Two kids spotted playing on the beach gets parents arrested.


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Two Kids Spotted Playing on a Beach, Cops Arrest Their Parents for Negligence

SMH...I remember letting my parents know I was leaving at 8 or 9 in the morning and I knew to be home before dark. They KNEW and TRUSTED me enough to let me do as I wanted. We lived in several places as a kid but there was always other kids or a field to play in or woods to play in...never once had a problem. My kids play outside alone as well...not a problem. This is just beyond dumb.
Noting from the article that one of the dangers the kids faced was people taking pictures of children. It's also, coincidentally, the same reason toddlers are never seen in their birthday suits anymore. This "danger from pedophiles" fear has taken on proportions far in excess of the actual threat and is certainly what's driving this prosecution. Americans have become collectively mentally ill, irrational in our fear of monsters real or (more likely) imagined.

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