U.S. Hackers targeting China

Soon the Chinese will say they have learned nothing from Snowden that did not already know...to which Obabble will respond gleefully...."I told you we were the most transparent administration ever!!"
At this point I would take anything Snowden says with a grain of salt.

Do you honestly think we are not spying on the Chinese? Or almost every other government for that matter? Spying nowadays is like a game to the US and Chinese governments. We/they get caught, we/they apologize. Nothing ever comes of it, because both sides know they are doing the same thing.

"Our spy helicopter crashed in your country. Can we have it back please?"
Edward Snowden: US government has been hacking Hong Kong and China for years | South China Morning Post

Whenever people get riled up that China is hacking into U.S. networks I always bet them that we're waaaay better at hacking into their systems than they are into ours so we shouldn't be so concerned. Maybe now I've been vindicated :thup:

Since our "intelligence" agencies are so accomplished at spying on millions of U.S. citizens by monitoring e-mails, phone calls, etc., I would certainly hope that these same spies would be able to do the same to the Chinese.

But, then again, our "intelligence" agencies couldn't stop two bumbling pressure cooker bombers from Turdistan from killing people in Massachusetts. So who knows.
"Hacking" like "torture" is subject to lots and lots of political opinions which are like a-holes. Everybody has one.
"Our spy helicopter crashed in your country. Can we have it back please?"

I remember when that happened and the interview, I think it was Tom Brokaw did, with that Chinese Ambassador or whatever he was a month or so after.

Brokaw asked if the Chinese had spies in the US? The guy responded with, "Does the United States have spies in China?", and Brokaw said, "I hope so". Or something like that.

The United States probably has spies in every city in the world gathering information on everything from what average people talk about to military secrets.
At this point I would take anything Snowden says with a grain of salt.

Do you honestly think we are not spying on the Chinese? Or almost every other government for that matter? Spying nowadays is like a game to the US and Chinese governments. We/they get caught, we/they apologize. Nothing ever comes of it, because both sides know they are doing the same thing.

"Our spy helicopter crashed in your country. Can we have it back please?"

We may very well be but that does not change the fact that the more we learn about Sonwden the less credible he becomes.
This Snowdon guy just can't seem to keep his mouth shut. Why is he so proud of spilling all our secrets? I hope he ends up in a prison cell for a very long time.
Aw, geez Eddy. Knock it off...

There is no way Snowden can justify his actions.
Same as Bradley Manning, right?

Yep. Thanks to Julian Assange with WikiLeaks, Manning's leaks were at least filtered before being released to the public. Will Glenn Greenwald do the same with Snowden's leaks?
Manning's leaks were not filtered.

Afghan leaks expose the identities of informants

Hundreds of Afghan lives have been put at risk by the leaking of 90,000 intelligence documents because the files identify informants working with Nato forces.

In just two hours of searching the WikiLeaks archive, The Times found the names of dozens of Afghans credited with providing detailed intelligence to US forces. Their villages are given for identification and also, in many cases, their fathers’ names.

US officers recorded detailed logs of the information fed to them by named local people, particularly tribal elders. Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, claimed on Monday that all the documents released through his organisation had been checked for named informants and that 15,000 such documents had been held back.

The Afghan Government has reacted with horror to the volume of information contained in the files.

A senior official at the Afghan Foreign Ministry, who declined to be named, said: “The leaks certainly have put in real risk and danger the lives and integrity of many Afghans. The US is both morally and legally responsible for any harm that the leaks might cause to the individuals, particularly those who have been named. It will further limit the US/international access to the uncensored views of Afghans.”​

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