Turkey Decides to Hit Kurdish Rebels Instead of ISIS - Hello! Knock Knock!

ISIS does not threaten Turke, Kurdish nationalism does, the Party in power was an Islamic party that has only mildly reduced its Islamic bent. The fact is, there are many more Anatolian (country) Turks than European (city) Turks and they are very religious. Ataturk's influence and secularization affected the European Turks, not so much the country Turks. Sad, really.

The other thing that gets to me is this ridiculous hatred of the Syrian government which is probably the most secular Arab Government in the Middle East. It is more secular than any of our Arab allies, and it is no more oppressive than the Egyptian, Saudi, Baharein, Kuwait etc.

I don't get it.
ISIS does not threaten Turke, Kurdish nationalism does, the Party in power was an Islamic party that has only mildly reduced its Islamic bent. The fact is, there are many more Anatolian (country) Turks than European (city) Turks and they are very religious. Ataturk's influence and secularization affected the European Turks, not so much the country Turks. Sad, really.

The other thing that gets to me is this ridiculous hatred of the Syrian government which is probably the most secular Arab Government in the Middle East. It is more secular than any of our Arab allies, and it is no more oppressive than the Egyptian, Saudi, Baharein, Kuwait etc.

I don't get it.
Syria is to closely allied with Iran and their alliance with Russia doesn't help. Their influence over Lebanon is also a negative.
Airstrikes target the Kurdistan Workers' Party and not the Islamist militants fighting for control of Kobani, a Kurdish city in Syria near the Turkish border

Turkey Decides to Hit Kurdish Rebels Instead of ISIS

You see? This is why I've said over and over again forever we should have left the Middle East a long time ago.

disastrous invasion stirred up the pot of what was already a huge mess. They weren't jealous of our freedom. They didn't greet us as liberators. This is a part of the world where the nuts rule. Why can't Republican get "it"????

You can't trust any Middle Eastern country because every single one is surrounded by enemies and the population of every single one is made up of groups of enemies.

The four largest combined has 1.5 million troops but can's stop 30,000????? That's 50 to 1. The US going in there means more enemies because "
infidel westerners will be killing Muslims on Islamic Holy Lands". That's why Bin Laden attacked us.

Republicans are bullies. The only way the want to deal with their "enemies" is bomb them, threaten them, suppress their vote and so on. We need to leave. Just leave. Step away from the crazy.
deliver some muslims ebolist to abolish the middle east. that's what they are doing to u.s. lol. you don't suppose population control of terrorism could work hand in hand with ebola delivermen the cdc keeps spreading around, do you?
ISIS does not threaten Turke, Kurdish nationalism does, the Party in power was an Islamic party that has only mildly reduced its Islamic bent. The fact is, there are many more Anatolian (country) Turks than European (city) Turks and they are very religious. Ataturk's influence and secularization affected the European Turks, not so much the country Turks. Sad, really.

The other thing that gets to me is this ridiculous hatred of the Syrian government which is probably the most secular Arab Government in the Middle East. It is more secular than any of our Arab allies, and it is no more oppressive than the Egyptian, Saudi, Baharein, Kuwait etc.

I don't get it.
Syria is to closely allied with Iran and their alliance with Russia doesn't help. Their influence over Lebanon is also a negative.

So what? How is Iran threatening us? How does Syria's alliance with Russia threaten us? Does our alliance with nearly every country surrounding Russia threaten Russia? Syria's influence over Lebanon is questionable, but even if there were some influence, how does it threaten us?
Uh, you have no clue about the KGK and PKK.

Uh....turkey has been attacking the Kurds in Iraq for years....
Turkey has been attacking Kurds in Turkey for years. Kurds are Turkey's largest minority.

The unrest you see now is what happens when fools rush in to another country believing they are "liberating" and "they hate us for our freedom".

Bin Laden, former ally against Russia told us why he was attacking us. Because infidel westerners killed Muslims on Islamic Holy Lands. He was referring to the US forcing Saddam from Kuwait.

Bin Laden didn't want Saddam in Kuwait either. He wanted to form a coalition to drive Saddam out. While he had the same goal as the US, at the same time, he didn't want to see infidel westerners killing Muslims on Islamic Holy Lands.

So what does that mean? It means whenever the US kills a Muslim in the Middle East, we will be creating enemies. It's a "lose lose" situation. And we know how Republicans love to rush to lose.
ISIS does not threaten Turke, Kurdish nationalism does, the Party in power was an Islamic party that has only mildly reduced its Islamic bent. The fact is, there are many more Anatolian (country) Turks than European (city) Turks and they are very religious. Ataturk's influence and secularization affected the European Turks, not so much the country Turks. Sad, really.

The other thing that gets to me is this ridiculous hatred of the Syrian government which is probably the most secular Arab Government in the Middle East. It is more secular than any of our Arab allies, and it is no more oppressive than the Egyptian, Saudi, Baharein, Kuwait etc.

I don't get it.
Syria is to closely allied with Iran and their alliance with Russia doesn't help. Their influence over Lebanon is also a negative.

Sunni Syria is closely allied with Shiite Iran? You sure about that?

This is the problem with the mess right wingers unleashed in the Middle East and right winger idiocy. Syria didn't support Iraq during the Iraq/Iranian war of 8 years. Because Assad was an enemy of Saddam both being secular strong men. Iran was only a "friend" because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Yea, al Qaeda was a real friend to the US after the Afgan war with Russia ended.

Iran and Syria are Shiite and Sunni. They are NOT friends. And when their last common enemy is no longer a threat, they will war on each other. Believe it.

And this is why Right Wingers making US foreign policy is so dangerous. When they get that much power, they make the world a much more dangerous place like they did under Bush. They don't know enough. They aren't sophisticated enough and they don't care to learn or even want to try to understand. And Middle Eastern culture is so far outside their experience, they might as well be trying to bully Martians.
ISIS does not threaten Turke, Kurdish nationalism does, the Party in power was an Islamic party that has only mildly reduced its Islamic bent. The fact is, there are many more Anatolian (country) Turks than European (city) Turks and they are very religious. Ataturk's influence and secularization affected the European Turks, not so much the country Turks. Sad, really.

The other thing that gets to me is this ridiculous hatred of the Syrian government which is probably the most secular Arab Government in the Middle East. It is more secular than any of our Arab allies, and it is no more oppressive than the Egyptian, Saudi, Baharein, Kuwait etc.

I don't get it.
Syria is to closely allied with Iran and their alliance with Russia doesn't help. Their influence over Lebanon is also a negative.

Sunni Syria is closely allied with Shiite Iran? You sure about that?

This is the problem with the mess right wingers unleashed in the Middle East and right winger idiocy. Syria didn't support Iraq during the Iraq/Iranian war of 8 years. Because Assad was an enemy of Saddam both being secular strong men. Iran was only a "friend" because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Yea, al Qaeda was a real friend to the US after the Afgan war with Russia ended.

Iran and Syria are Shiite and Sunni. They are NOT friends. And when their last common enemy is no longer a threat, they will war on each other. Believe it.

And this is why Right Wingers making US foreign policy is so dangerous. When they get that much power, they make the world a much more dangerous place like they did under Bush. They don't know enough. They aren't sophisticated enough and they don't care to learn or even want to try to understand. And Middle Eastern culture is so far outside their experience, they might as well be trying to bully Martians.
Syria is a country where the vast majority of the population are Sunni, but the rulers are al Awite Shia. Hence the minority has ruled over the majority. Hezbollah, the terrorist group, is largely funded by Iran and is a major military force for Assad and the Syrian government. That is why the war in Syria is a Sunni vs. Shite war coupled with a civil war.

Sunni Syria is closely allied with Shiite Iran? You sure about that?

This is the problem with the mess right wingers unleashed in the Middle East and right winger idiocy. Syria didn't support Iraq during the Iraq/Iranian war of 8 years. Because Assad was an enemy of Saddam both being secular strong men. Iran was only a "friend" because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Yea, al Qaeda was a real friend to the US after the Afgan war with Russia ended.

Iran and Syria are Shiite and Sunni. They are NOT friends. And when their last common enemy is no longer a threat, they will war on each other. Believe it.

And this is why Right Wingers making US foreign policy is so dangerous. When they get that much power, they make the world a much more dangerous place like they did under Bush. They don't know enough. They aren't sophisticated enough and they don't care to learn or even want to try to understand. And Middle Eastern culture is so far outside their experience, they might as well be trying to bully Martians.

Dean, I usually like your posts, but you are a bit mistaken.

Yes, the MAJORITY of Syrians are Sunni Muslims, but the Bashir family and the people surrounding them who run Syria are Allawites- A sect of Shi'ite Islam.

You are right that the people running our government don't know enough about the middle east.

Sunni Syria is closely allied with Shiite Iran? You sure about that?

This is the problem with the mess right wingers unleashed in the Middle East and right winger idiocy. Syria didn't support Iraq during the Iraq/Iranian war of 8 years. Because Assad was an enemy of Saddam both being secular strong men. Iran was only a "friend" because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Yea, al Qaeda was a real friend to the US after the Afgan war with Russia ended.

Iran and Syria are Shiite and Sunni. They are NOT friends. And when their last common enemy is no longer a threat, they will war on each other. Believe it.

And this is why Right Wingers making US foreign policy is so dangerous. When they get that much power, they make the world a much more dangerous place like they did under Bush. They don't know enough. They aren't sophisticated enough and they don't care to learn or even want to try to understand. And Middle Eastern culture is so far outside their experience, they might as well be trying to bully Martians.

Dean, I usually like your posts, but you are a bit mistaken.

Yes, the MAJORITY of Syrians are Sunni Muslims, but the Bashir family and the people surrounding them who run Syria are Allawites- A sect of Shi'ite Islam.

You are right that the people running our government don't know enough about the middle east.

Yes they do. It is rdean who is clueless (as usual).

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