Twitter Suspends McConnell’s Account For Posting Video Showing Threat Calling To Stab Him In Heart

How many more times we will have to say that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!...........

enough with this injustice towards conservatives....that happens on hourly basis now..... by these Silicon Valley Tech Tyrants, globlalist, CIA controlled scum?

how many more many:( ????????????
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I'm sure you fascists would disagree since you've got the News and Social media singing your praises 24/7.
Yeah, I figure a NeoNazi to say dumb shit like that.
Don't ruin the golden calf of government payouts. Tha is what you are striving for. There are a lot of people who may die by not getting their checks or medical coverage if the economy ever tanks. And you guys have way more people that may happen to then the non Progs. You are sickly looking and out of shape at such young ages from the videos I see. I always believed that the message that Americans are to smart to let this happen was true. I was wrong. We are under educated and stupid in many things. We actually let 95% of the system kill the Bible and then resurrect themselves as scripture. And we believe them. the stooges who fell for P.T. Barnum world government designs. Actually thinking that everyone is going to become very comfortable in expensive homes, top shelf medical and top shelf food because of it. The way of the world is those who live better then others. Watching some of those 9 ton women calling McConnell a fascist in the Mitch video needs to be balanced by a hundred Chinese sweat shop slaves to produce products in Asia for us to keep their carcasses alive.
Yeah, few wanna admit it...but we're in the midst of a civil war already.

I'm sure you fascists would disagree since you've got the News and Social media singing your praises 24/7.

It's all fun and games isn't it?

Adam Kinzinger: 'Serious movement' brewing to overturn entire Second Amendment
Adam Kinzinger: 'Serious movement' brewing to overturn entire Second Amendment
Still won't get my guns. Commie scum are demoncraps.
Twitter allowed #MassacreMitch to trend over the weekend.
While things like #TotalBarbieLove get suspended erroneously. The algorithm isnt perfect. And no, it doesn't care who you are.
Yeah, why would an algorithm detect a violent threat within a video and not detect a typed word ‘massacre’?

I’ll wait here for your jumping into hyper spin mode.
Was Castro's account locked for tweeting a list of TRUMP donors for the purpose of inviting violence/harassment against them?
Twitter allowed #MassacreMitch to trend over the weekend.
While things like #TotalBarbieLove get suspended erroneously. The algorithm isnt perfect. And no, it doesn't care who you are.
“Golden slammed Twitter over its decision, which he said the campaign unsuccessfully appealed. He said the company informed the campaign the account will remain locked until the video is deleted.”

So if you’re a victim, Twitter will not let you post about it.
Good to see the right wing kooks still using Twitter even though they hate Twitter.

Probably explains why they are so angry….all day…every day.
You say that in a thread about death threats against Republicans? Lmao what a stupid post

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