U.S. Fracking's Larger Implications

Just wondering. I saw a report a while back that says a well peaks out at 2 to 3 years. At the rate they're drilling, the frackers will have fracked all the frackable locations in another 10 to 15 years. I was thinking it would totally dry up by 2035.

A well usually peaks in its first full month of continuous production (which is generally its second month of production, barring operational issues).

The number of frackable locatons as referenced by USGS resource estimates runs into the 100,000's, perhaps even millions. Don't worry, it will take longer than from now to 2035 to make all those wells happen.
What? No EPA mandated natural gas vehicles? Private industry takes the reins...

Natural gas drillers target US truck, bus market - Yahoo! News

SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) — If the trash truck or bus rolling down your street seems a little quieter these days, you're not imagining things. It's probably running on natural gas.

Surging gas production has led the drilling industry to seek out new markets for its product, and energy companies, increasingly, are setting their sights on the transportation sector.

U.S. Gas Exports Clear Hurdle - Yahoo! Finance

The looming prospect of the U.S.'s becoming a major exporter of natural gas underscores how the energy revolution is transforming the nation's economic prospects. Just a few years ago, many energy companies were planning to build facilities to import liquefied natural gas into the U.S.

But thanks to technological advances, combining hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, the U.S. has in a short time become a gas-producing powerhouse. The glut of cheap gas has helped underpin a revival in manufacturing and helped lower electricity costs for consumers.
RIGZONE - How Fracking Could Save the Dollar

The U.S. is on track to become the world's largest oil producer in eight years and the biggest producer of gas in five, according to the International Energy Agency, which projects energy self sufficiency in 25 years. That remarkable turnaround not only shifts the U.S. relationship with the Middle East but, as economists at RBC Capital Markets predicted in recent research note, will reduce energy imports so far that it will shrink the U.S. trade deficit and eventually convert the current account deficit into a surplus. Inevitably, RBC argues, this will provide long-term support for the dollar.
RIGZONE - How Fracking Could Save the Dollar

The U.S. is on track to become the world's largest oil producer in eight years and the biggest producer of gas in five, according to the International Energy Agency, which projects energy self sufficiency in 25 years. That remarkable turnaround not only shifts the U.S. relationship with the Middle East but, as economists at RBC Capital Markets predicted in recent research note, will reduce energy imports so far that it will shrink the U.S. trade deficit and eventually convert the current account deficit into a surplus. Inevitably, RBC argues, this will provide long-term support for the dollar.

It helps stability but China is just going to eat up any production increases. 50cc or less bicycle / rickshaw will still be a growing business here in the USA.


The study is the first of its kind to focus solely on Illinois’ potential when it comes to increased hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling – techniques that have been used in other states to create a nationwide boom in natural gas and oil production, as well as increasing economic development and much-needed jobs.
This President and is cadre of greens will never allow it on public land. Pipe lines are out, the environmental constituency will see to that, as for LNG distribution plant construction, nope, they won't go for that either.
This President and is cadre of greens will never allow it on public land. Pipe lines are out, the environmental constituency will see to that, as for LNG distribution plant construction, nope, they won't go for that either.

It's odd that there would be opposition to exporting U.S. LNG, seeing how we export millions of metric tons of ag grains each year while we pay record prices for groceries.

This administration can't stand to see private enterprise succeed and grow and expand.
It would rather dump our tax dollars into failed publicly-funded ventures.
Here's the future, folks...


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Shale-Gas Revolution Spurs Wave of New U.S. Steel Plants: Energy - Bloomberg

Austrian steelmaker Voestalpine AG (VOE) said Dec. 19 it may construct a 500 million-euro ($661 million) factory in the U.S. to benefit from cheap gas. Nucor Corp. (NUE), the most valuable U.S. steelmaker, plans to start up a $750 million Louisiana project in mid-2013. They’re among at least five U.S. plants under consideration or being built that would use gas instead of coal to purify iron ore, the main ingredient in steel.

“That technology has been around 30 years, but for 29 years gas prices in the U.S. were so high that the technology was not economical,” said Michelle Applebaum, managing partner at consulting firm Steel Market Intelligence in Chicago. “This is how steel will be built moving forward.”
Unfortunately, in 1961, humanity drilled where it should never have drilled...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFQqmHQMJBY]Reptilicus movie trailer - YouTube[/ame]
Shale Gas Will Fuel a U.S. Manufacturing Boom | MIT Technology Review

The plummeting price of natural gas, which can be used to make a vast number of products, including tires, carpet, antifreeze, lubricants, cloth, and many types of plastic, is luring key industries to the United States.

HEY OBAMA - remove your oil and gas tax provisions from your proposed budget!

Step aside and let the real job creators do their thing.
California Could Be the Next Shale Boom State

Mark Mills: California Could Be the Next Shale Boom State - WSJ.com

...California has Saudi Arabia-scale oil resources, notably in its largely untapped Monterey shale field, which stretches northeast for more than 200 miles from Bakersfield in central California. New technologies, especially smart, horizontal drilling and hydrofracturing, aka "fracking," make that oil accessible, and cleanly. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that the Monterey shale field alone holds 15.4 billion barrels of oil, rivaling America's total conventional reserves.
California Could Be the Next Shale Boom State

Mark Mills: California Could Be the Next Shale Boom State - WSJ.com

...California has Saudi Arabia-scale oil resources, notably in its largely untapped Monterey shale field, which stretches northeast for more than 200 miles from Bakersfield in central California. New technologies, especially smart, horizontal drilling and hydrofracturing, aka "fracking," make that oil accessible, and cleanly. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that the Monterey shale field alone holds 15.4 billion barrels of oil, rivaling America's total conventional reserves.

I don't think so.
California Could Be the Next Shale Boom State

Mark Mills: California Could Be the Next Shale Boom State - WSJ.com

...California has Saudi Arabia-scale oil resources, notably in its largely untapped Monterey shale field, which stretches northeast for more than 200 miles from Bakersfield in central California. New technologies, especially smart, horizontal drilling and hydrofracturing, aka "fracking," make that oil accessible, and cleanly. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that the Monterey shale field alone holds 15.4 billion barrels of oil, rivaling America's total conventional reserves.

I don't think so.


Because California is California?

California Could Be the Next Shale Boom State

Mark Mills: California Could Be the Next Shale Boom State - WSJ.com

...California has Saudi Arabia-scale oil resources, notably in its largely untapped Monterey shale field, which stretches northeast for more than 200 miles from Bakersfield in central California. New technologies, especially smart, horizontal drilling and hydrofracturing, aka "fracking," make that oil accessible, and cleanly. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that the Monterey shale field alone holds 15.4 billion barrels of oil, rivaling America's total conventional reserves.

I don't think so.


Because California is California?


I'll go with that,Cal is just like NY and look what NY has done with our gas resources.

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