad press has come out about the conservatives on the Supreme Court.
We can't be complacent about a white nationalist ethno-state for America. We can't afford it.
Name a white nationalist who has any power whatsoever other than a single vote. Name any white nationalist who has any chance to achieve power.

But when you name the person, name the evidence IN THEIR OWN WORDS as to why you consider them white nationalists.

If you can't do that you are just an empty shell whistling in the wind.
It isn't Trump I don't think or the Supreme Court but it's the craving for power that is driving the current political conversation in the USA:

--The personal attacks and the more ridiculous the analogies/accusations/predictions re Trump get the closer the election gets.

--The personal attacks and the more ridiculous the analogies/accusations/predictions re Supreme Court justices get the closer the election gets.

The media is flooded with it.
Social media is flooded with it.
USMB is flooded with it.

Did somebody flip a switch or send out a code word or something to trigger the onslaught of this kind of attack rhetoric?

It seems to be aggravated by the increasing support for the agenda Trump proposes.
It seems to be aggravated by an increased number of unanimous decisions in a high court that is more unified than we have seen it in awhile.

The left seems more and more determined lately that political opponents should be persecuted and prosecuted. And they seem more and more determined that if the Supreme Court can't be done away with, then pack it with people like them so they can depend on it to support the leftist agenda which seems to be based on abortion rights, DEI, and power over everybody concentrated in a leftist central government.

Meanwhile the agenda and positions on the right are pretty much what they have been for some decades now which is a strong, free, secure, prosperous America with choices, options, opportunity and liberty for all Americans. (There will be some disagreement on what that entails here and there.)

The November election will largely determine which America we will live in.

Left wants to pack Supreme Court

Media coverage of Trump 98% negative and getting worse

The left won't consider any proposals but their own

What it means to be a Patriot
The Right hates Biden but now also the DoJ, the FBI, the CIA and the other intelligence agencies, and and any State justice department that dares to investigate Trump.
Yes, the left opposes corruption, thus they dislike Alito and Thomas. It's that simple.

That makes the left the moral people, and the right the immoral people.

We're going to keep hammering on that point, partly because it triggers the right. If the right howls about something, that tells us it's an effective tactic, so we should keep doing it.

Note how the left doesn't bother the non-corrupt conservative justices. To the left, it's the corruption that matters, not the political orientation.

Righties will be unable to understand how anyone can think like that, since it's so totally alien to their own way of thinking.
Hammering that point? Gives me an idea for Supreme's who go along with rigging the election, overturning Roe, or take bribes from billionaires.


Triggers the right you said?
  • Aug. 9, 2016
WILMINGTON, N.C. — Donald J. Trump on Tuesday appeared to raise the possibility that gun rights supporters could take matters into their own hands if Hillary Clinton is elected president and appoints judges who favor stricter gun control measures.
Hammering that point? Gives me an idea for Supreme's who go along with rigging the election, overturning Roe, or take bribes from billionaires.

View attachment 960731
Triggers the right you said?
  • Aug. 9, 2016
WILMINGTON, N.C. — Donald J. Trump on Tuesday appeared to raise the possibility that gun rights supporters could take matters into their own hands if Hillary Clinton is elected president and appoints judges who favor stricter gun control measures.
People here like Foxfyre mocked and laughed at the tragic and brutal attack on the Pelosi family.

Just use the search feature here at usmb , if you don't believe me when I point out how pathetic and hateful some of the sweet talking members here really are.
People here like Foxfyre mocked and laughed at the tragic and brutal attack on the Pelosi family.

Just use the search feature here at usmb , if you don't believe me when I point out how pathetic and hateful some of the sweet talking members here really are.
I have to be honest here. If what happened to Mr. Pelosi happened to Alito or Clarence or his wife, I would say they had it coming. But that's because they have it coming.

The people on the right have demonized Nancy Pelosi where they think she has it coming. For what? She's getting rich just like all the other House members on both sides of the isle. Inside trading. They all do it. Republicans can't hate Pelosi for doing that.

She's not comically corrupt like Clarence Thomas. Now there's the real enemy of America.

Seriously, what kind of country are we living in that our Supreme's take money from billionaires and fly their flags upside down in solidarity with Trump trying to steal the 2000 election????

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