Zone1 OK "Experts" How Do We Solve Racial Inequality Without Considering Race?

I wish it was, then maybe we could get together and deport blacks to Africa. We'd be doing you a favor, because then you wouldn't be oppressed by institutionalized White supremacy.
You don't get to ship nobody anywhere. Your white --- is not from this land, therefore perhaps we should ship you back to Europe. And doing that would stop white supremacy here.
Au contraire, my friend. Black females are given a big advantage, and they are being hired in many cases in front of better qualified whites.

Just look at the idiot Press Secretary. Who in their right mind would believe she was the best available? They wanted a black female, and that she is gay was a bonus.

Same with Claudine Gay. SHE was the best academic mind that Harvard could find? Nope. They wanted a black female.

And elementary school near me was just remained. After whom? A black female.

This racism and sexism is beyond ridiculous.
identity politics is like the race card for liberals.
What has not worked for over half a century is "top down" solutions. It has to be grass roots, bottom up solutions that begins with strong black men taking leadership in their families, neighborhoods and communities showing the way for the next generation. There is no quick fix to economic under-performance by American Black people measured as a whole.
never will happen; most blacks cant stop sleeping around- both sexes.
You don't get to ship nobody anywhere. Your white --- is not from this land, therefore perhaps we should ship you back to Europe. And doing that would stop white supremacy here.
you dont get to tell anybody what to do or not do. you need to mind your own business and stop coveting things.
You don't get to ship nobody anywhere. Your white --- is not from this land, therefore perhaps we should ship you back to Europe. And doing that would stop white supremacy here.
Deporting African Americans back to their beloved Africa is a great idea. I don't know why African Americans would be against it. You see the little shits embracing African culture all the time. For instance, here in Tampa they are having an African American Culture Festival this weekend. They will get out their drums, silly ass robes and stupid head dresses and have a gay ole time pretending it is bugga-bugga land.

Sending them all back is a win-win for everybody. We get rid of crime, welfare and that goddamn obnoxious rap music and they get back to their beloved homeland that they were forcefully taken from centries ago.
You can't solve the racial inequality problem because the problem is genetic. Best we can do is deport all blacks to Africa.
Anyone born here in American. Regardless of race. We all have equal rights to be in this country.
If a person is an alcoholic, you don't cure their disease without considering the existence of alcohol. The same goes for any problem. Crime has not been reduced by telling people that if they just stop talking about crime it will go away. But when it comes to race we get all kinds of opinions by people who benefit from racism continuing, telling blacks how to solve the problem. I'm sure you guys would take advice from the taliban on how to stop terrorism or Vladimir Putin on Democracy. But hey,, I'll play.

The racial wealth gap is the largest of the economic disparities between Black and white Americans, with a white-to-Black per capita wealth ratio of 6 to 1. It is also among the most persistent. In this paper, we construct the first continuous series on white-to-Black per capita wealth ratios from 1860 to 2020, drawing on historical census data, early state tax records, and historical waves of the Survey of Consumer Finances, among other sources. Incorporating these data into a parsimonious model of wealth accumulation for each racial group, we document the role played by initial conditions, income growth, savings behavior, and capital returns in the evolution of the gap. Given vastly different starting conditions under slavery, racial wealth convergence would remain a distant scenario, even if wealth-accumulating conditions had been equal across the two groups since Emancipation. Relative to this equal-conditions benchmark, we find that observed convergence has followed an even slower path over the last 150 years, with convergence stalling after 1950. Since the 1980s, the wealth gap has widened again as capital gains have predominantly benefited white households, and income convergence has stopped.

Every indicator shows that the inequality that exists today is tied to past policies that excluded blacks based on race. So to alll our "experts" on being black in America, how do you solve inequality created because of race by ignoring race?

My suggestion. Write legislation and hand it off to the legislatures to pass it. If that don't work, wait, it does work. Yeah. Do that. It worked for Martin Luther King, Jr..
If a person is an alcoholic, you don't cure their disease without considering the existence of alcohol. The same goes for any problem. Crime has not been reduced by telling people that if they just stop talking about crime it will go away. But when it comes to race we get all kinds of opinions by people who benefit from racism continuing, telling blacks how to solve the problem. I'm sure you guys would take advice from the taliban on how to stop terrorism or Vladimir Putin on Democracy. But hey,, I'll play.

The racial wealth gap is the largest of the economic disparities between Black and white Americans, with a white-to-Black per capita wealth ratio of 6 to 1. It is also among the most persistent. In this paper, we construct the first continuous series on white-to-Black per capita wealth ratios from 1860 to 2020, drawing on historical census data, early state tax records, and historical waves of the Survey of Consumer Finances, among other sources. Incorporating these data into a parsimonious model of wealth accumulation for each racial group, we document the role played by initial conditions, income growth, savings behavior, and capital returns in the evolution of the gap. Given vastly different starting conditions under slavery, racial wealth convergence would remain a distant scenario, even if wealth-accumulating conditions had been equal across the two groups since Emancipation. Relative to this equal-conditions benchmark, we find that observed convergence has followed an even slower path over the last 150 years, with convergence stalling after 1950. Since the 1980s, the wealth gap has widened again as capital gains have predominantly benefited white households, and income convergence has stopped.

Every indicator shows that the inequality that exists today is tied to past policies that excluded blacks based on race. So to alll our "experts" on being black in America, how do you solve inequality created because of race by ignoring race?
Name one thing a white American can do today that you, as a Black American, can't do?
Name one thing a white American can do today that you, as a Black American, can't do?
He always tells whites to stop the racism. How are non racists going to do that? He constantly tells us to stop telling blacks how to act, he doesn’t heed his own advice when it comes to whites.
Name one thing a white American can do today that you, as a Black American, can't do?
We can't drivre a new Mercedes without being stopped by police.

Your question was stupid and you know good and well that racism exists in America right now. We get paid less than whites for doing the same job, we get denied busness loans more than whites, same for home loans. We have 2.7 percent of the wealth but are 13 percent of the population, and yet you want to pretend everything is equal now. But it isn't, everybody knows that, and that includes you. So don't ask me this question again.
We can't drivre a new Mercedes without being stopped by police.

Your question was stupid and you know good and well that racism exists in America right now. We get paid less than whites for doing the same job, we get denied busness loans more than whites, same for home loans. We have 2.7 percent of the wealth but are 13 percent of the population, and yet you want to pretend everything is equal now. But it isn't, everybody knows that, and that includes you. So don't ask me this question again.
Same old bull crap from you. None of that is result of unfair laws.

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