U.N.’s Fear of Angering Assad Leaves Gap in Syria Aid Effort


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012

It's a shame that the people who are in desperate need can't get aid.

U.N.’s Fear of Angering Assad Leaves Gap in Syria Aid Effort

December 30, 2014 by Colum Lynch

Six months ago, the United Nations assured the world it could deliver humanitarian aid to as many as 2 million imperiled civilians living in rebel-controlled communities along Syria’s borders with Turkey, Jordan, and Iraq. Today, the U.N.’s chief relief agencies are reaching only a fraction of those numbers — meaning that hundreds of thousands of desperate Syrians are still at risk of starvation, dehydration, and disease.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon recently acknowledged that food has been delivered across Syria’s borders to rebel-held communities to only 208,000 people, medical supplies to just 250,000, and water and sanitation equipment to as few as 86,000. At the same time, the ranks of Syria’s displaced have continued to swell throughout the country: A stunning 12.2 million Syrians are now in need of humanitarian aid, 2.9 million more than just 10 months ago, according to U.N. estimates.

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Syrian Freedom - bull U.N. s Fear of Angering Assad Leaves Gap in Syria...
Sally, why arent your beloved rebels delivering aid to the alleged 2 million civilians?
Is it because they take it for themselves?

Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Sally, why arent your beloved rebels delivering aid to the alleged 2 million civilians?
Is it because they take it for themselves?

Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Sally doesn't give a shit about Syrians. This is just her bullshit setup to more Israeli propaganda.
True. Her only intention was to post some more anti-Assad propaganda lies.
She follows her regimes inhuman point of view and mixes it with do-gooder reports about the sad fate of people to make her regimes topics look justified, true and lawful. When someone unmaskes that behavior she goes over to personal attacks and increases propaganda.
I would not wonder if some fat lazy guy who gets paid by some US/Israeli cyber propaganda initiative is registered at the USMB with the name Sally.
Sally, why arent your beloved rebels delivering aid to the alleged 2 million civilians?
Is it because they take it for themselves?

Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Sally doesn't give a shit about Syrians. This is just her bullshit setup to more Israeli propaganda.
True. Her only intention was to post some more anti-Assad propaganda lies.
She follows her regimes inhuman point of view and mixes it with do-gooder reports about the sad fate of people to make her regimes topics look justified, true and lawful. When someone unmaskes that behavior she goes over to personal attacks and increases propaganda.
I would not wonder if some fat lazy guy who gets paid by some US/Israeli cyber propaganda initiative is registered at the USMB with the name Sally.

The fat lazy guy must be you being paid for by the Assad regime. Do you get overtime for giving up your sleep and posting for them during the hours when people in Germany are sound asleep? You are a fool if you actually think that Billy Boy cares about any of the people in Syria or what is actually going on. However, it certainly looks like the both of you could care less that there are Syrian people are not get aid that they desperately need. Meanwhile let's see if Assad's cheerleader on this forum now jumps in when it is going on 2 a.m. in Germany.
Sally, why arent your beloved rebels delivering aid to the alleged 2 million civilians?
Is it because they take it for themselves?

Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Sally doesn't give a shit about Syrians. This is just her bullshit setup to more Israeli propaganda.

Oh look, we have Billy Boy, the loser, putting in his two cents again when he has had nothing to say on this forum unless he can drag in Israel. Of course, Billy Boy is going to show us all the posts that he has made on this forum proving to us how concerned he is for the innocent Arabs in places like Iraq, Yemen, Syria, etc. Go ahead, Billy Boy, copy and paste all the posts you have made on this forum to prove to the viewers that you are actually interested in what is happening in the Middle East unless you find a way to drag in Israel. You must have posted hundreds by now that you can at least pull up a dozen, can't you? By the way, do try and send some money to the relief organizations to try to help these unfortunate people. One less beer or two shouldn't really be that much of a sacrifice. Send the money to UNICEF or CARE. Meanwhile, we will all await Billy Boy's proof that he has posted many articles about what is happening in the Middle East to show us that he is a concerned humanitarian. Over to you, Billy Boy. Give us the list of your posts on this forum. It should be very easy for you to do.
Poor Silly-Sally.......her only reason for existence on the forum is to suck up to Israel. .... :cuckoo:
Oh look, we have Billy Boy, the loser, putting in his two cents again when he has had nothing to say on this forum unless he can drag in Israel. Of course, Billy Boy is going to show us all the posts that he has made on this forum proving to us how concerned he is for the innocent Arabs in places like Iraq, Yemen, Syria, etc. Go ahead, Billy Boy, copy and paste all the posts you have made on this forum to prove to the viewers that you are actually interested in what is happening in the Middle East unless you find a way to drag in Israel. You must have posted hundreds by now that you can at least pull up a dozen, can't you? By the way, do try and send some money to the relief organizations to try to help these unfortunate people. One less beer or two shouldn't really be that much of a sacrifice. Send the money to UNICEF or CARE. Meanwhile, we will all await Billy Boy's proof that he has posted many articles about what is happening in the Middle East to show us that he is a concerned humanitarian. Over to you, Billy Boy. Give us the list of your posts on this forum. It should be very easy for you to do.
You are seriously mental.

I've said more than once I don't give a shit about Arabs in the ME, yet you keep spewing this bullshit as if I do.
Poor Silly-Sally.......her only reason for existence on the forum is to suck up to Israel. .... :cuckoo:
She's nothing but a fucking internet troll!

Yessiree, Billy the Bum can't seem to pull out any articles which would have showed us that he is really concerned with what is happening in the Middle East as a whole. Where's all your previous posts on this forum, Billy the Bum, to let the viewers see that you actually care about what is happening in this area of the world. I thought by now you would have manufactured dozens. Meanwhile, Billy the Bum doesn't realize that it is quite obvious to anyone with any intelligence that he only crawls over here for one purpose and deserves the title of being an Internet Troll on this particular forum.
Oh look, we have Billy Boy, the loser, putting in his two cents again when he has had nothing to say on this forum unless he can drag in Israel. Of course, Billy Boy is going to show us all the posts that he has made on this forum proving to us how concerned he is for the innocent Arabs in places like Iraq, Yemen, Syria, etc. Go ahead, Billy Boy, copy and paste all the posts you have made on this forum to prove to the viewers that you are actually interested in what is happening in the Middle East unless you find a way to drag in Israel. You must have posted hundreds by now that you can at least pull up a dozen, can't you? By the way, do try and send some money to the relief organizations to try to help these unfortunate people. One less beer or two shouldn't really be that much of a sacrifice. Send the money to UNICEF or CARE. Meanwhile, we will all await Billy Boy's proof that he has posted many articles about what is happening in the Middle East to show us that he is a concerned humanitarian. Over to you, Billy Boy. Give us the list of your posts on this forum. It should be very easy for you to do.
You are seriously mental.

I've said more than once I don't give a shit about Arabs in the ME, yet you keep spewing this bullshit as if I do.

Perhap, then, you can inform the readers why you crawled over to the Middle East forum if you are not interested in Arabs in the Middle East. What do you think the population of the Middle East is mainly made up of if not Arabs?
Perhap, then, you can inform the readers why you crawled over to the Middle East forum if you are not interested in Arabs in the Middle East. What do you think the population of the Middle East is mainly made up of if not Arabs?
Why did you start a thread about Syrians, when you could care less about them?
Perhap, then, you can inform the readers why you crawled over to the Middle East forum if you are not interested in Arabs in the Middle East. What do you think the population of the Middle East is mainly made up of if not Arabs?
Why did you start a thread about Syrians, when you could care less about them?

Because I care, while you admitted you are not interested about the Middle East or Arabs. Now go back to drinking your beer.
Because I care, while you admitted you are not interested about the Middle East or Arabs. Now go back to drinking your beer.
You don't give a shit about Syrians! If you did, you'd tell Israel to stop providing material support to ISIL rebels.
Because I care, while you admitted you are not interested about the Middle East or Arabs. Now go back to drinking your beer.
You don't give a shit about Syrians! If you did, you'd tell Israel to stop providing material support to ISIL rebels.

You are a sick man, Billy the Bum, and the only reason you dragged yourself over to this forum was to drag Israel into something. Anti-Semitism appears to be a mental illness, and you certainly have it. Has anyone here ever seen Billy the Bum drag himself over here to discuss something going on in Qatar, Yemen, Oman, Saudi Arabia, etc. etc. Of course not, because he hasn't figure out a way yet to blame the Israelis for anything going on in these particular countries.
But, Sally! Your personal attacks are getting really dirty and boring. Are you sick? A beginning torette syndrom? It seems that everbody who doesnt agree with you, must be mad and evil. But maybe its just you and your shit?
But, Sally! Your personal attacks are getting really dirty and boring. Are you sick? A beginning torette syndrom? It seems that everbody who doesnt agree with you, must be mad and evil. But maybe its just you and your shit?

ATTENTION, ATTENTION: It appears that any article which shows the Syrian regime in a negative way unnerves Assad's chief cheerleader on this forum. As everyone can see, in his mind he thinks that all the threads have been derogatory about his beloved leader and nothing about what is also happening in the rest of the Middle East. So, everyone, we have to be very, very careful when posting anything that mentions Assad and his gang because we don't want to upset the little pipsqueak. He is besides himself with this particular article. Good thing he isn't able to bomb the offices of all the newspapers who write negatively about his hero. Maybe he is delusional enough to think that by putting down those who post articles about his hero, he is negating the truth about what is happening.
You are a sick man, Billy the Bum, and the only reason you dragged yourself over to this forum was to drag Israel into something. Anti-Semitism appears to be a mental illness, and you certainly have it. Has anyone here ever seen Billy the Bum drag himself over here to discuss something going on in Qatar, Yemen, Oman, Saudi Arabia, etc. etc. Of course not, because he hasn't figure out a way yet to blame the Israelis for anything going on in these particular countries.
Blame Israel for something and I'll stop.
You are a sick man, Billy the Bum, and the only reason you dragged yourself over to this forum was to drag Israel into something. Anti-Semitism appears to be a mental illness, and you certainly have it. Has anyone here ever seen Billy the Bum drag himself over here to discuss something going on in Qatar, Yemen, Oman, Saudi Arabia, etc. etc. Of course not, because he hasn't figure out a way yet to blame the Israelis for anything going on in these particular countries.
Blame Israel for something and I'll stop.

Billy Boy, the anti-Semitic Bum, has been a very busy boy today. I think he needs a payday loan so that a swinger like he is could be out hunting for some chick instead of his usual posting nonsense about Israel. He asked me to post something to blame Israel, but he has been busy doing just that. Meanwhile, since he crawled over here just now, I wonder if he has actually any news to impart to us about what is going on in the Middle East which doesn't concern Israel since he has been busy concentrating on Israel all day long on another forum. How about it, Billy Boy, you can report to us about the fog in the Emirates which is causing passengers to book different flights? Or how about the old King of Saudi Arabia who is having breathing problems and is on a ventilator. For his sake, I hope he pulls through, but I don't think you really care since you claimed you don't care about the Arabs.
But, Sally! Your personal attacks are getting really dirty and boring. Are you sick? A beginning torette syndrom? It seems that everbody who doesnt agree with you, must be mad and evil. But maybe its just you and your shit?

ATTENTION, ATTENTION: It appears that any article which shows the Syrian regime in a negative way unnerves Assad's chief cheerleader on this forum. As everyone can see, in his mind he thinks that all the threads have been derogatory about his beloved leader and nothing about what is also happening in the rest of the Middle East. So, everyone, we have to be very, very careful when posting anything that mentions Assad and his gang because we don't want to upset the little pipsqueak. He is besides himself with this particular article. Good thing he isn't able to bomb the offices of all the newspapers who write negatively about his hero. Maybe he is delusional enough to think that by putting down those who post articles about his hero, he is negating the truth about what is happening.
Attention, Attention. If the Sally cant blame the terrorists actions on Assad, she starts her personal attacks. Dear readers, I dont have to tell you, that the Sally is a bogus propaganda drone as her anti-Assad topics speak for themselves. We all need to know that the UN is afraid of Assad. Surely, he is going to abolish the UN if it doesnt act in his favor. No need to tell the people that the Sally is a dirty propaganda puppet that gives a shit about the Syrians.

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