Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident

Given more people are accidently shot and killed than killed in mass shootings, people are still safer in gun free zones.
brainless is too stupid to understand that while the # of guns in America goes up up up, the number of accidental gun deaths go down down
The rate of gun violence among white Americans-the racial group that has the most gun ownership per capita IS LOWER Than the rate of gun violence of whites in most-if not all-of the Eurosocialist effete societies that ban or restrict handgun ownership. THE HIGHEST rate of gun violence in the USA comes from blacks-who not only have low rates of LEGAL Gun ownership-but generally live in DEMOCRAT controlled cities with stupid gun control laws

why do graboids demand proof of stuff that has been posted on this forum thousands of times



As usual you can't back up your crazy claims.
I don't need to-smart people know I am right, retarded gun banning turds won't accept any proof.
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

Ever since the bush boy years the nra has had too much influence on our nation and politicians.

We need politicians who will stand up to that organization and pass real gun safety laws that will bring the violence under control.
Strange that you attribute the incident to the Tea Party when no mention of political party was made in the article....

Maybe you haven't heard the saying about assume.

Where did anyone bring the teabaggers into this?

Oh that's right. It was YOU.

teabaggers have nothing to do with the OP but nice try in changing the subject. It won't work.
The gun grabbers don't get it............

They are more unpopular than at any time in our nations history!!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu: Be glad to post the polls by request..........
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

Ever since the bush boy years the nra has had too much influence on our nation and politicians.

We need politicians who will stand up to that organization and pass real gun safety laws that will bring the violence under control. to point out which gun laws will do that....?

We already have the perfect gun laws...if you commit a crime with a gun go to jail. If you are a felon caught with a go to jail...anything else is just you anti gun extremists punishing gun owners because they want to own guns...

What other gun laws do we need?

And it would be a big help if prosecutors and judges put gun criminals away for a long time...over 10 years if they commit any crime using a gun, or if they are a violent felon caught with a gun......I would even go for a longer sentence...that is how you control gun crimes...but prosecutors and judges aren't doing that are they?
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

Ever since the bush boy years the nra has had too much influence on our nation and politicians.

We need politicians who will stand up to that organization and pass real gun safety laws that will bring the violence under control. to point out which gun laws will do that....?

We already have the perfect gun laws...if you commit a crime with a gun go to jail. If you are a felon caught with a go to jail...anything else is just you anti gun extremists punishing gun owners because they want to own guns...

What other gun laws do we need?

And it would be a big help if prosecutors and judges put gun criminals away for a long time...over 10 years if they commit any crime using a gun, or if they are a violent felon caught with a gun......I would even go for a longer sentence...that is how you control gun crimes...but prosecutors and judges aren't doing that are they? cant have reasoned debate with these people.......all you can do is make fun of them like I do. They apply no logic to this stuff......its 100% emotion due to not being able to connect the dots. These people see the world as a huge tragedy every day of their life...........get hysterical over most anything. Truly believe that if you fix the institutions/laws, the world would be honky-dorey.

All you have to see is this video to know, there is no hope for these nutters >>>>

"we need to consider banning nails................"

These people are all fucked..........:spinner::spinner:
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

The good news, two less morons that could breed
While I understand that some people fear guns, I think my right to legally own and carry a firearm, because I am a legal citizen in good standing, should not be infringed. When I look at history, I see that those who take all the guns are not the ones who stop using them. Knowing this, there is a seed of doubt in my mind when I think of these certain people want want to disarm everyone else. And I don't think wanting to have the right to legally own a gun and carry it, whether I am doubtful of our government or not, makes me a 'gun nut' or whatever other dumb names these random people come up with.
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

The good news, two less morons that could breed

One man was attempting to defend himself from the other.

When you post this, guno, you show a hatred towards human life.
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

Better they are dead than on the streets.
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

The good news, two less morons that could breed

One man was attempting to defend himself from the other.

When you post this, guno, you show a hatred towards human life.

Yea two kooks shooting each other in road rage is very normal , get some mental health help
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

So what if a couple idiots kill each other?
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

The good news, two less morons that could breed

Yes I see it as natural selection doing it's job.
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

The good news, two less morons that could breed
Yes I see it as natural selection doing it's job.
Much like ghetto homies getting shot by police.

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