Tucker Carlson tonight

Tulsi is going to switch,. She’s attractive.. and somewhat smart.. she will be a republican soon.

There is nothing about Tulsi that makes her a republican. NOTHING. She doesn't fit the GOP mold because she supports a lot of the left leaning idea's. M4A, climate change, increased minimum wages.
But she doesn't fit the left either because she supports audit the fed, cutting spending to pay for M4A and she's anti war.
She's what the democrat party used to be. Not what it is now.

Personally, I like people who call out their own party when they do wrong.
True but I think she will realize her values are more a fit with republicans and if she wasn’t a career in politics she needs to switch parties.

She doesn't want a career in politics. She's not running to keep her seat in congress. She's been there, done that. And has seen she can't be effective as a congressman, because of the way Pelosi runs the house. Since it's ran by lobbyist.
If you haven't seen it, there's a 3 part video called "The Swamp" I highly advise you to watch. It's sort of a "straight from the horses mouth" type thing. Congressmen explaining the details on how lobbyist run the show.
Example: Congressmen have to pay for their seat in committee's. Being in a committee, or being the chairman is the only way to really be effective in the House. But, It's like over $100,000 for a seat. Lobbyist will pay the upfront costs. But then the politician has to raise the money to pay them back. And the whole time, if you don't vote the way they're told, you lose the seat.

But as far as Tulsi goes, other than cutting spending in some places to pay for something else, she's nothing like a conservative. And she doesn't lie enough to be a republican. (or democrat for that matter)
The clip of Hillary saying we have the right to bomb the shit out of Iran was gold.
Its hilarious to watch Democrats watch this kind of stuff and try to explain it away.
Remember when there was a big split in the Democratic primaries because principled progressive voters opposed Hillary's neo-con policies??

Remember how there was a so-called split among Republicans about opposing Neo-con policies??

Now yall are reduced down to pretending you support Tucker opposing those neo-con policies while SILMUTANEOUSLY cheering Trump for those neo-con policies??

I beg your pardon!!!!! I'm not reduced to anything. I'm opposed to the wars we've been in for 100 years. I may be opposed to some things that Tucker says or has said in the past. But I'm not opposed to what he's saying about the wars we're currently in. This thread wasn't about Fox news. And isn't necessarily about Tucker. It's about what's being said. What those he's interviewing are saying. It's the context of the show. Not the show or the people on it.
The clip of Hillary saying we have the right to bomb the shit out of Iran was gold.
Its hilarious to watch Democrats watch this kind of stuff and try to explain it away.
Remember when there was a big split in the Democratic primaries because principled progressive voters opposed Hillary's neo-con policies??

Remember how there was a so-called split among Republicans about opposing Neo-con policies??

Now yall are reduced down to pretending you support Tucker opposing those neo-con policies while SILMUTANEOUSLY cheering Trump for those neo-con policies??

If President Trump was a neocon we’d be at war already. It’s hilarious to see you people spin reality into this warped alternate reality where President Trump is a “neocon”.

He is still pro war. We're still in Afghanistan. Still in Syria. Still in Iraq. We're still all over the dayum middle east. Drone strikes, missile launches etc etc etc.. How is that not pro war?

We are at war with Islamists, whether he chooses it or not. They have declared war on us, and he is not an isolationist or a coward who won’t kill terrorists. He is NOT for invading and nation building or for regime changes.

Let Muslims be ruled by radical dictatorships, it’s what they want. We shouldn’t try to change that. But we should recognize that those radical dictators hate the US and will try to destroy us. I have NO problem with President Trump dropping bombs on these assholes. The only good Muslim is a dead one.
Tucker is naive in this one.
What’s more, it’s this topic where he strays from formula of debating contrarians and instead interviews likeminded guests to bolster his misguided opinion. Whenever he discusses this topic you can be sure his guest will be Lt Col McGregor who says exactly the same thing as Tucker. This is one of those topics where Tucker’s show resembles Madcow or anything else on MSNBC.
I suspect that Tucker is more Isolationist than just pro-Peace.

Killing that Number One Terrorist is a plainly good thing, but Tucker will come along in time if Trump continues to withdraw our forces to small but sufficient size.

I'm not a big believer in Soleimani being the #1 terrorist. Personally, I think it's just the governments next boogeyman. Someone they use to justify their occupations in the middle east with.

Then explain why Trump said now that Iran is appearing to be standing down the United States is resistant to carry on more strikes? Conspiracy theory from wackos only gives them a false sense of security that they’re smart.
Tulsi is going to switch,. She’s attractive.. and somewhat smart.. she will be a republican soon.
Her stance on war is good, but otherwise she is still a socialist and batshit crazy.

Hopefully Tucker will run for President after the Donald is done. Although I like Stephen Miller too.
Tucker is naive in this one.
What’s more, it’s this topic where he strays from formula of debating contrarians and instead interviews likeminded guests to bolster his misguided opinion. Whenever he discusses this topic you can be sure his guest will be Lt Col McGregor who says exactly the same thing as Tucker. This is one of those topics where Tucker’s show resembles Madcow or anything else on MSNBC.
I suspect that Tucker is more Isolationist than just pro-Peace.

Killing that Number One Terrorist is a plainly good thing, but Tucker will come along in time if Trump continues to withdraw our forces to small but sufficient size.

I'm not a big believer in Soleimani being the #1 terrorist. Personally, I think it's just the governments next boogeyman. Someone they use to justify their occupations in the middle east with.

Then explain why Trump said now that Iran is appearing to be standing down the United States is resistant to carry on more strikes? Conspiracy theory from wackos only gives them a false sense of security that they’re smart.

I'm not a mind reader. But I do think Trump pays close attention to social media. It's how he got elected. (or at least one big reason)
Trump could have back down because Iran attacked back. Could be that he was shown this, and didn't want it to go viral.
At the 2:16 mark
Tulsi is going to switch,. She’s attractive.. and somewhat smart.. she will be a republican soon.
Her stance on war is good, but otherwise she is still a socialist and batshit crazy.

Hopefully Tucker will run for President after the Donald is done. Although I like Stephen Miller too.

The one important thing that keeps her from being as crazy as you stated, is that she supports cutting spending on these wars to help pay for those democrat things.

Make no mistake, I don't support a M4A plan. My idea is for the medical profession to start a national healthcare plan themselves. Simply because the medical profession should be the ones getting the profits, because they're the ones who actually help and cure people. Insurance companies are nothing but money brokers.
But that's for a different thread.
Tucker is naive in this one.
What’s more, it’s this topic where he strays from formula of debating contrarians and instead interviews likeminded guests to bolster his misguided opinion. Whenever he discusses this topic you can be sure his guest will be Lt Col McGregor who says exactly the same thing as Tucker. This is one of those topics where Tucker’s show resembles Madcow or anything else on MSNBC.

I'm sure these guys would disagree.
The clip of Hillary saying we have the right to bomb the shit out of Iran was gold.
Its hilarious to watch Democrats watch this kind of stuff and try to explain it away.
Remember when there was a big split in the Democratic primaries because principled progressive voters opposed Hillary's neo-con policies??

Remember how there was a so-called split among Republicans about opposing Neo-con policies??

Now yall are reduced down to pretending you support Tucker opposing those neo-con policies while SILMUTANEOUSLY cheering Trump for those neo-con policies??

If President Trump was a neocon we’d be at war already. It’s hilarious to see you people spin reality into this warped alternate reality where President Trump is a “neocon”.

He is still pro war. We're still in Afghanistan. Still in Syria. Still in Iraq. We're still all over the dayum middle east. Drone strikes, missile launches etc etc etc.. How is that not pro war?

We are at war with Islamists, whether he chooses it or not. They have declared war on us, and he is not an isolationist or a coward who won’t kill terrorists. He is NOT for invading and nation building or for regime changes.

Let Muslims be ruled by radical dictatorships, it’s what they want. We shouldn’t try to change that. But we should recognize that those radical dictators hate the US and will try to destroy us. I have NO problem with President Trump dropping bombs on these assholes. The only good Muslim is a dead one.

THE only thing we're at war with is propaganda. That's our fight. The governments fights are over even bigger BS reasons. But BS reasons all the same.
No one here gives a crap about the middle east. Most of the posters here couldn't tell you which was Iran or Iraq, if the name was printed on the map.
So you Trump supporters need to just stop with the over spewed war mongering crap. Because it's not about our national security. This ain't about our freedom, liberties, constitution or our American way of life. It's about some BS power grab, mineral grab & chest beating from leaders who are too stupid to realize just how stupid they are.
And then there's the chest beaters supporter, praising these morons for beating their chest the hardest.
Its hilarious to watch Democrats watch this kind of stuff and try to explain it away.
Remember when there was a big split in the Democratic primaries because principled progressive voters opposed Hillary's neo-con policies??

Remember how there was a so-called split among Republicans about opposing Neo-con policies??

Now yall are reduced down to pretending you support Tucker opposing those neo-con policies while SILMUTANEOUSLY cheering Trump for those neo-con policies??

If President Trump was a neocon we’d be at war already. It’s hilarious to see you people spin reality into this warped alternate reality where President Trump is a “neocon”.

He is still pro war. We're still in Afghanistan. Still in Syria. Still in Iraq. We're still all over the dayum middle east. Drone strikes, missile launches etc etc etc.. How is that not pro war?

We are at war with Islamists, whether he chooses it or not. They have declared war on us, and he is not an isolationist or a coward who won’t kill terrorists. He is NOT for invading and nation building or for regime changes.

Let Muslims be ruled by radical dictatorships, it’s what they want. We shouldn’t try to change that. But we should recognize that those radical dictators hate the US and will try to destroy us. I have NO problem with President Trump dropping bombs on these assholes. The only good Muslim is a dead one.

THE only thing we're at war with is propaganda. That's our fight. The governments fights are over even bigger BS reasons. But BS reasons all the same.
No one here gives a crap about the middle east. Most of the posters here couldn't tell you which was Iran or Iraq, if the name was printed on the map.
So you Trump supporters need to just stop with the over spewed war mongering crap. Because it's not about our national security. This ain't about our freedom, liberties, constitution or our American way of life. It's about some BS power grab, mineral grab & chest beating from leaders who are too stupid to realize just how stupid they are.
And then there's the chest beaters supporter, praising these morons for beating their chest the hardest.

Uh-huh, the same mentality that lead to 9/11.
I’m all for leaving the ME isolated and letting them kill each other. All we need to do is keep them from getting nukes and keeping their people out of our country.
Uh-huh, the same mentality that lead to 9/11.
I’m all for leaving the ME isolated and letting them kill each other. All we need to do is keep them from getting nukes and keeping their people out of our country.

Look bro, there's NOTHING that can be accomplished in the middle east that worth 1 American soldiers life. Much less the thousands we've lost already. Or do you, like the democrats, not give a fck about the American soldiers lives or their families? Do you not care if they come home in body bags, or wheel chairs?

All this fake patriotism and concern about anything or anyone in the middle east, is just flat out BS. You people don't give a crap about 99% of the people here in the USA, much less in the middle east.
IF you people cared, you'd be screaming at the republicans and democrats for letting this country get so screwed up. But don't let that stop you from pretending to care about everything and everyone in the middle east.
Uh-huh, the same mentality that lead to 9/11.
I’m all for leaving the ME isolated and letting them kill each other. All we need to do is keep them from getting nukes and keeping their people out of our country.

Look bro, there's NOTHING that can be accomplished in the middle east that worth 1 American soldiers life. Much less the thousands we've lost already. Or do you, like the democrats, not give a fck about the American soldiers lives or their families? Do you not care if they come home in body bags, or wheel chairs?

All this fake patriotism and concern about anything or anyone in the middle east, is just flat out BS. You people don't give a crap about 99% of the people here in the USA, much less in the middle east.
IF you people cared, you'd be screaming at the republicans and democrats for letting this country get so screwed up. But don't let that stop you from pretending to care about everything and everyone in the middle east.

Who said anything about using soldiers? I’m saying we can bomb/nuke them when they get out of line.

I’m a vet and I have worked side by side with soldiers for 20 years. Your opinion about my patriotism doesn’t mean squat to me.
He's the only person on Fox I can stand to listen to. He is 100% correct all the time. I wish he would run for President.
Come on Preacher? Don't tell us that you tune on to Tucker at 8 EST when you "can't stand" anyone else on Fox. How about Hannity or Judge Jeannine or Laura Ingraham?
Hannity absolutely not. That guy is a blowhard who has literal shit for brains. Judge Jeannine meh, nothing against her but she gets shrilly sometimes and is kind of annoying. Laura Ingraham I enjoy a little bit I have read a book or 2 of hers. Tucker is by far the best though. He doesn't parrot the Trump admin line.

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