Tyre Nichols body cam footage

Well. Jobs like cops, teachers, social workers are very important to society. Yet we pay them like crap. So mostly, as society breaks down and these professions get even more difficult to sustain, you're not going to get great candidates.

A spiral downward, IOW
In a nation with $31 trillion in debt, we can’t afford to pay cops a good salary. We can afford trillions for the MIC and a myriad of tax loopholes for the ultra wealthy.
The racism I am speaking of are the racist comments on this forum. These 5 black men forgot they were black and took on the persona of the oppressor.

"forgot they were black"?

Oh. So there is never a thing like black on black violence...it's always just black people forgetting who they are?


It's humanity. All of us.
In a nation with $31 trillion in debt, we can’t afford to pay cops a good salary. We can afford trillions for the MIC and a myriad of tax loopholes for the ultra wealthy.

Oh yeah, and congresscritters, who you know, have staffers do all the actual work.

This nation is being held together with duct tape and string, I am saying.
Ok 145, so you tell me that 5 well built police officers couldn't take this man down without beating him to death. The question is not directed at you, just some of these other morons.

Right, I'm not saying that. I watched the videos and it did look like Tyre was resisting. But that doesn't matter. Resisting or not, no excuses. They are right to be fired AND charged.

But before society lost their minds, it was worth it. You weren't dealing with insane people and their insane expectations. (In my profession, teaching, the kids are great for the most part. The adults are insane.)
When has this ever been an sane society?
So that's the straw that breaks the camel's back. I will do your job of public service for little pay if I feel it's doing some good. When the populace is so batcrap crazy, it's not doing any good....why do it?

That's where we are in 2023
I don't know when it was ever doing any good, I guess it just depends on what side of the tracks you are on.

"forgot they were black"?

Oh. So there is never a thing like black on black violence...it's always just black people forgetting who they are?


It's humanity. All of us.
I don't recall saying they forgot they were black, pretty sure they can never forget that. Of course there is a thing such as black on black violence, but when it comes to the police and black folks you would have to be black to understand where I am coming from.
In a nation with $31 trillion in debt, we can’t afford to pay cops a good salary. We can afford trillions for the MIC and a myriad of tax loopholes for the ultra wealthy.

We can afford to see that public sector employee's are paid better. We can't do that and do things like give Ukraine billions and billions of dollars while throwing millions and millions more around bribing other countries around the world at the same time.
I don't recall saying they forgot they were black, pretty sure they can never forget that. Of course there is a thing such as black on black violence, but when it comes to the police and black folks you would have to be black to understand where I am coming from.

You absolutely said it. Post #241

And I don't think I have to be black to understand that in too many places black people have not gotten a fair shake by cops OR the justice system.

And uh, Joe Biden was a big engineer of that.
Agreed. This is why a lot of folks on the left, want to leave these sorts of confrontations up to units composed of social workers, or units that have more special training.

That traffic stop would have worked out better if it was conducted by a social worker or unit trained to ask……License and Registration please
There has been no evidence any traffic stop was ever called for to start with.
In spite of Nichols repeatedly asking……What did I do?
The officers were more concerned with hauling him out of the car, slamming him to the ground, pepper spraying and using their taser
In spite of Nichols repeatedly asking……What did I do?
The officers were more concerned with hauling him out of the car, slamming him to the ground, pepper spraying and using their taser

Yes, and this is where we still are not there. We have to require a police officer to state why a person has been pulled over to require anyone to have to do anything.

They had no justification for pulling him over and with that the case, he had no obligation to even talk to them.
Going directly to handcuffing a suspect is usually reserved for cases where someone is reasonably suspected of being involved in a crime.

Traffic stops don’t count
We have to require a police officer to state why a person has been pulled over to require anyone to have to do anything.

Traffic stops I have usually been involved in start with a request for license and registration followed by……the reason I pulled you over
Traffic stops I have usually been involved in start with a request for license and registration followed by……the reason I pulled you over

IMO that has to stop. If they had no reason to pull you over you have no obligation to do anything.
The video is very clear that Tyre wasn't compliant at all. He got loose and ran away twice. One of the officers clearly said "he's going for my gun".
Did he say "he's going for my gun" because he thought it would give him license to beat up Tyre? Was Tyre really young for his gun?

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