U.s. Health Premiums Creep Up, But Out-of-pocket Costs Jump: Study


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Like duh. If anyone us without insurance and goes to Obamacare exchanges know that the deductibles are out of sight.

On another note I got a letter to day from the health care that is dropping me on 2015. I got on another plan during the open enrollment. The letter said that I should give a copy to the new company if they denied me for existing conditions. WTF????

I also got in the may a letter telling me I can by drugs in Canada at a reduced rate. Which I didn't think we could do.

"If you told the average working person that healthcare costs were at record-low increases, they'd look at you like you were a little bit crazy," says Kaiser Chief Executive Officer Drew Altman. "Out-of-pocket costs are way up, while their wages are relatively flat."
While insurers and employers kept premiums in check over the past few years, deductibles are up 47 percent since 2009. The average deductible now stands at $1,217 - at least $1,000 for 41 percent of workers and $2,000 or more for 18 percent.

U.S. health premiums creep up but out-of-pocket costs jump study Thomson Reuters - MSN Money

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