Twitter Locks James Woods Account

Its lib censorship
He dared show sympathy for the police being murdered by a certain segment of our population.

Itll get worse nearer November. kidding.......this election cycle is going to make all the others look tame.....the left wing is going to go even more insane and if Trump wins....I can't wait to see them explode...
After he dared post the number of cops killed in the line of duty

Well, Jack Dorsey is a Marxist/Leninist, so......

As he is also openly allowing Terrorists to have a platform on Twitter that makes him a Terrorist Enabler.
As he clearly allows terrorists to spew their crap without restriction, yet shuts down conservative Americans voicing their opinions, he should be arrested by the federal government for sedition.

BTW I attempted to give money to the GoFundMe thing for that retired Black police officer David Dorn that the Commie thugs shot dead the other night and guess what? Yes GoFundMe blocked me.

I was thrown off Twitter at the SAME time as my good friend Laura Loomer was thrown off it, I was thrown off Twitter for Hate Speech for DEFENDING my good friend Laura Loomer.

Donating funds to people and organizations is a well recognized form of "freedom of speech," thus whoever blocked you can be effectively sued.

The INSANITY now spreads to London, England, perhaps the Mooselimb Sadiq Khan should be FORCEFULLY told to fuck off back to Pakistan the land of his Ancestors, ROFLAO so Admiral Nelson = Hateful Racist = Tear statue down and instead put up monuments and statues to those freaks of nature who take dick up the anus and swallow each others semen:

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Could we not just shoot Antifa on site ?
Exactly the excuse of our left. As a PLATFORM, unless something CRIMINAL has been posted, they have NO RIGHT to stifle a person's free speech rights. ...
I don't think you quite grasp the legal definition of "free speech rights."
It's not me who doesnt understand, it's you. The first amendment doesnt grant you the power to shut down others. As a PLATFORM they are obligated to allow all speech (especially political and religious) as long as it is within the law
Is there an alternate to twitter ?
Many. Gab and Parler are the most popular alternatives, which is why Trump should have an account with one and direct his audience to one of those. It would be a YUGE boost for either if people started moving there
Exactly the excuse of our left. As a PLATFORM, unless something CRIMINAL has been posted, they have NO RIGHT to stifle a person's free speech rights. ...
I don't think you quite grasp the legal definition of "free speech rights."
It's not me who doesnt [sic] understand, it's you. The first amendment doesnt [sic] grant you the power to shut down others. As a PLATFORM they are obligated to allow all speech (especially political and religious) as long as it is within the law
No, they aren't.
After he dared post the number of cops killed in the line of duty

Well, Jack Dorsey is a Marxist/Leninist, so......

As he is also openly allowing Terrorists to have a platform on Twitter that makes him a Terrorist Enabler.
As he clearly allows terrorists to spew their crap without restriction, yet shuts down conservative Americans voicing their opinions, he should be arrested by the federal government for sedition.

BTW I attempted to give money to the GoFundMe thing for that retired Black police officer David Dorn that the Commie thugs shot dead the other night and guess what? Yes GoFundMe blocked me.

I was thrown off Twitter at the SAME time as my good friend Laura Loomer was thrown off it, I was thrown off Twitter for Hate Speech for DEFENDING my good friend Laura Loomer.

Donating funds to people and organizations is a well recognized form of "freedom of speech," thus whoever blocked you can be effectively sued.

The INSANITY now spreads to London, England, perhaps the Mooselimb Sadiq Khan should be FORCEFULLY told to fuck off back to Pakistan the land of his Ancestors, ROFLAO so Admiral Nelson = Hateful Racist = Tear statue down and instead put up monuments and statues to those freaks of nature who take dick up the anus and swallow each others semen:

View attachment 348051

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Could we not just shoot Antifa on site ?
Once this nation collapses into an "actual" Civil War, then by all means, go ahead and eliminate them. However, as it is, we are a nation of laws and restraint is called for, until the dogs of war are released.
The one way street of speech is spreading rapidly. Support black criminals or illegals and you are good. Rebuke them and not.
Have you read the twitter post that got the multimillionaire (Woods) in trouble?

And why would we care ?
Arguing hyperbole would make

Lying again ?

We might think you are a rightwinger sok.

Full of shit.
This shit started when Paul Ryan was speaker of the house, he lifted not a finger, nothing! It continues now unabated, its the most anti-American thing possible, and its no accident that fascists like Dorcey, and Zuckerberg have embraced the absolute worst of human inspiration from monsters such as Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung...... Twitter, facebook, and most other online publishers are fascists, certainly the tech industry is dominated by totalitarian fascists at every level, and they have an agenda, subjugate you or kill you! Oh and they will get around to the killing, I assure you, take one look at what Fox news has been promoting by celebrating the dead black felon and tell me you don't see whats coming, and not down the road, its coming around the corner at this very minute!
Well there are a couple of solutions to the problem.
1st dont use the crap. Put those liberal shit companies into bankruptcy.
2nd Create a new conservative platform, denying any liberal members from joining. 80% of the US will use the system while the 20% libtardos will rant and rave that it is denying their 1st amendment rights to speak on that platform...Then remind them about twitter...
This shit started when Paul Ryan was speaker of the house, he lifted not a finger, nothing! It continues now unabated, its the most anti-American thing possible, and its no accident that fascists like Dorcey, and Zuckerberg have embraced the absolute worst of human inspiration from monsters such as Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung...... Twitter, facebook, and most other online publishers are fascists, certainly the tech industry is dominated by totalitarian fascists at every level, and they have an agenda, subjugate you or kill you! Oh and they will get around to the killing, I assure you, take one look at what Fox news has been promoting by celebrating the dead black felon and tell me you don't see whats coming, and not down the road, its coming around the corner at this very minute!
Well there are a couple of solutions to the problem.
1st dont use the crap. Put those liberal shit companies into bankruptcy.
2nd Create a new conservative platform, denying any liberal members from joining. 80% of the US will use the system while the 20% libtardos will rant and rave that it is denying their 1st amendment rights to speak on that platform...Then remind them about twitter...
You haven't any chance of establishing a so-called "conservative alternative", and the sad reality is that facebook, twitter, snapchat, ect ect are all to integrated into the core of society to ever hope folks would just stop using them! Dorcey's twitter is banned altogether in China, yet he simply sucks toes of CCP anyway, such is because these American fascists admire the Chinese fascist system and would model America on it entirely! The only solution is to declare them what they are, public utilities, and then regulate the shit out of them, that won't happen either, because the democratic party controls the congress, and those fascist fucks are never gonna defang their most powerful weapon against the United States, their mega-billionaire fascist donors....

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