U.S. Fracking's Larger Implications

I don't think so.


Because California is California?


I'll go with that,Cal is just like NY and look what NY has done with our gas resources.


In other news...

RIGZONE - Natural Gas Powering Apache Hydraulic Fracturing Ops

"With abundant, inexpensive natural gas expected to be available in the United States for some time, I would challenge you to think of a better idea for the U.S. economy and the environment than switching from oil to natural gas," Bahorich commented. "We want to do our part to make that happen."
I don't think so.


Because California is California?


The Monterey shale is a wonderful source rock. Filled up all those conventional reservoirs in the San Joaquin and LA Basins I believe. But its ability to be a reservoir rock when mature? Nope. Oil gone bye-bye.

All of the oil reported to be produced from the Monterey comes from the immature stuff. Sorry California. But don't feel bad, you've got some kick-ass conventional production, perhaps the densest areal concentration of oilfields on the planet.
I'll go with that,Cal is just like NY and look what NY has done with our gas resources.

Geologically speaking, California ain't like NY. And NY doesn't have that much in the way of gas resources, just some little near the border of PA natural gas in the Marcellus. Some shallow Devonian stuff maybe, but that isn't much for volume.
FrackNation Sheds Truth on Fracking Debate

Katie Tubb and Nicolas Loris
January 22, 2013


In talking with the experts, the legislators, and the people affected by their decisions, McAleer found answers to the myths that fracking leads to flaming faucets, earthquakes, toxic chemicals underground and in water, higher cancer rates, polluted air, and more. He also discovered the consequences of such untrue claims and red herrings.

Many anti-fracking apologists claim to be giving a voice to small-town folk who cannot compete in a David versus Goliath battle against big business. When McAleer goes to talk with these people in Pennsylvania, New York, Texas, and California he finds the exact opposite. These people are having a hard time competing with Hollywood “philanthropy” and leadership from distant governments. Further, irresponsible journalism, rather than uncovering victims, has created them and the consequences are very real.


FrackNation Sheds Truth on Fracking Debate.)
RIGZONE - U.S. Will Remain Largest Source of New Oil Growth in 2013

Topping the list of the big oil and gas stories in 2012 was the dramatic surge in U.S. oil production. In 2013, the U.S. will remain the largest source of new oil growth worldwide aided by the shale boom, but surpassing Saudi Arabia as the globe’s top oil producer by 2020 will be a challenge.

BOOM! :thup:
Jobs. Economic development. Added GDP. Reduced balance of payments. Improvement in trade defecit. Bonuses and royalties to landowners as well as the federal government. Increased tax revenues across the board. Energy security. Reduction in atmospheric emissions because of switch to natural gas from coal. What's not to like?

All brought to you by private enterprise, not government handouts of guaranteed loan payments /grants/ direct payments/ subsidies... ad nauseum, etc.

Hydrocarbns kick ass. :thup:
Energy In Depth » Blog Archive Shale Royalties Driving Growth In PA

Natural gas royalties are changing people’s lives for the better, providing new forms of income for thousands who were previously struggling just to make ends meet.

And royalties aren’t the only investments to speak of. Just this week, Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation announced the completion of its successful community-based campaign: The Cabot / EMHS Community Match Fund. After the community struggle to raise funds for over four years, Cabot stepped up to provide financial support for the 55 year-old hospital and the community. By working with the private sector, local government, and community members, the effort helped raise over $4.4 million for the construction of a new state-of-the-art health care facility in Susquehanna County. This not only does this mean jobs, but the other closest hospital is about an hour away, meaning the continued operation (and expansion) of this particular facility is incredibly important to the local community.
IHS: Daniel Yergin: Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution in US 'Goes Beyond Energy Itself' - Electric Light & Power

Yergin cited recent IHS research finding that unconventional oil and gas (tight oil, shale gas and tight gas) production supports more than 1.7 million U.S. jobs and is expected to grow to 3 million by the end of the decade.

In addition to the economic impacts, Yergin discussed the impact on energy security and geopolitics, the importance of addressing environmental concerns associated with production and the outlook for U.S. energy exports.
US shale oil reviving East Coast refineries - News - Boston.com

Fracking offers a cheaper supply; keeps gas prices from rising

The influx of this domestic crude, known as “tight oil,” has allowed East Coast refineries to decrease their reliance on more expensive foreign oil, increase profit margins, and regain their economic competitiveness, refinery operators say. They estimate the domestic crude cuts oil costs by a few dollars per barrel, which can have a huge impact on their bottom line.
Gas Boom Projected To Grow For Decades

U.S. natural-gas production will accelerate over the next three decades, new research indicates, providing the strongest evidence yet that the energy boom remaking America will last for a generation.

The most exhaustive study to date of a key natural-gas field in Texas, combined with related research under way elsewhere, shows that U.S. shale-rock formations will provide a growing source of moderately priced natural gas through 2040, and decline only slowly after that. A report on the Texas field, to be released Thursday, was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Exclusive: Chinese firm puts millions into U.S. natural gas stations - Yahoo! News

With plans to build 50 stations this year alone, ENN joins a small but formidable group of players -- including Clean Energy Fuels Corp and Royal Dutch Shell Plc -- in an aggressive push to develop an infrastructure for heavy-duty trucks fueled by cheap and abundant natural gas. Clean Energy is backed by T. Boone Pickens and Chesapeake Energy Corp.
RIGZONE - Energy Boom Helps Fuel West Texas, Great Plains Population Growth

Exploration and production activity from Permian Basin and Eagle Ford helped bolster Texas oil production to nearly 1.5 million barrels of oil per day, an almost 50 percent increase in crude oil production since 2011, Texas Railroad Commissioner Christi Craddick said in a Feb. 28 statement. Craddick added that Texas now represents nearly a fourth of total U.S. crude oil production, and noted that the oil and gas energy sector created 427,761 jobs in Texas and paid $9.25 billion in state taxes in 2011.

The surge in exploration and production (E&P) activity in the Eagle Ford supported nearly 50,000 full-time jobs in 20 counties and contributed more than $25 billion to the South Texas economy, according to a March 13 report by the Eagle Ford Shale Task Force. However, the surge in E&P activity has created infrastructure challenges for South Texas, including the need for a sustainable housing plan for the region and roads wearing down from greater traffic.
US shale gas to heat British homes within five years | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Nearly 2m homes in the UK will be heated by shale gas from the US within five years, under a deal agreed on Monday that is likely to be the first time major exports of the controversial energy source are used in the UK.

The US government has kept a tight rein on exports since the shale gas boom started more than five years ago. But the deal struck by energy company Centrica marks the start of a new era in gas use in the UK, because it opens up the market to cheap supplies from the US, as North Sea gas fields run out and pipelines to Europe remain expensive.

WHY would the U.S. Government keep a "tight rein" on shale gas exports while we EXPORT tens of millions of metric tons of agricultural grains each year WHILE WE PAY RECORD PRICES FOR GROCERIES?
What is the EROEI of this nat-gas fracking?

Oh you've got to be joking. Jiggsy is about the only one dumb enough to fall for the EROEI stunt, last I looked, he was willing to trade 3 barrels of oil to someone for 2 barrels returned. I wish he hadn't wised up, coulda made a mint off the poor fool.
Looks like their planting rows of crab-grass under there.

This shit just keeps getting better...

Shale gas lures global manufacturers to US industrial revival | Reuters

FRANKFURT/VIENNA, March 26 (Reuters) - When Wolfgang Eder and his team started looking around for a site for a new plant for Voestalpine, the Austrian steelmaker he heads, they had 17 sites in eight countries on their list.

This month, after more than a year of looking, they settled on the U.S. state of Texas, after a boom in the production of natural gas from shale extraction brought gas prices down to just a quarter of what companies paid in Europe.

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