Turns out USAID was Investigating Musk's Starlink before DOGE killed it.

It cracks me up how a small group of people making recommendations to the government is driving people insane.
They might as well wait and see. The ball is in motion and there is no stopping the play, all refs have been fired, and league officials replaced. No way of stopping the play for at least 2 years.

What do you think of the US taking ownership and developing Gaza as the Riviera of the Middle East? It's a friggin desert. I bet the sand traps will be bitch at Trump Gaza.
You can show me every right trash crank on X or YouT ibe all day long.

If this is what you think news is, no wonder your posts are the way they are.
are youre saying the government documents hes showing are fake??

everytime you stupid cocksuckers attack the messenger instead of proving the message wrong you fall flat on your face,,
this time is no exception,,

have a nice day,,
Go figure. :auiqs.jpg: One of many conflict of interest making Elon the wrong man to turn the keys over to.

You're accusing him of possible corruption ... After he cut off the funding.

I understand you probably don't like the guy ... But it's a little different than those in politics mired in corruption ...
That think constant denial and support from their pundits somehow means they aren't corrupt and would make a better choice.

If you don't like the corruption ... Cut off the money ...
And take away the politicians' ability sell you up the river altogether.

Or ... You can go on thinking that leaving piles of someone else's money under guard of a politician is a good idea.
Cut the spending ... We're more than $37 trillion in debt.

The criminal stinge in the trump/musk regime is becoming unbearable.

You're accusing him of possible corruption ... After he cut off the funding.

I understand you probably don't like the guy ... But it's a little different than those in politics mired in corruption ...
That think constant denial and support from their pundits somehow means they aren't corrupt and would make a better choice.

If you don't like the corruption ... Cut off the money ...
And take away the politicians' ability sell you up the river altogether.

Or ... You can go on thinking that leaving piles of someone else's money under guard of a politician is a good idea.
Cut the spending ... We're more than $37 trillion in debt.

Cheer up, Sandy. Not saying I don't like him. Simply saying I don't trust him to own the keys. The problem isn't the guy in the chair stopping a particular payment. It is that the guy in the chair has total access to everybody's payments, everybody's bank accounts, everybody's Social Securtiy number and no limit to what this triple citizenship or his 26 year old computer geek can do. Oh, and for the record, I don't give a rats as about USAID. I only know it was created by act of two houses of congress, who haven't chosen to uncreate it.
Cheer up, Sandy. Not saying I don't like him. Simply saying I don't trust him to own the keys. The problem isn't the guy in the chair stopping a particular payment. It is that the guy in the chair has total access to everybody's payments, everybody's bank accounts, everybody's Social Securtiy number and no limit to what this triple citizenship or his 26 year old computer geek can do. Oh, and for the record, I don't give a rats as about USAID. I only know it was created by act of two houses of congress, who haven't chosen to uncreate it.

Thanks for the heads-up on your personal views ... I was using your post to cover a few things I wanted to.
Let me throw you a curveball ... Because I actually understand what you are saying ...
And nothing to argue with there.

Let's take Blackrock ... Personally, I fucking hate them ... Their actions, their policies, and their corrupted mindset.
Now ... I always get in trouble when discussing it with my friends ... Because they just want to lose their minds and rant about Blackrock.

They never really understand that I don't support Blackrock ... While at the same time I understand something about Blackrock.
Regardless my feelings about Blackrock ... There is no way they could do what they do and gain the cooperation and influence they have ...
If it wasn't for programs the Federal Government offers that I don't think they should ...
As well as Politicians willing to sell their influence and write the policies that create the programs.

We have no control over Blackrock and their ability to manipulate the Government.
We have limited control over politicians because we only vote for our Representatives in Congress.
What we do have absolute control over ... Are the limits we personally put on ourselves ...
And in respects toward what we expect from our Federal Government.

The point I am making ... Cut off the money at the source ... And the corruption in institutions like Blackrock will be crippled.
If we keep throwing money around like college kids with mama's credit card on Spring Break in Cancun ...
We're just going to be knee deep in crooked politicians ... And Institutions like Blackrock ...
Who are simply not going to leave the money sitting on table alone.

Sorry for wandering all around ... My problem is not with the players ...
It's simply the idea of giving them the Power and the money to play with.

And I believe that among other things ... A lot of that comes from what we ask the Federal Government to do for us.

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Perhaps you should have read your own link ya dumb shit.

The USAID Office of Inspector General, Inspections and Evaluations Division, is initiating an inspection of USAID’s oversight of Starlink satellite terminals provided to the Government of Ukraine.

Our objectives are to determine how (1) the Government of Ukraine used the USAID-provided Starlink terminals, and (2) USAID monitored the Government of Ukraine’s use of USAID-provided Starlink terminals.

Not one thing about investigating Musk.
your name calling aside, who do you think owns Starlink?
Interesting. Looks like USAID was investigating it contracts with Starlink for aid to Ukraine when DOGE shut it down. An amazing coincidence.

Why was USAid investigating anything??? Don’t we have a federal bureau of investigation?

Sounds like they were really out of control
Interesting. Looks like USAID was investigating it contracts with Starlink for aid to Ukraine when DOGE shut it down. An amazing coincidence.

Doesn't appear they were investigating musk, they were investigating their own oversight:

The USAID Office of Inspector General, Inspections and Evaluations Division, is initiating an inspection of USAID’s oversight of Starlink satellite terminals provided to the Government of Ukraine.

Our objectives are to determine how (1) the Government of Ukraine used the USAID-provided Starlink terminals, and (2) USAID monitored the Government of Ukraine’s use of USAID-provided Starlink terminals.
USAID is not an investigative organization (it's apparently just one of the DemoKKKrats' money-laundering organizations).

Try again?
Actually, they do appear to have investigatory powers of certain things, but this instance, they weren't investigating musk, it was just an internal audit of their own oversight.
are youre saying the government documents hes showing are fake??

everytime you stupid cocksuckers attack the messenger instead of proving the message wrong you fall flat on your face,,
this time is no exception,,

have a nice day,,
The main reason we don’t bother as much as we used to is that what you Trump cultists think is “news” is so utterly ridiculous and false. Loony Tunes level nonsense.

Right wing media isn’t real. There are no journalists. Fox is not, and never was intended to be a news organization.

And political operatives on X aren’t news at all.

It’s a made up cartoon world designed to appeal to the fears and prejudices of plain folk, presented in meme and sound byte, for an audience hatvthinks politics is a giant reality show for their entertainment.
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