Tucker Carlson on Pelosi calling Trump morbidly obese. People with glass faces shouldnt throw stones LOL

Nadler used to look like he could be a stand-in for Jabba the Hutt. He had stomach bypass surgery and still is as big as a bull elephant. He passed out during a hearing a few months back on national TV.
Biden, he'll keep taking the high road.

Pelosi is going to continue sticking the shiv in, all under the guise of "concern". It's brilliant. And she's no doubt laughing her ass off.

We know it's working. Look how badly the Trump cultists here are triggered. Sure, go on, call her names. She doesn't care. She's still going to twist that shiv.
She is another of “those women” who know how to push Trumps buttons
Yeah that's what she spends her time doing instead of doing her job. What a nasty bitch.
Biden, he'll keep taking the high road.

Pelosi is going to continue sticking the shiv in, all under the guise of "concern". It's brilliant. And she's no doubt laughing her ass off.

We know it's working. Look how badly the Trump cultists here are triggered. Sure, go on, call her names. She doesn't care. She's still going to twist that shiv.
She is another of “those women” who know how to push Trumps buttons
Yeah that's what she spends her time doing instead of doing her job. What a nasty bitch.
The wonderful Nancy Pelosi is multi talented
She can do both
Biden, he'll keep taking the high road.

Pelosi is going to continue sticking the shiv in, all under the guise of "concern". It's brilliant. And she's no doubt laughing her ass off.

We know it's working. Look how badly the Trump cultists here are triggered. Sure, go on, call her names. She doesn't care. She's still going to twist that shiv.
She is another of “those women” who know how to push Trumps buttons
Yeah that's what she spends her time doing instead of doing her job. What a nasty bitch.
The wonderful Nancy Pelosi is multi talented
She can do both
Yeah, she can be a nasty bitch while she pushes Trump's buttons. What talent!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Trump is the very definition of “morbidly obese” and as such is taking Crestor for his cholesterol problem. When he was young, Trump used to mock people who were fat. Fat Jerry was his nickname for Nadler. I notice that these days Donnie no longer mocks fat people.

Trump has had a lot of work done including bad hair plugs, but as President he can’t disappear long enough to get a face lift and he’s aging fast. This is accentuated by that Russian tanning crap he uses. All the Russian Ice Dancers use that orange fake tanning crap.
he's already had a face lift and his eyes done, and false teeth, and hair plugs.... and dying his hair.... he's quite vain, for a man of his age..... and is ready for his second or third round of facelifts, eyes done....but can't do it now, with in the eyes of the public daily...true.

do any of you conservatives ever see the hypocrisy?

trump insults people all the time...

conservatives insult people all the time.....

yet when one person finally says something back you all become butt hurt snowflakes .....

fat overweight out of shape orange toddlers should NOT be insulting OTHER People......

he should be acting like a President

not a bully
Oh horseshit libtard! He’s playing their game. They hit him he hits back. Read this fucking board libtard then come back and tell me of the left’s innocence. What a moron you are.

Trump is the very definition of “morbidly obese” and as such is taking Crestor for his cholesterol problem. When he was young, Trump used to mock people who were fat. Fat Jerry was his nickname for Nadler. I notice that these days Donnie no longer mocks fat people.

Trump has had a lot of work done including bad hair plugs, but as President he can’t disappear long enough to get a face lift and he’s aging fast. This is accentuated by that Russian tanning crap he uses. All the Russian Ice Dancers use that orange fake tanning crap.
he's already had a face lift and his eyes done, and false teeth, and hair plugs.... and dying his hair.... he's quite vain, for a man of his age..... and is ready for his second or third round of facelifts, eyes done....but can't do it now, with in the eyes of the public daily...true.

Trump is the very definition of “morbidly obese” and as such is taking Crestor for his cholesterol problem. When he was young, Trump used to mock people who were fat. Fat Jerry was his nickname for Nadler. I notice that these days Donnie no longer mocks fat people.

Trump has had a lot of work done including bad hair plugs, but as President he can’t disappear long enough to get a face lift and he’s aging fast. This is accentuated by that Russian tanning crap he uses. All the Russian Ice Dancers use that orange fake tanning crap.
he's already had a face lift and his eyes done, and false teeth, and hair plugs.... and dying his hair.... he's quite vain, for a man of his age..... and is ready for his second or third round of facelifts, eyes done....but can't do it now, with in the eyes of the public daily...true.
oh for goodness sake! open your eyes girl! And look at his.... you can see the cut mark scars, plain as day.... you can see he dyes his hair.... and we got him on tape, losing his loose teeth in a presser he did with all his slurs.... and we know he had hair plugs done when his wife said he was pissed at the job, and she claimed he raped her...
Biden, he'll keep taking the high road.

Pelosi is going to continue sticking the shiv in, all under the guise of "concern". It's brilliant. And she's no doubt laughing her ass off.

We know it's working. Look how badly the Trump cultists here are triggered. Sure, go on, call her names. She doesn't care. She's still going to twist that shiv.
She is another of “those women” who know how to push Trumps buttons
Yeah that's what she spends her time doing instead of doing her job. What a nasty bitch.
The wonderful Nancy Pelosi is multi talented
She can do both
Yeah, she can be a nasty bitch while she pushes Trump's buttons. What talent!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Nothing pisses off Trump as much as being mocked by a woman

Trump is the very definition of “morbidly obese” and as such is taking Crestor for his cholesterol problem. When he was young, Trump used to mock people who were fat. Fat Jerry was his nickname for Nadler. I notice that these days Donnie no longer mocks fat people.

Trump has had a lot of work done including bad hair plugs, but as President he can’t disappear long enough to get a face lift and he’s aging fast. This is accentuated by that Russian tanning crap he uses. All the Russian Ice Dancers use that orange fake tanning crap.
he's already had a face lift and his eyes done, and false teeth, and hair plugs.... and dying his hair.... he's quite vain, for a man of his age..... and is ready for his second or third round of facelifts, eyes done....but can't do it now, with in the eyes of the public daily...true.
oh for goodness sake! open your eyes girl! And look at his.... you can see the cut mark scars, plain as day.... you can see he dyes his hair.... and we got him on tape, losing his loose teeth in a presser he did with all his slurs.... and we know he had hair plugs done when his wife said he was pissed at the job, and she claimed he raped her...
So, you don’t have a link?

do any of you conservatives ever see the hypocrisy?

trump insults people all the time...

conservatives insult people all the time.....

yet when one person finally says something back you all become butt hurt snowflakes .....

fat overweight out of shape orange toddlers should NOT be insulting OTHER People......

he should be acting like a President

not a bully
Oh horseshit libtard! He’s playing their game. They hit him he hits back. Read this fucking board libtard then come back and tell me of the left’s innocence. What a moron you are.
They hit him and Trump says...

You are a loser
You have bad ratings
You are fat, ugly, stupid, short.....
You once asked him a favor

He is not very creative in his comebacks
Nancy Pelosi's 'morbidly obese' jibe at Trump sparks cries of hypocrisy: 'Fat shaming is cool now?'
The House Speaker was cheered on by anti-Trump critics on social media after she called him "morbidly obese" during a TV appearance
Before the bat shit crazy broad, who has shit all over her cities sidewalks, starts throwing stones at the President for being over weight, (Because they have nothing left to get him on), she should take a look at the Penguin, and the new darling of the left, Tooth Gap, 2 ton, Tillie.

.............The Penguin......................................Tooth Gap, 2 ton, Tillie.......................
getty-nadler-1024x683.jpg 181107-stacey-abrams-ew-208a_d68d9ed6e2a119ecd6dcba261f2817c0.fit-2000w.jpg
Pelosi has an unfair advantage. Its easy to not gain weight when you are a corpse.
Nancy Pelosi's 'morbidly obese' jibe at Trump sparks cries of hypocrisy: 'Fat shaming is cool now?'
The House Speaker was cheered on by anti-Trump critics on social media after she called him "morbidly obese" during a TV appearance
Before the bat shit crazy broad, who has shit all over her cities sidewalks, starts throwing stones at the President for being over weight, (Because they have nothing left to get him on), she should take a look at the Penguin, and the new darling of the left, Tooth Gap, 2 ton, Tillie.

.............The Penguin......................................Tooth Gap, 2 ton, Tillie.......................
View attachment 338688 View attachment 338690
Because President Trump is in good shape and is not morbidly obese.
Biden, he'll keep taking the high road.

Pelosi is going to continue sticking the shiv in, all under the guise of "concern". It's brilliant. And she's no doubt laughing her ass off.

We know it's working. Look how badly the Trump cultists here are triggered. Sure, go on, call her names. She doesn't care. She's still going to twist that shiv.
She is another of “those women” who know how to push Trumps buttons
Yeah that's what she spends her time doing instead of doing her job. What a nasty bitch.
The wonderful Nancy Pelosi is multi talented
She can do both
Yeah, she can be a nasty bitch while she pushes Trump's buttons. What talent!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Nothing pisses off Trump as much as being mocked by a woman
She's still a nasty bitch. :auiqs.jpg:

do any of you conservatives ever see the hypocrisy?

trump insults people all the time...

conservatives insult people all the time.....

yet when one person finally says something back you all become butt hurt snowflakes .....

fat overweight out of shape orange toddlers should NOT be insulting OTHER People......

he should be acting like a President

not a bully
Oh horseshit libtard! He’s playing their game. They hit him he hits back. Read this fucking board libtard then come back and tell me of the left’s innocence. What a moron you are.
They hit him and Trump says...

You are a loser
You have bad ratings
You are fat, ugly, stupid, short.....
You once asked him a favor

He is not very creative in his comebacks
Well when they ARE 'fat, ugly, stupid and short and they once asked a favor of him' he doesn't need to be creative, you just tell the truth.

do any of you conservatives ever see the hypocrisy?

trump insults people all the time...

conservatives insult people all the time.....

yet when one person finally says something back you all become butt hurt snowflakes .....

fat overweight out of shape orange toddlers should NOT be insulting OTHER People......

he should be acting like a President

not a bully
Oh horseshit libtard! He’s playing their game. They hit him he hits back. Read this fucking board libtard then come back and tell me of the left’s innocence. What a moron you are.
They hit him and Trump says...

You are a loser
You have bad ratings
You are fat, ugly, stupid, short.....
You once asked him a favor

He is not very creative in his comebacks
Well when they ARE 'fat, ugly, stupid and short and they once asked a favor of him' he doesn't need to be creative, you just tell the truth.
Our President is a one trick pony with his insults

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