Twitter Locks James Woods Account

After he dared post the number of cops killed in the line of duty

It's really very simple. Just follow the rules. Twitter makes their rules very plain:
  • No conservative thought, it's hateful.
  • No conservative speech, it's hate speech.
  • No conservative action, it's enlisting violence.
  • No disagreeing with any progressives, it's inviting intolerance and racist.
See? I told you it was easy.

Handcuffs and duct tape at the back of the room.
We use to have Radio Free Europe. At some point will there be an American counterpart in some capacity or way?

That was a CIA front, just so you know, they were NOT White Hats they were Black Hats.
After he dared post the number of cops killed in the line of duty

Well, Jack Dorsey is a Marxist/Leninist, so......

As he is also openly allowing Terrorists to have a platform on Twitter that makes him a Terrorist Enabler.
As he clearly allows terrorists to spew their crap without restriction, yet shuts down conservative Americans voicing their opinions, he should be arrested by the federal government for sedition.

BTW I attempted to give money to the GoFundMe thing for that retired Black police officer David Dorn that the Commie thugs shot dead the other night and guess what? Yes GoFundMe blocked me.

I was thrown off Twitter at the SAME time as my good friend Laura Loomer was thrown off it, I was thrown off Twitter for Hate Speech for DEFENDING my good friend Laura Loomer.

Donating funds to people and organizations is a well recognized form of "freedom of speech," thus whoever blocked you can be effectively sued.
After he dared post the number of cops killed in the line of duty

Well, Jack Dorsey is a Marxist/Leninist, so......

As he is also openly allowing Terrorists to have a platform on Twitter that makes him a Terrorist Enabler.
As he clearly allows terrorists to spew their crap without restriction, yet shuts down conservative Americans voicing their opinions, he should be arrested by the federal government for sedition.

BTW I attempted to give money to the GoFundMe thing for that retired Black police officer David Dorn that the Commie thugs shot dead the other night and guess what? Yes GoFundMe blocked me.

I was thrown off Twitter at the SAME time as my good friend Laura Loomer was thrown off it, I was thrown off Twitter for Hate Speech for DEFENDING my good friend Laura Loomer.

Donating funds to people and organizations is a well recognized form of "freedom of speech," thus whoever blocked you can be effectively sued.

It illustrates that Leftists are the Totalitarian Fascists and that they DON'T give a SHIT about Blacks ONLY their Plantation Blacks, we already know they don't care about Freedom of Speech unless it is supporting The Leftist Agenda, they are total human slugs.
I thought a business should be able to serve (or not serve) whoever they want?
After he dared post the number of cops killed in the line of duty

Well, Jack Dorsey is a Marxist/Leninist, so......

As he is also openly allowing Terrorists to have a platform on Twitter that makes him a Terrorist Enabler.
As he clearly allows terrorists to spew their crap without restriction, yet shuts down conservative Americans voicing their opinions, he should be arrested by the federal government for sedition.

BTW I attempted to give money to the GoFundMe thing for that retired Black police officer David Dorn that the Commie thugs shot dead the other night and guess what? Yes GoFundMe blocked me.

I was thrown off Twitter at the SAME time as my good friend Laura Loomer was thrown off it, I was thrown off Twitter for Hate Speech for DEFENDING my good friend Laura Loomer.

Donating funds to people and organizations is a well recognized form of "freedom of speech," thus whoever blocked you can be effectively sued.

The INSANITY now spreads to London, England, perhaps the Mooselimb Sadiq Khan should be FORCEFULLY told to fuck off back to Pakistan the land of his Ancestors, ROFLAO so Admiral Nelson = Hateful Racist = Tear statue down and instead put up monuments and statues to those freaks of nature who take dick up the anus and swallow each others semen:



I thought a business should be able to serve (or not serve) whoever they want?

What about those Christian bakers who REFUSED to bake a cake for Sodomites? They were taken to court by the Sodomites. Shouldn't the Christian bakers have been allowed to REFUSE to bake a cake for them?
One thing I do, is encourage kids to hack into, and otherwise destroy and or impair facebook and twitter, and I think all of you need to do exactly that. Tell your kids its okay to hack Dorcey, and Zuckerbergs fascist spy agencies and destroy them.... sooner or later we will succeed and good riddance to them all.

How do you know they were not already hacked last week and all the information is being right now sat on until the appropriate time? Ditto for The Cloud....
I don't keep track of it, I merely encourage all kids to let em have it, and have fun destroying them!
I'm leaning towards a new Constitutional which would allow for stripping citizens of their citizenship and sending them off to nations more in keeping with their ideologies. As for actual Anarchists (Antifa aren't actual anarchists, they're Communists), Antarctica sounds good, as there is no structured government there.
Glad to see some recognition that antifa are not anarchists; so many get that wrong. As to shipping off actual anarchists....... why?
All we want is to be left alone.
The only reason to try and run us off is if you don't believe in leaving people be.
I am an old man (83) who has never visited either Twitter or Facebook, and I have no interest in doing so.

I am just guessing, however, on the day that President-elect Biden (and his politically correct VP) take office (after having kneeled on the steps of the Capitol), censorship on the Internet will finally become official policy.


So let's be gentle with current President Trump. Let him enjoy his Twitter account for the rest of the year. He ain't ever going to be allowed on it again.
I am an old man (83) who has never visited either Twitter or Facebook, and I have no interest in doing so.

I am just guessing, however, on the day that President-elect Biden (and his politically correct VP) take office (after having kneeled on the steps of the Capitol), censorship on the Internet will finally become official policy.


So let's be gentle with current President Trump. Let him enjoy his Twitter account for the rest of the year. He ain't ever going to be allowed on it again.
I suspect after he wins reelection in a landslide, he will still use his twitter account to redirect his followers to Gab
The one way street of speech is spreading rapidly. Support black criminals or illegals and you are good. Rebuke them and not.

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