Two Las Vegas Teens Die Suddenly: Must Be Climate Change


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
While we celebrate the recovery of Damar Hillman, let's take a look at what's happening around the rest of the nation. Two Las Vegas teens "died suddenly" this month, one during a flag football game and one in the restroom at school.

Yes, yes, I know. People have always "died suddenly". But isn't it strange how we hear so many of these stories now?

Wait until we find out. I mean really find out. What a tragedy--and a crime.


The COVID Injections Are Dangerous And NO ONE Should Be Taking Them​


Booster-Caused IgG4 Immune Tolerance Explains Excess Mortality and "Chronic Covid"​

Perhaps Giving Unproven Vaccines to Billions was a Bad Idea, After All​


The COVID Injections Are Dangerous And NO ONE Should Be Taking Them​

View attachment 745836

Booster-Caused IgG4 Immune Tolerance Explains Excess Mortality and "Chronic Covid"​

Perhaps Giving Unproven Vaccines to Billions was a Bad Idea, After All​


Make no mistake: the Rasmussen poll showed, and Damar Hillman brought home all the more, that the danger of these vaccines is starting to penetrate the collective.

Also evident in how few people got boosters and especially, 4th and 5th boosters.
i love how everyone on the net is suddenly medical experts
"This will go down as the biggest biological pharmaceutical safety disaster in the history of mankind — by a mile."
Dr. Peter McCullough
is one of the most published cardiologists ever in America and is now serving as the Chief Scientific Officer for

Make no mistake: the Rasmussen poll showed, and Damar Hillman brought home all the more, that the danger of these vaccines is starting to penetrate the collective.

Also evident in how few people got boosters and especially, 4th and 5th boosters.

And that's the good news!

The sheeple are waking up.

The terror and the lashing out of the cult are good to see.!

i love how everyone on the net is suddenly medical experts
I'm not a medical expert.

I am just posting the writing and the interviews, and posting content from folks that are quoting them.

What you are doing is lashing out, because you took the jab, and you are now pissed that you were lied to, and instead of being properly angry at the corruption of the government, and the billion dollar, incestuous relationship between big pharma and the folks that rule us, you are now shooting the messenger.

This is understandable. I remember hearing a story about this from one of the content creators that specializes on gathering these reports, on this, and one of his sister's kids who got the jab, and then lost her child, after he told her not to get the jab.

When she lost the child, and later talked to him on the phone, she was pissed at HIM, not at the jab. . .
It is easier to get pissed at the person that is delivering you the information that conflicts with institutions you are supposed to trust, than the system that deceived you and coerced you into doing things that are against your best interests.

IMO? The only way should get mad at me, is if I did this, to force you to watch what this Dr. is telling you;

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I'm not a medical expert.

I am just posting the writing and the interviews, and posting content from folks that are quoting them.

What you are doing is lashing out, because you took the jab, and you are now pissed that you were lied to, and instead of being properly angry at the corruption of the government, and the billion dollar, incestuous relationship between big pharma and the folks that rule us, you are now shooting the messenger.

This is understandable. I remember hearing a story about this from one of the content creators the specializes on gathering these reports, on this, and one of his sister's kids who got the jab, and then lost her child, after he told her not to get the jab.

When she lost the child, and later talked to him on the phone, she was pissed at HIM, not at the jab. . .
It is easier to get pissed at the person that is delivering you the information that conflicts with institutions you are supposed to trust, than the system that deceived you and coerced you into doing thing that are against your best interests.

IMO? The only way should get mad at me, is if I did this, to forced you to watch what this Dr. is telling you;


I understand this propensity in people--to deny, to lash out.

However, it's not the mature response. Adults should be able to sit with themselves and muddle through it. Plenty are. Plenty say, "I took the first two, realized they're crap, and stopped." Or, "I took the first one, got sick and regret it."

So while I understand the vaccine shillers, I don't excuse what they're doing. It's really important to change course when a course change is advisable.
Them illegal aliens done gone and got Fentanyl in the food supply. No worries though, the new Speaker of the House will save our youngins.
i love how everyone on the net is suddenly medical experts
Yep. She's starting to sound like a shrill grandmother telling you to eat your vegetables. You can put these posts in the category of "things I can set the time on my watch to". One of Sue's anti-vaxx ragers. :auiqs.jpg:

"Expert advice" quotes on suspect alt-right opinion sites. Yeah..pass.
Yep. She's starting to sound like a shrill grandmother telling you to eat your vegetables. You can put these posts in the category of "things I can set the time on my watch to". One of Sue's anti-vaxx ragers. :auiqs.jpg:

"Expert advice" quotes on suspect alt-right opinion sites. Yeah..pass.


While we celebrate the recovery of Damar Hillman, let's take a look at what's happening around the rest of the nation. Two Las Vegas teens "died suddenly" this month, one during a flag football game and one in the restroom at school.

Yes, yes, I know. People have always "died suddenly". But isn't it strange how we hear so many of these stories now?
What is stupidly strange is ignorant idiots like you who have practically zero knowledge of human biology thinking that everyone who dies died from a vaccine. Your viewpoint is just as fucking stupid as the people who claimed that a guy who smashed his head in a motorcycle accident died from COVID. It's just idiotic.

You have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about, but you don't realize that. It's the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Yes, yes, I know. People have always "died suddenly". But isn't it strange how we hear so many of these stories now?

Not strange at all. In the past you did not have far right sites like Redstate and all the rest scouring the web looking for every single deaths like this and telling you about it.

Normally unless you were from the local area you would have never heard about these two dying.

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