Two Alabama Tea Party Candidates Run On Platform Of Impeaching Obama


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By Adam Peck

Two Tea Party candidates in Alabama challenging Rep. Jo Bonner (R) in a GOP primary vowed yesterday to impeach President Obama, if elected.

At a candidate forum hosted by the tea party group Common Sense Campaign, both Pete Riehm and Dean Young were asked if they would introduce articles of impeachment against President Obama, and both replied “yes” to loud applause, according to the Mobile Press-Register.

“First, I would cut off his funding. If that didn’t work, I would introduce a resolution describing what he’s done wrong. The last resort, which I am willing to take, would be to impeach him,” Young explained further. Riehm was equally unapologetic, saying, “failure to recognize wrong-doing is moral dereliction and, when you have the authority, failure to uphold the law is accessory to the crime.” Among President Obama’s crimes, argues Riehm, is his failure to defend the Defense of Marriage Act and failure to enforce federal laws on immigration and elections.

Bonner was quick to distance himself from the comments, saying impeachment “is a serious charge, and you better have good reasons before making it.” Even the forum moderator, conservative columnist Quin Hillyer, dismissed the idea as “pure demagoguery.”

Two Alabama Tea Party Candidates Run On Platform Of Impeaching Obama | ThinkProgress

Alabama candidates vow: 'Impeach Obama' (George Talbot column) |
How do they intend to impeach him when his term ends and he is no longer President?
How do they intend to impeach him when his term ends and he is no longer President?

Beats me? You'll have to ask the Tea Party geniuses. However, it sort of sounds like maybe they think Obama will be around for another four years.
These derps represent authentic Tea Party philosophy about as well as they hide their passion for hardcore homosex.
By Adam Peck

Two Tea Party candidates in Alabama challenging Rep. Jo Bonner (R) in a GOP primary vowed yesterday to impeach President Obama, if elected.

At a candidate forum hosted by the tea party group Common Sense Campaign, both Pete Riehm and Dean Young were asked if they would introduce articles of impeachment against President Obama, and both replied “yes” to loud applause, according to the Mobile Press-Register.

“First, I would cut off his funding. If that didn’t work, I would introduce a resolution describing what he’s done wrong. The last resort, which I am willing to take, would be to impeach him,” Young explained further. Riehm was equally unapologetic, saying, “failure to recognize wrong-doing is moral dereliction and, when you have the authority, failure to uphold the law is accessory to the crime.” Among President Obama’s crimes, argues Riehm, is his failure to defend the Defense of Marriage Act and failure to enforce federal laws on immigration and elections.

Bonner was quick to distance himself from the comments, saying impeachment “is a serious charge, and you better have good reasons before making it.” Even the forum moderator, conservative columnist Quin Hillyer, dismissed the idea as “pure demagoguery.”

Two Alabama Tea Party Candidates Run On Platform Of Impeaching Obama | ThinkProgress

Alabama candidates vow: 'Impeach Obama' (George Talbot column) |

They're a couple of nut cases. :cuckoo:
Indict Bush and Cheney first.

I understand that the two of you want to incarcerate all your political foes. But this is the United States of America. We are guaranteed certain rights. One of those rights is to think and speak freely. We are allowed to have a different political view from our neighbors and from the politicians in power. That's one of the fundamental principles of this nation that makes us great.

In order to incarcerate someone, they have to be given Due Process of law. That's the beauty of our system. They actually have a commit a crime to find them guilty of a crime. Differing in opinions isn't enough.

I know there are strong emotions involved with the past two Presidents. I've never been a big fan of Obama. But I would fight with everything I have to prevent President Obama or President Bush from being arrested and prosecuted for crimes that have never occured simply because the opposing group wants to lock them up. It's not right. It will never be right.

When you find yourself in such raging anger that you want to strip someone of their liberties, hurt them, or even kill them because they disagree with you, you need to take a step back from the emotions and invoke your brain. Ask yourself if you truly want to be that type of person?

My guess is most of us don't. Too many of us just get caught up in the emotions. Emotions are important. But we shouldnt focus on how we feel to the exclusion of thought any more than we should focus on our thoughts to the exclusion of our emotions. God has given us both as tools to guide us along the correct path. It's when our knowledge and emotions work together that we can understand the truth. And the truth shall set us free. It might make us miserable first, but it will set us free.

So why be afraid? Seek freedom through the Truth.
Because The Hague is the official seat of the International Criminal Court.
Because The Hague is the official seat of the International Criminal Court.
Yes - we should abrogate our judicial system for a foreign one! Maybe we should throw our constitution out the window and institute the UN's version of natural rights in its place too. Hell, why even bother with a government, just make us a state of the UN.
Because The Hague is the official seat of the International Criminal Court.
Yes - we should abrogate our judicial system for a foreign one! Maybe we should throw our constitution out the window and institute the UN's version of natural rights in its place too. Hell, why even bother with a government, just make us a state of the UN.

Not for everything, just for international criminals. In what court would you try a head of state that committed war crimes internationally?
Because The Hague is the official seat of the International Criminal Court.
Yes - we should abrogate our judicial system for a foreign one! Maybe we should throw our constitution out the window and institute the UN's version of natural rights in its place too. Hell, why even bother with a government, just make us a state of the UN.

Not for everything, just for international criminals. In what court would you try a head of state that committed war crimes internationally?

Wow, our constitution actually covers this, go figure.
Article 1
Section 2

The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

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