Tucker on fire over Trump wiretap: we live in a country deeply corrupt institutions

Tucker ON FIRE Over Trump Wiretap: ‘We Live In A Country With Deeply Corrupt Institutions’ [VIDEO]

Tucker Carlson unloaded on U.S. intelligence and the mainstream media Tuesday on Fox News, alleging that American institutions are “deeply corrupt.”


Tucker always hammers out good ones, and calls the dumbasses out on the floor with great come backs.

Just what is the difference between the Obama's Feds wiretapping Manafort at the Trump Tower and Nixon's approval of the break-in at the Watergate? One was just an opponent in an election, the other was an actual President's residence!

The difference is that Manafort was working with a nation that is opposed to our interests. Basically, he was committing treason. But that is just fine with assholes like you. We need to know what the quid pro that Manafort and Trump offered the Russians was.
The difference is that Manafort was working with a nation that is opposed to our interests. Basically, he was committing treason. But that is just fine with assholes like you. We need to know what the quid pro that Manafort and Trump offered the Russians was.

I understand Old RocksInTheHead that your idea of a good time is for a gorilla to sit on your face and twist, but while you are talking about people working with nations, how about 20 years ago when BILL CLINTON was working with North Korea to give them large sums of money and other liberties that EXACTLY allowed them to bring themselves to where they are today? Or how about how Obama and Kerry bent over backwards to KISS THE ASS of Iran ensuring their successful unchecked nuclear development that threatens the USA in the near future, and we got SQUAT in return! There are a hundred nations around the world that all oppose our basic interests to varying degrees that we all work with. Sometimes we even give them the money and military hardware to carry out their campaigns against us!

Then there is Paul Manafort, that terrible traitor. Exactly WHAT did he do that was treason different from what a thousand other politicians like Madeline Albrecht do when they leave office to work for foreign interests? Do you even know that TREASON is the state where you DELIBERATELY set out to cause GREAT HARM to the United States? Just what did Manafort do deliberately other than try to make a buck that caused us any harm? Tell me that and I will show you a list of a thousand acts far FAR greater and directly harmed our country done by a hundred Democrats that you swap spit with and probably have their posters at the foot of your bed that HAS NOT been called treason by the media or investigated at all because it furthered the global interests of your commie friends!

The reason why you continue to be a simpleton useless jackass is because you constantly levy charges with absolutely NO BASIS! Here you have Obama and Clinton with their MANY ties to the Russians, aiding them in invading the Crimea, Obama's deal caught on video to be free to work with Putin after he stole the election from Romney, Hillary enlisting the Ukrainians to help her derail Trump's campaign, in other words, overthrow a presidential election! The VERY THINGS you would have us believe Trump has done WITH NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER against him yet a mountain against them, all the while Hillary has her Girl Friday sneak her questions from CNN to her so she could cheat on the debate, but instead, here again is another BUTTHEAD with his head so far up his ass it is any wonder you can even get air! If you have one bit of CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE that Manafort actually committed TREASON against the USA do please share it with us and Robert Mueller, otherwise just STFU.
We know for a fact that the wire tap requests were made through the FISA court.

We will know for a fact that the FBI has conducted a court authorized search warrant of Manifort's home.

We will know more facts if and when Manifort is indicted- as apparently he has been informed he wil be.

I suppose you know that there is no evidence.

You guys ought to get together and decide what your story is! How can you have all these wire taps, how can you have a legit search warrant without even knocking on a guy's door, how can he be informed of a pending indictment, without actually being indicted, without there even being any evidence?

Why do you think that a wire tap requires a 'knock on a door'? It takes the FBI going to a judge and making the case to justify a wire tap

A secret order authorized by the court that handles the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) began after Manafort became the subject of an FBI investigation that began in 2014. It centered on work done by a group of Washington consulting firms for Ukraine's former ruling party, the sources told CNN.
The surveillance was discontinued at some point last year for lack of evidence, according to one of the sources.
The FBI then restarted the surveillance after obtaining a new FISA warrant that extended at least into early this year.
Sources say the second warrant was part of the FBI's efforts to investigate ties between Trump campaign associates and suspected Russian operatives. Such warrants require the approval of top Justice Department and FBI officials, and the FBI must provide the court with information showing suspicion that the subject of the warrant may be acting as an agent of a foreign power.
It's hard to imagine Tuckles "on fire". He personifies the word "nebbish". The kid that nobody ever wanted around yet insisted on following everybody around because he had no life.

Pogo, he pwns multiple, politically, leftist delusional types like you EVERY FUCKING WEEKNIGHT. He never loses.
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It's hard to imagine Tuckles "on fire". He personifies the word "nebbish". The kid that nobody ever wanted around yet insisted on following everybody around because he had no life.

Pogo, he pwns multiple, politically, leftist delusional types like you EVERY FUCKING WEEKNIGHT. He never loses.

Tucker ON FIRE Over Trump Wiretap: ‘We Live In A Country With Deeply Corrupt Institutions’ [VIDEO]

Tucker Carlson unloaded on U.S. intelligence and the mainstream media Tuesday on Fox News, alleging that American institutions are “deeply corrupt.”


Tucker always hammers out good ones, and calls the dumbasses out on the floor with great come backs.

^^^ Another insane rightard. :cuckoo:

Does a whole report about how Trump was really right when he claimed Obama wiretapped his associates in Trump Tower — only that’s a strawman as that’s not what Trump said. What President Tinkles said was that Obama wiretapped his phones in Trump Tower.

Only Obama never wiretapped anybody in Trump Tower. And Trump’s phones weren’t wiretapped.

That whole report by Carlson is built on a foundation of lies and the cult swallows it all.

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