Two Key Issues in Stockley-Smith case (gun planting and premeditation)


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Questions of gun planting, outburst key in officer's verdict

Of the two issues critically contested in Stockley's acquittal after shooting Smith to death
I would agree that the alleged yelling about "let's kill this MF" cannot be proven as premeditation to murder.
But I totally DISAGREE that the gun could have been found with NO DNA from Smith,
but only DNA from Stockley, including DNA found UNDER a screw in the handle.

In the video
New police dash cam video reveals shooting that led to a murder charge

although Stockley blocks the camera with his back while rummaging through the bag
you can also see him reach OVER it and grab for something to the far left.

* the police should have a set policy to DISPLAY for the CAMERA if the officer is truly grabbing a
medical kit and show that it is not a planted bag or gun. they should show their hands at a ll times
similar to demanding suspects to show their hands

* Smith should have registered any guns he had, so he could PROVE whether or not
a gun on the scene matched any of his. Unfortunately once you get a felony and can't own guns,
then anyone could claim anything. Smith was on probation for drugs and illegal gun charges.

I would agree to give Stockley the benefit of the doubt on whatever he was mouthing off
after the suspect Smith not only evaded arrest but actively hit the patrol car

But what I would hold Stockley accountable for is admitting the gun was planted.
And set up a whole legal agreement in advance to keep the not guilty ruling,
and waive any lawsuits for falsifying evidence if he will admit that one point.

I think that would make peace and still allow forgiveness of both sides
for violations of laws and policies. Smith should not have been running from the law,
and Stockley should not have had any additional weapon(s) outside his assigned guns.

They were both wrong.
Stockley could still argue for reasonable doubt that he intended to kill abusing deadly force,
because you cannot prove or disprove he feared for his life and/or there was a gun within reach.

But for conscience sake, for public faith in law enforcement and justice,
the weird quirks with the gun not having Smith's DNA, but the prosecution
finding Stockley's DNA under a screw in the handle SHOULD BE REDRESSED and RESOLVED.

that is not acceptable

I pray for support for Christian Wilson's call for PEACE

We should enforce the right to establish truth
so that the truth sets us free from division, distrust and strife.

If we can even resolve this one point, the rest can be forgiven as debatable.
But not the gun, that will otherwise cost the police the faith of the public watching this case.
The only problem with your whine is that the Judge that saw ALL the evidence and ALL the tapes of the event stated with out any doubt that the firearm found in the car COULD NOT have been carried from the cop car to other car without being seen, it was to BIG to fit in his pocket and he was not wearing a jacket to conceal it with.
The jerk tried to kill the cops with his car. They should have shot him then.
Every single one of these incidents involve a criminal black 'victim'.
ANYONE with an IQ higher than a slice of Wonder bread KNOWS it EASY to carry around ANY gun without putting their DNA on it! THINK!!!!!!!!
"Let's see. I'm a convicted felon with gun related charges in my past. I bought this stolen handgun and a single loaded clip for $100 and for letting the dude I bought the gun fuck my little sister.
I think it's probably a good idea to make sure I always wear gloves when I handle the gun so if I'm stopped the cops can't prove the gun is mine because there won't be of my fingerprints on the gun.
Ya. That's a good idea."
The judge had PROOF the gun was owned by Smith!

Jesus Christ some of you people are stupid morons!
I saw some negro tree dweller at the protest claim to a TV reporter that the cop shot Smith with an AK47.
it all doesn't matter ...Obama's DOJ said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute a civil trial, which is much easier to win than a murder trial
at best, it is questionable manslaughter--and maybe at that ...just like the very few other similar cases
the blacks must not realize the cops just don't say ''hey, let's chase that car''
these are usually criminals committing a crime, and/or someone calls for police
the blacks initiate the problem--then ESCALATE it by resisting/fleeing !!!
it all doesn't matter ...Obama's DOJ said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute a civil trial, which is much easier to win than a murder trial
at best, it is questionable manslaughter--and maybe at that ...just like the very few other similar cases
"Obama's DOJ. That says it all. What could be more meaningless ?
1. Jason Stockley for governor of Missouri. With a big raise in pay.

2. The next acquisition for St Louis police >> Machine Guns.
It appears the Obama DOJ, and the trial judge that saw ALL the evidence don't think he was guilty. But of course that couldn't possibly trump suppositions of what MIGHT have happened.
The only problem with your whine is that the Judge that saw ALL the evidence and ALL the tapes of the event stated with out any doubt that the firearm found in the car COULD NOT have been carried from the cop car to other car without being seen, it was to BIG to fit in his pocket and he was not wearing a jacket to conceal it with.

I wish they'd SHOW ALL THE EVIDENCE AND VIDEO instead of teasing the public just showing enough to incite suspicion.

In the end, the officer knows if he used an extra gun or that gun was already there. Between him and God whatever is the truth, I trust that will come out.

But if it were a planted gun, there is no way the legal system would allow that truth to come out.

As long as it is adversarial, then people exploit the conflict instead of trying to resolve it.
the blacks must not realize the cops just don't say ''hey, let's chase that car''
these are usually criminals committing a crime, and/or someone calls for police
the blacks initiate the problem--then ESCALATE it by resisting/fleeing !!!

Yes but this is equally compounded when the police officer also bent the rules and had at least one personal weapon for deterrence "out of fear" of thugs not playing by the rules either.

So the cop equally evoked suspicion by not following policy either.

I agree if the suspect had illegal drugs in the car, evaded police, and rammed their car, that's enough to show disregard for the law and reckless endangerment.

But that is no justification for the police breaking rules by having at least one non-issued firearm, which then created the suspicion of another planted gun. He did that damage to himself and his credibility, set himself up, the same way the suspects did by running and evading the law.

The main difference is he lived to admit that the circumstances look bad and that he regrets the taking of a man's life in the course of policing.

But he made it look like he was planting a gun, he failed to show to the camera what he was handling and pulling out, and his DNA 'UNDER A SCREW IN THE GUN HANDLE' did not help but hurt his credibility more.

Too bad these guns weren't registered so it was clear who owned which one!!!
Ya cause after all a cop is gonna plant a registered firearm on the suspect, retard. Also just because it APPEARS you missed it, Obama's Justice Department refused to press charges as in NO evidence.
There was no DNA from the thug on the gun.
The thug had already been charged with a felony involving an illegal gun.
The thug only had to wear gloves to keep his DNA off the illegal gun. The judge KNEW the gun belonged to the thug. Witnesses gave statements saying the gun was the thugs.
The only problem with your whine is that the Judge that saw ALL the evidence and ALL the tapes of the event stated with out any doubt that the firearm found in the car COULD NOT have been carried from the cop car to other car without being seen, it was to BIG to fit in his pocket and he was not wearing a jacket to conceal it with.

The problem is the whiners automatically go for "the cops have to be corrupt" nonsense. Without looking at any evidence or hearing anything related to what happened, they've already determined the cop had to have done something wrong. When the evidence actually shows the fault lies with the one being shot, you don't hear a thing from them.
There was no DNA from the thug on the gun.
The thug had already been charged with a felony involving an illegal gun.
The thug only had to wear gloves to keep his DNA off the illegal gun. The judge KNEW the gun belonged to the thug. Witnesses gave statements saying the gun was the thugs.

The whiners don't care. All they have to know is a cop was involved and it's automatically a wrong action.
The judge didn't determine the officer was innocent as much as the fact he felt the prosecutor failed to sufficiently prove guilt.
In our judicial system ... There is no guarantee of ultimate justice ... But the desire to avoid imprisoning someone without sufficient proof of guilt.

You got to take the bad with the good ... :thup:


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