Turkey murders Kurdish protesters, prevents Kurds and supplies from entering Kobani


Nov 14, 2012

At least 19 people have been killed in clashes involving Kurdish protesters in Turkey, reports say.
BBC News - Turkey Kurds Kobane protests leave 19 dead

Ankara has also suggested creating a no-fly zone to weaken Assad, even though – by forcing the PYD and the Kurdish People’s Protection Unit (YPG) to join the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA), two groups with very little power left on the ground that have never accepted the Kurds as an equal partner – it would essentially weaken the Kurds in Syria, making them depend on Turkey’s way of war. The coalition fighting Isis does not seem too interested in that either.
Turkey s passive-aggressive inaction in Kobani is anti-Kurd anti-peace politics. And it s dangerous Mutlu Civiroglu Comment is free theguardian.com

Turkey continues to block the supply of military equipment and reinforcements for Kurdish fighters defending the border city of Kobani in northern Syria against the ISIL militants.
Ankara has also prevented Turkish Kurds from crossing the border into Kobani to join the Kurds in the besieged city fighting tooth and nail against the Takfiri ISIL terrorists.
PressTV - Turkey continues blocking military equipment reinforcement for Kobani
Turkey has every right to defend it's citizens from the Kurdish terrorists. ...... :cool:
The terrorist Kurds have attacking the Turkish military for decades.

And now NATO is demanding that Turkey help the Kurdish fighters.

Good luck with that........ :lol:

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The terrorist Kurds have attacking the Turkish military for decades.

And now NATO is demanding that Turkey help the Kurdish fighters.

Good luck with that........ :lol:


Sa'aladin was a kurd------he had a reputation ----for a muslim who was not so much the disgusting barbarian
as his fellow muslims. There are Kurdish jews ---not a
whole lot---but some. Apparently there are some left over
Zoroastrians in Iraq called Yazidis My theory is that people who want to escape the stink of meccaists RUN
FOR THE HILLS. There are some jews way up in the
mountains of northern Yemen----same phenomenon-----when the smoke clears all kinds of hidden people are going to pop out
A sinister dimension is the fact that most of those killed in street violence died in clashes between sympathisers of rival Kurdish groups—the PKK on one side and Huda-Par, a pro-Islamic group, on the other. Huda-Par has links to an armed Kurdish faction known as Hizbullah (unconnected to the militia in Lebanon); in the 1990s it fought a nasty war against the PKK that left thousands of Kurds dead.
The Economist

Off course, too complicated for the one-dimesional propaganda.
A sinister dimension is the fact that most of those killed in street violence died in clashes between sympathisers of rival Kurdish groups—the PKK on one side and Huda-Par, a pro-Islamic group, on the other. Huda-Par has links to an armed Kurdish faction known as Hizbullah (unconnected to the militia in Lebanon); in the 1990s it fought a nasty war against the PKK that left thousands of Kurds dead.
The Economist

Off course, too complicated for the one-dimesional propaganda.

oh gee-----yes--complicated It is my impression from
THE PAST----stuff I read long ago------that kurds tend to be
somewhat violent sorta tribal up in DEM DAR HILLS.

HOWEVER----they are still entitled to a nation of their
oh gee-----yes--complicated It is my impression from
THE PAST----stuff I read long ago------that kurds tend to be
somewhat violent sorta tribal up in DEM DAR HILLS.

HOWEVER----they are still entitled to a nation of their
Odd statement coming from a zionist jew.

So do you also agree that the Palestinian people are entitled to a nation of their own? ....... :cool:

oh gee-----yes--complicated It is my impression from
THE PAST----stuff I read long ago------that kurds tend to be
somewhat violent sorta tribal up in DEM DAR HILLS.

HOWEVER----they are still entitled to a nation of their
Odd statement coming from a zionist jew.

So do you also agree that the Palestinian people are entitled to a nation of their own? ....... :cool:

They have had numerous opportunities for such a Nation in 1948 all they had to do was form one and it would have been bigger then Israel. In the late 90's Israel Offered to help them fornm a Nation and the response was the Intifada. Then of course there is the infighting between Fatah and Hamas.

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