I Don't Think You Guys Understand the Real Cause of the Deficit

The government has ALWAYS managed the economy. It's the basic function of the government - to manage the national resources to the benefit of the people.
FDR was the first president to try to manage the economy in full. It is not a basic function, it is an added function. It is not a duty of the constitution. Americans today would be shocked at Americans in 1776 to 1800 in that they did not expect what Democrats do now is needed nor legal.
I guess you didn't read the links I posted. You post your drivel completely unsupported, refuse to read links provided, and then wallow in your false information. One more time:

I guess you didn't read the links I posted.

You posted links that showed we had a 1987 recession?
Or links that showed Reagan raised taxes after 1987?
Links where Reagan admitted that cutting taxes was harmful and started raising taxes?
That's funny. You're funny. Like a clown.
First off, I don't assume that "government support is best". I recognize that there are some things that government does better and cheaper than private enterprise, which something that no Republican would ever admit. Health care and education being chief among them.

Republicans most definitely can and do crash the economy. Unfunded tax cuts, followed by extreme deficit spending to cover the negative fiscal impact of the tax cuts, have crashed the US economy in 1987, 2008, and 2020.

Unfunded tax cuts, followed by extreme deficit spending to cover the negative fiscal impact of the tax cuts, have crashed the US economy in 1987, 2008, and 2020.

The deficit fell over 30% in 1987, despite tax cuts in 1981 and 1986.
The Bush tax cuts were in 2001 and 2003. The deficit fell 60% between 2004 and 2007.
There was no crash in 1987 or 2008 "because taxes were too low and deficit spending too high".

The economy didn't crash in 2020 "because taxes were too low and deficit spending too high".

Are you drunk posting? Maybe using some recreational weed before you spout your idiocy?

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