Tuesday I said goodbye to an old friend

We had 16 good years together.

I bought her all the "wrong ways" to buy a dog...from an add in the local for sale bulletin, off a farm, out of a father who had bitten, and unsocialized but, at 6 months old she decided I was hers. I was smitten. Her ideal universe was her and I, and other dogs could visit but she preferred they didn't stay. She was the "play Nazi" and the tattle-tale when other dogs did wrong. She would do anything for me, and loved to be "right" whether it was learning silly tricks or formal obedience she did it with joy and sensitivity. She was a silly flirt with the boys, even in her old age. She was my shadow and my friend.

I shall miss her. Farewell Deena mie Von Pickles, CD and almost CGC...I hope there is plenty of chicken nuggets and frisbees and a few sheep to chase in heaven for you.


Oh my goodness.. I'm so sorry. She looks like a great dog and very comfy on that big featherbed you got her.. It's so heartbreaking when they leave us. :(
I didn't see this thread until today. I am sorry for your loss, Coyote. I'm convinced that if humans have souls then so too do dogs. Know that yours is only a temporary parting of ways.
I miss all my pets, and do not miss my ex wives.
My sympathy on your loss.
Dogs just do not live nearly long enough.
Thanks....I thought, after 16 years, it wouldn't be so hard - she had a good and long life for a dog. But that doesn't make it any easier, in fact the hole she leaves behind seems bigger. When I was feeding the crew tonight I was looking at the empty dishes on the floor. Deena always picked them up and brought them to me - that was her self-taught job. Of course, she'd scour them first just in case someone missed something :)

We were lucky, she was in good shape until just the last few days when she seemed to crash :(
I feel so bad for you. Mine is 16 and still going strong but I know that the day she falters like your Pickles did is probably not far off.

Your dog was a beauty! Dogs seem to get better and better companions the older they get. You will never replace her but at least you could be there for her in her final days rather than the other way around. That's what I've always told myself when my dogs have died. It helps me a little. I hope that helps you. It's such an awful time that even those who have gone through it can't remember entirely how painful it is.

You gave her a good life and she enriched yours in return. I wish I had something more comforting to say.

So many are thinking of you and sharing in a small way your loss.

Good old Pickles!!
Thanks....I thought, after 16 years, it wouldn't be so hard - she had a good and long life for a dog. But that doesn't make it any easier, in fact the hole she leaves behind seems bigger. When I was feeding the crew tonight I was looking at the empty dishes on the floor. Deena always picked them up and brought them to me - that was her self-taught job. Of course, she'd scour them first just in case someone missed something :)

We were lucky, she was in good shape until just the last few days when she seemed to crash :(

You have my condolences.

At least she did not waste away for months on end and put you through the is it time yet thing that so many of our companions put us through, nonintentional as it is. Remember that the two of you served each other well.

I've had to help my dog up the steps into the house now several times. She's lost control and messes in the house, everyday we wonder if it's time.....I just want her to die a natural death and to bury her in the backyard next to the cat.

People have told me that they "tell you" when they are ready....and I think she did.

Like your dog, she had been losing some control but mostly - it was a case of when she needed to go and she needed to go "now" - she'd go to the door and if you didn't get up and open it, she'd pee there. We kept washable rugs for her and it was not too hard to manage. She'd been steadily losing weight though and at first I thought it was "old dog" but there was too much and she started occassionally vomiting undigested food. We felt there was something going on inside, and I had her at the vet for xrays and that was where she collapsed. The vet thought she'd had a stroke. When I got there, it was clear she couldn't stand, even with help but she was happy to lie there on her chest - she was aware. I wrapped her in a blanket, held her on my lap and fed her chicken strips - she ate everyone of them, and she was very relaxed, licking my face between bits of chicken. Normally she would never be so relaxed like that but would be twitching to get down, her body stiff (she's never been a lap dog). We spent a good half hour like that before we gave her a shot (while she was eating chicken). I think she was telling me it was time. I did not want to put her through anything that would cause her stress - she didn't deserve that.
That was a very touching story and I am truly sorry for your loss. I may be old and smelly, but I am just an old and smelly softy, especially for dogs. I hope you find another furry soul-mate soon.

PS- I now officially love Deena mie Von Pickles too...since i practically cried reading about her...:sad:

Thanks :)

She was a funny old dog...and quirky to the end. We introduced me to the world of herding dogs and was not always the best hostess. She preferred our guests to be women but men were ok as long as they sat down and didn't move much - prefarably sitting in a neat row on the sofa with their hands folded primly thankyou. She was not above the occassional stealth nip in the seat to hurry them out. She mellowed though in her older years and became a lot more sociable to strangers.
That was a very touching story and I am truly sorry for your loss. I may be old and smelly, but I am just an old and smelly softy, especially for dogs. I hope you find another furry soul-mate soon.

PS- I now officially love Deena mie Von Pickles too...since i practically cried reading about her...:sad:

Thanks :)

She was a funny old dog...and quirky to the end. We introduced me to the world of herding dogs and was not always the best hostess. She preferred our guests to be women but men were ok as long as they sat down and didn't move much - prefarably sitting in a neat row on the sofa with their hands folded primly thankyou. She was not above the occassional stealth nip in the seat to hurry them out. She mellowed though in her older years and became a lot more sociable to strangers.
LOL What a character!!
Thanks....I thought, after 16 years, it wouldn't be so hard - she had a good and long life for a dog. But that doesn't make it any easier, in fact the hole she leaves behind seems bigger. When I was feeding the crew tonight I was looking at the empty dishes on the floor. Deena always picked them up and brought them to me - that was her self-taught job. Of course, she'd scour them first just in case someone missed something :)

We were lucky, she was in good shape until just the last few days when she seemed to crash :(
I feel so bad for you. Mine is 16 and still going strong but I know that the day she falters like your Pickles did is probably not far off.

Your dog was a beauty! Dogs seem to get better and better companions the older they get. You will never replace her but at least you could be there for her in her final days rather than the other way around. That's what I've always told myself when my dogs have died. It helps me a little. I hope that helps you. It's such an awful time that even those who have gone through it can't remember entirely how painful it is.

You gave her a good life and she enriched yours in return. I wish I had something more comforting to say.

So many are thinking of you and sharing in a small way your loss.

Good old Pickles!!

You are so right....I think so many people don't realize how wonderful older pets are. Unlike my younger dogs she doesn't demand a lot of exercise, and she doesn't need training and work to keep her out of trouble. She was happy to have a selection of comfy dog beds and companionships. She was funny about the beds too - if another dog was sleeping in the bed she wanted she'd pace and bark at me until I moved the other dog off (and yes, I complied).

Old dogs are great....they give so much, and need so little in return. When I see senior dogs in a shelter my heart breaks for them....how could some one do that?
My condolences Coyote, it is so hard to lose our closest pals. I still miss each one of mine that have passed over the years. Tears still come when I look at their pictures. Some people say their are no dogs in heaven but I can in all truth say they are in error.
My condolences Coyote, it is so hard to lose our closest pals. I still miss each one of mine that have passed over the years. Tears still come when I look at their pictures. Some people say their are no dogs in heaven but I can in all truth say they are in error.
It wouldn't be heaven without the dogs!
Sorry to hear of your loss. May warm loving memories ease the grief you feel and heal your broken heart.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

So sorry for your loss.

Its tough to lose a good, good friend and pal. Rest assured your pal will always be with you in your thoughts and heart. Right where she should be.

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