TV anchor accidentally says recovered coronavirus patient died

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
This is the problem with the journalism profession today. It's sloppy, irresponsible, and untrustworthy. During the days of giants like Walter Cronkite a lot of people would have gotten axed over erroneous reporting, but today it's become the norm. I can't even keep track of how many stories major news organizations have botched in recent and had to backtrack to correct themselves or in some cases refusing to.

One such example is the Sandy Hook shooting. I was driving from Charlotte to Pittsburgh the morning that happened and by the time I arrived in PA the story had changed half a dozen times. At one point, they even named the wrong man as the shooter.

We don't have journalists anymore. We have propagandists who push an agenda who shield themselves behind the First Amendment in order to get away with it with little consequence.

“After spending time on a ventilator and five full weeks in the hospital, the governor announced that Jack has died,” Ritter said on WABC-TV’s nightly broadcast.

Immediately after Ritter told the story of Allard, a two-time All American lacrosse player, the station played a clip of New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy saying, “It was a long month, but slowly Jack rebounded. Last Thursday he was clapped out by the doctors and nurses who saved his life.”

As soon as Murphy’s audio ended, Ritter realized Allard was very much alive and backtracked his comments."

This is the problem with the journalism profession today. It's sloppy, irresponsible, and untrustworthy. During the days of giants like Walter Cronkite a lot of people would have gotten axed over erroneous reporting, but today it's become the norm. I can't even keep track of how many stories major news organizations have botched in recent and had to backtrack to correct themselves or in some cases refusing to.

One such example is the Sandy Hook shooting. I was driving from Charlotte to Pittsburgh the morning that happened and by the time I arrived in PA the story had changed half a dozen times. At one point, they even named the wrong man as the shooter.

We don't have journalists anymore. We have propagandists who push an agenda who shield themselves behind the First Amendment in order to get away with it with little consequence.

“After spending time on a ventilator and five full weeks in the hospital, the governor announced that Jack has died,” Ritter said on WABC-TV’s nightly broadcast.

Immediately after Ritter told the story of Allard, a two-time All American lacrosse player, the station played a clip of New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy saying, “It was a long month, but slowly Jack rebounded. Last Thursday he was clapped out by the doctors and nurses who saved his life.”

As soon as Murphy’s audio ended, Ritter realized Allard was very much alive and backtracked his comments."

Wait --- so a talking head got the wrong cue in his earpiece and you want to equate that with the decline of Western civilization?

Drama queen much?
Maybe went to the hospital and asked about the guy and they said "Oh, he's gone", meaning that he was discharged, and the reporter misunderstood.
This is the problem with the journalism profession today. It's sloppy, irresponsible, and untrustworthy. During the days of giants like Walter Cronkite a lot of people would have gotten axed over erroneous reporting, but today it's become the norm. I can't even keep track of how many stories major news organizations have botched in recent and had to backtrack to correct themselves or in some cases refusing to.

One such example is the Sandy Hook shooting. I was driving from Charlotte to Pittsburgh the morning that happened and by the time I arrived in PA the story had changed half a dozen times. At one point, they even named the wrong man as the shooter.

We don't have journalists anymore. We have propagandists who push an agenda who shield themselves behind the First Amendment in order to get away with it with little consequence.

“After spending time on a ventilator and five full weeks in the hospital, the governor announced that Jack has died,” Ritter said on WABC-TV’s nightly broadcast.

Immediately after Ritter told the story of Allard, a two-time All American lacrosse player, the station played a clip of New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy saying, “It was a long month, but slowly Jack rebounded. Last Thursday he was clapped out by the doctors and nurses who saved his life.”

As soon as Murphy’s audio ended, Ritter realized Allard was very much alive and backtracked his comments."

very well said. This is what many of us are feeling.
Wait --- so a talking head got the wrong cue in his earpiece and you want to equate that with the decline of Western civilization?

Drama queen much?

Don't you have a bridge you need to be collecting tolls on?
I remember living in WV during the Sago Mine disaster when initial news reports said all but one of the 13 trapped in the mine had survived. They were soon reporting that only one had survived.
I remember living in WV during the Sago Mine disaster when initial news reports said all but one of the 13 trapped in the mine had survived. They were soon reporting that only one had survived.

And that's a great example of the problem these days. They are so quick to be the first ones to get the story out they could give a shit if it's accurate or not.
Earth to Taz Me - DUDE, even in in Cronkite's day breaking news was often in error. Even early police reports are often in error.
Funny - Legit MSM sources CORRECT their errors.
Bill Ritter apologized and corrected what was clearly misinformation that he was given. Does RW media do that? Sometimes yes, mostly NO.
Cut it with the drama - Seriously! :icon_rolleyes:
I remember living in WV during the Sago Mine disaster when initial news reports said all but one of the 13 trapped in the mine had survived. They were soon reporting that only one had survived.

And that's a great example of the problem these days. They are so quick to be the first ones to get the story out they could give a shit if it's accurate or not.

Not only that but, then the error is often repeated on all the networks if it suits the running narrative of the day. Lemmings that they are.
This is the problem with the journalism profession today. It's sloppy, irresponsible, and untrustworthy. During the days of giants like Walter Cronkite a lot of people would have gotten axed over erroneous reporting, but today it's become the norm. I can't even keep track of how many stories major news organizations have botched in recent and had to backtrack to correct themselves or in some cases refusing to.

One such example is the Sandy Hook shooting. I was driving from Charlotte to Pittsburgh the morning that happened and by the time I arrived in PA the story had changed half a dozen times. At one point, they even named the wrong man as the shooter.

We don't have journalists anymore. We have propagandists who push an agenda who shield themselves behind the First Amendment in order to get away with it with little consequence.

“After spending time on a ventilator and five full weeks in the hospital, the governor announced that Jack has died,” Ritter said on WABC-TV’s nightly broadcast.

Immediately after Ritter told the story of Allard, a two-time All American lacrosse player, the station played a clip of New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy saying, “It was a long month, but slowly Jack rebounded. Last Thursday he was clapped out by the doctors and nurses who saved his life.”

As soon as Murphy’s audio ended, Ritter realized Allard was very much alive and backtracked his comments."

Oh my heavens!!!

*clutches pearls
The one I remember really well was in 1981 when Reagan was shot. Later in the day of the shooting, Sam Donaldson reported that James Brady (yeah, the Brady bill) who of course had been shot, had died. Frank Reynolds sitting next to Donaldson, had been reporting that Regan wasn't hit. Later in the day, he found out Reagan was hit afterall !! His reaction was fucking amazing ! I remember it like yesterday ! Oh, and of course Brady did not die until many years later.
If the person is getting in trouble over their screw up, my only question is, why should they be the only one to take a hit when they are not the only person out there to be guilty of such a thing? Hopefully it was just an honest mistake which can still happen now even with everything else that is normally taking place.

God bless you and the TV person always!!!

This is the problem with the journalism profession today. It's sloppy, irresponsible, and untrustworthy. During the days of giants like Walter Cronkite a lot of people would have gotten axed over erroneous reporting, but today it's become the norm. I can't even keep track of how many stories major news organizations have botched in recent and had to backtrack to correct themselves or in some cases refusing to.

One such example is the Sandy Hook shooting. I was driving from Charlotte to Pittsburgh the morning that happened and by the time I arrived in PA the story had changed half a dozen times. At one point, they even named the wrong man as the shooter.

We don't have journalists anymore. We have propagandists who push an agenda who shield themselves behind the First Amendment in order to get away with it with little consequence.

“After spending time on a ventilator and five full weeks in the hospital, the governor announced that Jack has died,” Ritter said on WABC-TV’s nightly broadcast.

Immediately after Ritter told the story of Allard, a two-time All American lacrosse player, the station played a clip of New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy saying, “It was a long month, but slowly Jack rebounded. Last Thursday he was clapped out by the doctors and nurses who saved his life.”

As soon as Murphy’s audio ended, Ritter realized Allard was very much alive and backtracked his comments."

Wait --- so a talking head got the wrong cue in his earpiece and you want to equate that with the decline of Western civilization?

Drama queen much?
No, it’s you brainless twits who support Fake News are what’s the downfall of Western Civilization.
By the way, in case anyone is interested, I found video of Frank and Sam, at the moment they discovered that Reagan had been shot afterall:

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