U.S. airstrike in Iraq raises specter of wider war in Middle East

Ask a muslim what the islamo nazis did to the jews---The Holocaust denial taught thruout the UMMAH ----in Kindergarten and on and every mosque is FASCINATING. I read the stuff in my Anglican/Episcopalian town---way back
in the 1950s and heard it quoted by young muslim doctors chapter and verse
in the 1960s and since. Lots of people fought against the axis powers World War II---including lots of islamo nazis---I have no doubt that islamo nazi HAMAS members make the same claim as did-----the 'person' above.
Bullet-Headed Beasts

It's a shame that Germans sank to the level of these humanoids. It has been suggested that, under the degenerate Nazis, they reverted to the way they were during the time of the Roman Empire, nothing but bloodthirsty Neanderthalic apes. As it was, history and pre-history prove that they were a separate race, with a non-Aryan basis to their language. It took them 2,000 years to evolve to the level of the Classical Greeks and Romans.

The most significant datum of the Dark Ages ruled by Nordic thrill-killing tribes was that during the Empire, Rome's population was one million. During the Barbarian Era, Rome's population had dwindled to 20,000!
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Bullet-Headed Beasts

It's a shame that Germans sank to the level of these humanoids. It has been suggested that, under the degenerate Nazis, they reverted to the way they were during the time of the Roman Empire, nothing but bloodthirsty Neanderthalic apes. As it was, history and pre-history prove that they were a separate race, with a non-Aryan basis to their language. It took them 2,000 years to evolve to the level of the Classical Greeks and Romans.

The most significant datum of the Dark Ages ruled by Nordic thrill-killing tribes was that during the Empire, Rome's population was one million. During the Barbarian Era, Rome's population had dwindled to 20,000!
are you suggesting that the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE was overcome by the
race of people who, linguistically, are "INDO EUROPEAN" (??)savages? Doesn't work for me----the most savage of the middle ages?? Language tracing is
not working for me.
Ibn Saud was instrumental in the development of OIL EXPLOITATION in
arabia------despite the time and effort needed to accomplish his POLLINATING of "the tribes"

Exploitation? Funny thing to say. The American model trained and employed Saudi Arabs to take over 50 years after the original concession in 1938...and paid 50% on oil revenue.

Ibn Saud began uniting the tribes in 1904.
Exploitation? Funny thing to say. The American model trained and employed Saudi Arabs to take over 50 years after the original concession in 1938...and paid 50% on oil revenue.

Ibn Saud began uniting the tribes in 1904.
oh--I understand--you find the use of the term "exploitation" awkward--it
is not derogatory---We americans "exploit" our natural resources---even
BLAMELESS AND HOLY ISRAEL "exploits" its farming potential. Ibn Saud
"exploited" his pollinating talents
oh--I understand--you find the use of the term "exploitation" awkward--it
is not derogatory---We americans "exploit" our natural resources---even
BLAMELESS AND HOLY ISRAEL "exploits" its farming potential. Ibn Saud
"exploited" his pollinating talents

When I knew him he was very old, but kind. When he was young he was gorgeous... Absolutely gorgeous.
When I knew him he was very old, but kind. When he was young he was gorgeous... Absolutely gorgeous.
Apparently, he was also VIRILE. Virile and gorgeous founded the
extensive royal family---so I was told by a young member thereof
Apparently, he was also VIRILE. Virile and gorgeous founded the
extensive royal family---so I was told by a young member thereof

And smart to evolve from warrior to statesman.
And smart to evolve from warrior to statesman.
Lots of warriors morph---more or less---into statesman.
Remember our famous GOLFER----Dwight D. Eisenhower?
AND Brave George Washington---who conquered the Delaware
River in a little rowboat
Lots of warriors morph---more or less---into statesman.
Remember our famous GOLFER----Dwight D. Eisenhower?
AND Brave George Washington---who conquered the Delaware
River in a little rowboat

Eisenhower was also a good president... So was Washington.

Ibn Saud had a vision for Saudi Arabia.
Eisenhower was also a good president... So was Washington.

Ibn Saud had a vision for Saudi Arabia.
yes he did, which is why so many muslims DESPISE the Saudi
yes he did, which is why so many muslims DESPISE the Saudi
I know. They have been so successful. Making steady progress without civil wars and conflicts. Libya had a great success until Gaddafi. They had an enlightened constitution and King Idris
I know. They have been so successful. Making steady progress without civil wars and conflicts. Libya had a great success until Gaddafi. They had an enlightened constitution and King Idris
Probably true----but sadly---too little and too late, even for BOTH Saudi
Arabia and Libya----even for the mindsets of their own populations
Exploitation? Funny thing to say. The American model trained and employed Saudi Arabs to take over 50 years after the original concession in 1938...and paid 50% on oil revenue.

Ibn Saud began uniting the tribes in 1904.
Anti-Colonialism Violate the Iron Law of Evolution: USE IT OR LOSE IT

OPECker oil is the intellectual property of the race that created its value. Under the Arab humanoids' inferior minds, it was nothing more than soot for the souk.

No different from living off Daddy's Money, which was stolen from High IQs in the first place through the Grand Larceny of corporate patents.
2 decades in Arabia, Libya and Kuwait. Don't you read Arab News or Al bawaba? Sadly the Yemen Times has been shut down for years now. I also like the Star.
Two decades thuma yajib ealayk altahaduth biallugha...
Probably true----but sadly---too little and too late, even for BOTH Saudi
Arabia and Libya----even for the mindsets of their own populations
Saudi Arabia is doing great.
Anti-Colonialism Violate the Iron Law of Evolution: USE IT OR LOSE IT

OPECker oil is the intellectual property of the race that created its value. Under the Arab humanoids' inferior minds, it was nothing more than soot for the souk.

No different from living off Daddy's Money, which was stolen from High IQs in the first place through the Grand Larceny of corporate patents.
The Saudis don't get billions in us foreign aid since 1948.
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