Two thirds of Israelis support freezing peace talks

"More than two thirds of Israeli Jews support the government's decision to suspend negotiations with the Palestinian Authority after Fatah and Hamas signed a unity deal, according to a poll published Wednesday by the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) and Tel Aviv University.

The monthly Peace Index poll found that 68% of Israeli Jews believe the decision made by the security cabinet two weeks ago was appropriate, while 27% disagree with the move."

Poll finds two thirds of Israelis support freezing peace talks | JPost | Israel News

I agree with suspending the talks, any decision can be made binding on all and Israel should wait and see who they are dealing with and move on from there.

To have sucessful " peace talks" there has to be " negotiations" It can't be all one way. Ask what the Palestinians are doing to " negotiate" and there will be no response

Definition of NEGOTIATE

b: to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise <negotiate a treaty> :D

I say the take this approach;
(1) Do whatever they can to push more and more Palestinians out of Israel, esp in all of Jerusalem.
(2) Continue to build in the Eastern side of Jerusalem and continue to put more Jews in that area, while pushing as many Palestinians out as possible.
(3) Continue to build up the Jewish Cities in the Judea and Samaria that are along the Green-line.
(4) Start will the greenline cities and start moving out.
(5) Build more and more missile systems along the Gaza border.
(6) Enact a requirement that you serve in the army as a prerequisite for running for Parliament. Heck, Arabs can join the army if they want (same with Orthodox Jews)

In the end the goal should be to get as many Palestinians out of Israel, Judea and Samaria as possible!

Fuck the PC bullshit. This should be the goal and the means will take decades to meet that end, so start now!

GHook, at least you are honest, and don't play games like Netanyahu!
Terrorists operate from highly populated areas, or rather they "hide" among the civilians making them targets of war.

If that is your complaint, then give them back the rest of Palestine. Then they will have room to manoeuvre. And less cause to do so.

As to 'terrorists'; terrorists do not always operate from civilian areas in Israel and Palestine. They also operate from drone bases, and from F15's, they control the border crossings and operate Abrams tanks.
Terrorists operate from highly populated areas, or rather they "hide" among the civilians making them targets of war.

If that is your complaint, then give them back the rest of Palestine. Then they will have room to manoeuvre. And less cause to do so.

As to 'terrorists'; terrorists do not always operate from civilian areas in Israel and Palestine. They also operate from drone bases, and from F15's, they control the border crossings and operate Abrams tanks.

that is what the negotiations were for, that abbas walked away from, after making an absurd last minute increase demand of prisoners.
>>IDF incursion into Gaza.<< were due to rockets, mortars, bombings and kidnappings by groups like hamas and IJ.

So that makes it ok to kill hundreds of women and children. The Nazis used to claim that killing 10 innocent villagers by firing squad in Italy was justified because resistance partisans had killed one German.

Terrorists operate from highly populated areas, or rather they "hide" among the civilians making them targets of war.

For the second time:

1 - Stop behaving like the progeny of nazi Germany, like a morally depraved state,

2 - revoke the supremacist policy of physically eliminating unarmed palestinian civilians when they cross into the western half of their historical homeland

3 - and the whole palestinian armed struggle will immediately lose its entire meaning.

It's as simple as that.
José;9095696 said:
So that makes it ok to kill hundreds of women and children. The Nazis used to claim that killing 10 innocent villagers by firing squad in Italy was justified because resistance partisans had killed one German.

Terrorists operate from highly populated areas, or rather they "hide" among the civilians making them targets of war.

For the second time:

1 - Stop behaving like the progeny of nazi Germany, like a morally depraved state,

2 - revoke the supremacist policy of physically eliminating unarmed palestinian civilians when they cross into the western half of their historical homeland

3 - and the whole palestinian armed struggle will immediately lose its entire meaning.

It's as simple as that.

Actually, the Palestinians need to

1) Stop launching rockets into Israel

2) renounce terrorism

3) make a promise that they will never attack Israel unprovoked

It's as simple as that.
Neither is facing down an immediate threat.

I would support resistance of an IDF incursion into Gaza.

But rule of law would be much preferable in any case.
If Israel will obey the law, they would remove their occupation, and THEN I might even support the wall, as hopefully a temporary measure.

Of course it would have to be moved back to Israeli lines. And the settlements withdrawn, as well.

>>IDF incursion into Gaza.<< were due to rockets, mortars, bombings and kidnappings by groups like hamas and IJ.

So that makes it ok to kill hundreds of women and children. The Nazis used to claim that killing 10 innocent villagers by firing squad in Italy was justified because resistance partisans had killed one German.

Just so you know, using the Nazi comparison just makes you look foolish.
Which is why I encourage you to keep using it.
>>IDF incursion into Gaza.<< were due to rockets, mortars, bombings and kidnappings by groups like hamas and IJ.

So that makes it ok to kill hundreds of women and children. The Nazis used to claim that killing 10 innocent villagers by firing squad in Italy was justified because resistance partisans had killed one German.

Just so you know, using the Nazi comparison just makes you look foolish.
Which is why I encourage you to keep using it.

I will continue to do so because "doth protest too much".
José;9095696 said:
So that makes it ok to kill hundreds of women and children. The Nazis used to claim that killing 10 innocent villagers by firing squad in Italy was justified because resistance partisans had killed one German.

Terrorists operate from highly populated areas, or rather they "hide" among the civilians making them targets of war.

For the second time:

1 - Stop behaving like the progeny of nazi Germany, like a morally depraved state,

2 - revoke the supremacist policy of physically eliminating unarmed palestinian civilians when they cross into the western half of their historical homeland

3 - and the whole palestinian armed struggle will immediately lose its entire meaning.

It's as simple as that.

November, Israeli forces fired warning shots and detained three unarmed Palestinians who attempted to cross into Israel, east of Al Bureij Camp

Blowing up discos, markets and restaurants full of civilians is not morally depraved?
Putting explosives on children and teaching them to kill jews is not morally depraved?
Originally posted by toastman
Actually, the Palestinians need to

1) Stop launching rockets into Israel

2) renounce terrorism

3) make a promise that they will never attack Israel unprovoked

It's as simple as that.


This is the moment we are faced with a tragic, bloody catch-22:

Palestinians don't do what you tell them to do (end their armed struggle) because Israel doesn't do what I tell them to do either (stop killing palestinians).

And Israel doesn't do what I tell them to do (stop killing palestinians) because Palestinians don't do what you tell them to do (end their armed struggle).
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Let's hear it straight from the horse's mouth, toastman:

Interviewer: "Why didn't Hamas accept the last israeli peace proposal?"

Yassin: "That was a mockery disguised as a peace plan, an empty, meaningless proposal because the Zionists still didn't want to accept our right to live in our homeland."

Interview with Sheik Ahmed Yassin aired on CNN, don't remember the exact date

As I said, toastman, a sad, tragic catch-22.
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Although it must be said that all israeli historians are in perfect agreement that Israel's shoot to kill policy preceded the beginning of the palestinian armed struggle by at least 3 years.

But it doesn't matter... the fact is Israel does use the armed struggle as an excuse for ethnic supremacism just like any other racial dictatorship in human history.

So regardless of its validity the palestinian armed struggle is indeed tremedously counterproducent and should be replaced by a peace movement for civil rights in their homeland.

But then we are back to the catch-22 again:

Who does what first?
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Originally posted by aris2chat
Blowing up discos, markets and restaurants full of civilians is not morally depraved?
Putting explosives on children and teaching them to kill jews is not morally depraved?

It is indeed.

There are few things in this world more gruesome than a palestinian suicide bombing.

A horrendous spectacle of body parts flying everywhere followed by the most terrifying shouts and scream a human being can hear.

A savagery beyond description that traumatizes anyone unfortunate enough to witness it for the rest of their lives.

But it's no more morally depraved than a state that has spent 65 years and counting murdering the natives of the land (including unarmed men, women, even grannies and children) to preserve an artificial ethnic majority in 60%-80% of their historical homeland.
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José;9095836 said:
Originally posted by toastman
Actually, the Palestinians need to

1) Stop launching rockets into Israel

2) renounce terrorism

3) make a promise that they will never attack Israel unprovoked

It's as simple as that.


This is the moment we are faced with a tragic, bloody catch-22:

Palestinians don't do what you tell them to do (end their armed struggle) because Israel doesn't do what I tell them to do either (stop killing palestinians).

And Israel doesn't do what I tell them to do (stop killing palestinians) because Palestinians don't do what you tell them to do (end their armed struggle).

Sorry Jose, but I don't fall for this 'armed struggle' BS.
What Hamas and Islamic Jihad did during the second intifada was disgusting, and the Palestinians are still paying for it today.
Israel always fights back and they fight back hard, and unfortunately innocent Palestinians always pay the price.
But Hamas and their Gazan civilians cheer, celebrate and hand out candy whenever a successful attack against Israelis took place. To me, that is pure evil.
Israel has NO REASON to attack Gaza if they are not being attacked or threatened. Call it an armed struggle if you want, but I think we can all agree that whenever Hamas attacks Israel, it only makes their situation worse. Why they are digging themselves a deeper hole, I don't know.

Let me out it this way: If Israel could create a weapon that would only kill Hamas militants when launched (obviously impossible), they would.
If Hamas could create a weapon that would kill all Jewish Israelis, they would.

So I disagree with your 'armed struggle' excuse Jose. I just see it as an excuse to continue attacking Israel.
José;9095899 said:
Originally posted by aris2chat
Blowing up discos, markets and restaurants full of civilians is not morally depraved?
Putting explosives on children and teaching them to kill jews is not morally depraved?

It is indeed.

There are few things in this world more gruesome than a palestinian suicide bombing.

A horrendous spectacle of body parts flying everywhere followed by the most terrifying shouts and scream a human being can hear.

A savagery beyond description that traumatizes anyone unfortunate enough to witness it for the rest of their lives.

But it's no more morally depraved than a state that has spent 65 years and counting murdering the natives of the land (including unarmed men, women, even grannies and children) to preserve an artificial ethnic majority in 60%-80% of their historical homeland.

You actually think Israel attacks Gaza so they can be a majority??
Oh common, even you don't believe that crap Jose.

If Israel attacks militants or militant sites, and civilians die as a result of collateral damage, it's not murder. And yes, that goes for Hamas too. If they launched an anti tank missile at a tank, and civilians died as a result, that would also be considered collateral damage.
But Hamas almost exclusively attacks civilians, and that was very evident during the second intifada.

Which brings me to my next point. Why do Palestinians and their supporters complain that Israel kills them, when Hamas sent their own civilians, sometimes women or young men and in several cases kids, to commit suicide???
Double standard much??
Likud has led Israel into a dead end. The Arab opposition, supported by the overwhelming majority of UN member states is too strong to allow Israel to annex Judea and Samaria, the one-state solution that the religious right has pushed for with increasing candor for many years.

At the same time, Jews are about to become a minority in Israel if the Occupied Territories are taken into account. This is going to lead to a crisis which the USA will not be able to prevent.

There is no military solution to the conflict, despite the overwhelming military power of the IDF, for which America is paying four million dollars a day. The Arab world is too underdeveloped politically and fractured socially to work out a solution at this time.

Another generation of the status quo may well result in the regional hegemony of a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel cannot survive a nuclear war. It is too small and its population will abandon Tel Aviv for Crown Heights. Previous Crusader states have lasted a couple of centuries. Israel will not have that luxury.
Likud has led Israel into a dead end. The Arab opposition, supported by the overwhelming majority of UN member states is too strong to allow Israel to annex Judea and Samaria, the one-state solution that the religious right has pushed for with increasing candor for many years.

At the same time, Jews are about to become a minority in Israel if the Occupied Territories are taken into account. This is going to lead to a crisis which the USA will not be able to prevent.

There is no military solution to the conflict, despite the overwhelming military power of the IDF, for which America is paying four million dollars a day. The Arab world is too underdeveloped politically and fractured socially to work out a solution at this time.

Another generation of the status quo may well result in the regional hegemony of a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel cannot survive a nuclear war. It is too small and its population will abandon Tel Aviv for Crown Heights. Previous Crusader states have lasted a couple of centuries. Israel will not have that luxury.

Jews in Israel proper make up over 75% of the population. The West Bank is different, but I don't think Israel will annex it.

I don't really understand your projection for Israel if a nuclear war breaks out. You really think a country like Iran would commit suicide by nuking another country?
Sorry to inform you but, Israel is going nowhere. The best thing to do for all the haters is to accept this fact. Or not, I actually don't care.
José;9095899 said:
Originally posted by aris2chat
Blowing up discos, markets and restaurants full of civilians is not morally depraved?
Putting explosives on children and teaching them to kill jews is not morally depraved?

It is indeed.

There are few things in this world more gruesome than a palestinian suicide bombing.

A horrendous spectacle of body parts flying everywhere followed by the most terrifying shouts and scream a human being can hear.

A savagery beyond description that traumatizes anyone unfortunate enough to witness it for the rest of their lives.

But it's no more morally depraved than a state that has spent 65 years and counting murdering the natives of the land (including unarmed men, women, even grannies and children) to preserve an artificial ethnic majority in 60%-80% of their historical homeland.

49 years that Israel has been in control of WB and G, through most of the WB is in the hands of the PA and all of G is in the hands of Hamas. So it was more like 42 years that Israel used to control all of what could have been a palestinian state. But palestinians all keep walking away from the table so near the end.

You really have a very distorted view of Israel. The things you believe can be put in a context of defense, violence control, or collateral. It is far from systemic, but palestinians have their fair share of killing their own in the name of a "cause". I've witnesses too many palestinians shot in the back by their own people because they wanted no part in their fight. I've they fire at each other for a minor disagreement in the camps. Who's corner is it today, who's rules are to be enforced, who is the bigger jerk, who has the bigger feet/nose/etc. They fight, they terrorize the people, they intimidate, they extort, they torture, they are involved in assassinations for hire, they mutilate/execute in the most medieval of ways. This is life in the camps.
Arabs keep them confined, palestinians still keep the refugee camps within the WB and G as charity siphons from the UN, Israel has offered to take some since the end of reunification programs after Oslo, but that has been refused.
Right not there is a daily war in the camps of palestinians fighting each other and creating a hell for the rest of the 40,000 refugees in that camp. Their guns need to be taken away and the people from 8 to 80 must learn alternatives to violence, with each other and with those outside the camps, including Israel.
Likud has led Israel into a dead end. The Arab opposition, supported by the overwhelming majority of UN member states is too strong to allow Israel to annex Judea and Samaria, the one-state solution that the religious right has pushed for with increasing candor for many years.

At the same time, Jews are about to become a minority in Israel if the Occupied Territories are taken into account. This is going to lead to a crisis which the USA will not be able to prevent.

There is no military solution to the conflict, despite the overwhelming military power of the IDF, for which America is paying four million dollars a day. The Arab world is too underdeveloped politically and fractured socially to work out a solution at this time.

Another generation of the status quo may well result in the regional hegemony of a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel cannot survive a nuclear war. It is too small and its population will abandon Tel Aviv for Crown Heights. Previous Crusader states have lasted a couple of centuries. Israel will not have that luxury.

Most neutral observers agree, it is this group that haven't a clue.
Likud has led Israel into a dead end. The Arab opposition, supported by the overwhelming majority of UN member states is too strong to allow Israel to annex Judea and Samaria, the one-state solution that the religious right has pushed for with increasing candor for many years.

At the same time, Jews are about to become a minority in Israel if the Occupied Territories are taken into account. This is going to lead to a crisis which the USA will not be able to prevent.

There is no military solution to the conflict, despite the overwhelming military power of the IDF, for which America is paying four million dollars a day. The Arab world is too underdeveloped politically and fractured socially to work out a solution at this time.

Another generation of the status quo may well result in the regional hegemony of a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel cannot survive a nuclear war. It is too small and its population will abandon Tel Aviv for Crown Heights. Previous Crusader states have lasted a couple of centuries. Israel will not have that luxury.

Most neutral observers agree, it is this group that haven't a clue.

Agree that what?? Israel will be overwhelmed by Arabs??

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