Two Marine Corp Generals fired


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2013
Gen. James Amos, commandant of the Marine Corps, fired two generals Monday for failing to protect forces against a Taliban attack on a base in southern Afghanistan.

By Barbara Starr


WASHINGTON — In an action unprecedented during 12 years of war in Afghanistan, the commandant of the Marine Corps is firing two top generals for failing to protect troops at a base in southern Afghanistan from a Taliban attack.

Marine Gen. James Amos, the Corps commandant, agreed to a finding that Maj. Gens. Charles M. Gurganus and Gregg A. Sturdevant “did not take adequate force protection measures” at the British-operated Camp Bastion last year, the Corps said Monday.

On Sept. 14-15, 2012, Taliban fighters got through an unguarded part of a fence and engaged in a long running gunbattle with U.S. and coalition forces. Two Marines were killed and eight other personnel were wounded. Six aircraft were destroyed by the Taliban, the largest loss of Marine aircraft since the Vietnam War.

Read more: 2 U.S. Marine generals fired over deadly Taliban attack | Q13 FOX News

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