I Don't Think You Guys Understand the Real Cause of the Deficit

Even Canada is racist.

Segregation and Ku Klux Klan​

"Canada had also practiced segregation, and a Canadian Ku Klux Klan exists.[24][25] Racial profiling occurs in cities such as Halifax, Toronto and Montreal.[26][27] Black people made up 3% of the Canadian population in 2016, and 9% of the population of Toronto (which has the largest communities of Caribbean and African immigrants).[28] They lived disproportionately in poverty, were three times as likely to be carded in Toronto than Whites, and incarceration rates for Blacks were climbing faster than for any other demographic. A Black Lives Matter protest was staged at Toronto Police Headquarters in March 2016.[29][30]"

Order-in-Council P.C. 1911-1324​

Main article: Order-in-Council P.C. 1911-1324

On August 12, 1911, the Governor General in Council approved a one-year prohibition of black immigration to Canada because, according to the Order-in-Council, "the Negro race" was "unsuitable to the climate and requirements of Canada."[31] It was tabled on June 2, 1911, by the Minister of the Interior, Frank Oliver, following mounting pressure from white prairie farmers who were discontented with an influx in the immigration of black farmers from the United States.[32] It was never officially enforced or added to the Immigration Act, likely because the government—led by Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier—was hesitant to alienate black voters ahead of the 1911 federal election.[33] It was repealed later that year.[34]

Racism in Canada - Wikipedia

View attachment 950198
Ku Klux Klan members, on foot and
horseback, by a cross erected in a field
near Kingston, Ontario, in 1927
I have not siad there is no white racism in Canada. But Canada is still less racist than America. And Dragonlady definetly is no racist.
I have not siad there is no white racism in Canada. But Canada is still less racist than America. And Dragonlady definetly is no racist.

Then move there.

You gone yet?
Lisa runs her mouth, but she won't debate me on the issues betwen blacks and Jews because she can't face the truth that will be brought to her. White Jews have been afforded white preference. So she can just STFU trying to tell blacks or anyone else what to do.

African Americans and Education During Reconstruction: The Tolson’s Chapel Schools​

Antietam National Battlefield

A small, white, wooden chapel amongst autumn-tinged trees.

During the Reconstruction Era, African Americans in the former slave-holding states saw education as an important step towards achieving equality, independence, and prosperity. As a result, they found ways to learn despite the many obstacles that poverty and white people placed in their path. African Americans’ commitment to education had lasting effects on the former slave-holding states. As voters and legislators, they played crucial roles in creating public schools for blacks and whites in the Southern and border states in the late 1800s.

We don't need lectures from some white fake pretending to be a jew on the internet as cover for her white supremacism poser about what blacks need to do.
^^^ This poster, who calls everyone disagrees with him a racist, just posted on another thread how Jews broke their covenant, Gd is punishing them, blah, blah, blah.

So I don’t need some antisemite pretending tombr black lecturing me on what is wrong with Jews.
Those white Canadians have always been better on racial issues that you white American scumbags. And what she said to Lisa was rght. So STFU
Boy, it’s quite notable how you zoom in on ME on every thread. Lisa this, and Lisa that. You sure have it in for the Jew.
Yes, college mismatching is an issue for many AA students.
They would have completed a degree at a lower-tier school, but fail out of an elite school.
Yes, it does a disservice. The blacks admitted under the lower “black standards“ of AA struggle through their programs, and need a lot of hand holding and tutoring.

The blacks admittred under the regular standards (IOW, their scores and grades would have gotten them in even if white) keep up with their peers just fine.

So, who does this hurt:

1. Obviously, the white or Asian who was rejected to make room for the black and ended up at a lesser school.

2. The black who got in under his own merit, because people wonder if he got in under the lower standards.

3. The AA admit who struggles throughout, and would have felt more secure and comfortable in a school that matched his merit.
On September 3, 2019, Brentin Mock, wrote an article on the Bloomberg.com CityLab website titled, “White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable” based on a study done by McKinsey and Company called “The economic impact of closing the racial wealth gap.” In this study McKinsey and Company predicted a bleak future if current race based wealth inequality continues.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey.

If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”
I was born here. And if you don't like me using my first amendment right, you move.

Well for one, I have a bigger stake here than you do, Bubba. And secondly, I don't think America is racist.

And thirdly, fuck Canada.
Well for one, I have a bigger stake here than you do, Bubba. And secondly, I don't think America is racist.

And thirdly, fuck Canada.
No you don't and what you think is based on you being whihte and a perpetrator of racism.
Lisa, please shut the fuck up with your suggestions. Everything you suggest has been done and is being done. The only difference is that blacks have never received the amount of government assistance whites have, including white jews. This thread is not about your racist ideas. It is about the how racism creates the deficit.

Long before you were born, blacks built sucessful communities only to have them burnt down or destroyed by whites who had ideas. So again, please shut the fuck up unless you are going to post on topic.

You won't debate me one on one but you try hijacking my threads with your racist bullshit. We don't need to focus on trade school educations because blacks are already doing that. White women buy weaves, and both whiite men and women buy jewelry. The tanning indusTry is a multi billion dollar industry and there ain't too many blacks payng for it. But a Lot of poor broke ass whites will. So you and woodnutz need to focus on how white racism is costing this country trlLions annually.
Since you don't know how to make money, I will say I feel very bad for your failures. PS: Lay off Lisa and Woodnutz.
No you don't and what you think is based on you being whihte and a perpetrator of racism.

I done told you already Rufus, even if you were a lilly-white cracker named "Biff" with blond hair and blue eyes, I'd still think you were a fuckin' left-wing dork.

Race has nothing to to with the reason I think you're an idiot. :laughing0301:
I done told you already Rufus, even if you were a lilly-white cracker named "Biff" with blond hair and blue eyes, I'd still think you were a fuckin' left-wing dork.

I DGAF what your dumb ass thinks. You've already proven that you're a fool.
You are the most ignorant, arrogant, entitled racist piece of shit I have ever encountered

You falsely assume that it’s the black, brown and Asian students who will lose out in admissions without racial quotas.

The bald fact is, that now that race cannot be considered at all, white students are going to lose more and more placements to talented middle class black kids, brown and Asian kids.

As well, Asians will now be admitted to universities in a much higher numbers than they have been in the past because their numbers have been restricted because of “racial quotas” matching demographics.

There are always unintended consequences when you try to take rights away from people and the unintended consequences of overturning affirmative action. Is that the dumb ass white sons and daughters of Ivy League alumni, will no longer be guaranteed admittance to the university.

Professional schools everywhere are opening up their ranks to minorities and women who have been held back by giving first placement to alumni and white male students.

You only have to look at Toronto, which has been a white minority city for decades, to see what a vibrant, energetics and positive future you could have with mutual cooperative, multicultural population.

Everyone working together towards the shared goals creates great synergy. All of the energy you expend, keeping non-whites and non-Christians “in their place”, would be better spent in working together to improve everyone’s lives.

The bald fact is, that now that race cannot be considered at all, white students are going to lose more and more placements to talented middle class black kids, brown and Asian kids.

Look at yourself. You maple syrup-swilling Canadian moose-fuckers are the whitest people in North America.

Yet you talk about black and Hispanic folks like you share something in common with them. :laughing0301:

I don’t share anything in common with them. My ancestors came from France fought for the French on the Plains of Abraham.

But I know history and not the “whitewashed” versions Republicans sell.

The United States of America has always been white, black, and Hispanic. From its earliest days as a British Colony.

The entire south west all the way up to California was settled by Mexicans and Hispanics so there’s
It is not actually a wealth gap. It is a goal gap, a planning gap and a I don't give a damn gap. What you say is perfectly correct. I have schooled agents on how to make higher incomes. I coached them all to create goals for themselves per month and measure the progress. I would reward agents who got their goal and not those who did not hit the goals. It was maybe 3 months and pretty much all of them hit the goals. I took a low producing office then ran by a Democrat and in several months It was high producing. With the same people as he had.

And yet the most productive and successful nations in the world are run by left-wing governments who provides support, training, healthcare, and free education for all.

The USA is falling further and further behind the rest of the western first world nations, because every time Republicans get into power, they crash the economy, and take rights away from citizens.

You come here and post every day about how your country is a complete shit hole in all of the cities are shit holes, and all of the blue states are shit holes.

But anyone who comes from a country that happier, healthier, more productive, population, and has lower crime rates and more personal freedoms than Americans, is mocked and denigrated.
And yet the most productive and successful nations in the world are run by left-wing governments who provides support, training, healthcare, and free education for all.

The USA is falling further and further behind the rest of the western first world nations, because every time Republicans get into power, they crash the economy, and take rights away from citizens.

You come here and post every day about how your country is a complete shit hole in all of the cities are shit holes, and all of the blue states are shit holes.

But anyone who comes from a country that happier, healthier, more productive, population, and has lower crime rates and more personal freedoms than Americans, is mocked and denigrated.
I don't like using some terms you enjoy using. It muddies the water. You talk as if you assume government support is best. I do not believe that at all.
I catapulted a poor real estate office to a very outstanding office. I did not use the government at all. I happen to use the healthcare of the USA and there is the chance my life will last longer as a result. But do you wonder if my doctors are paid good incomes? If they lack in incomes, why won't that impact against my health? I believe in your dialogne you see a need for excellent incomes. Biden brags he cuts the incomes down. It is a fallacy to compare the USA to other nations on that issue. Because it ignores other failures by said countries.

Republicans have no means to crash the economy. Democrats toss blame around but the people who believe them are not properly educated in the economy. Cities of the USA are camping grounds for millions. Apparently Democrats don't mind it since they use policies to promote it. Democrats promote many more laws. This is clear and is how they control the USA. They for example dictate our use of fuels. They dictate the bulk of our laws. Find a law that takes freedom and you have found a law created by Democrats.

In Real Estate sales, where agents can earn high incomes, those thinking like you think stay poor. Those thinking like me get wealthy.
I don't like using some terms you enjoy using. It muddies the water. You talk as if you assume government support is best. I do not believe that at all.
I catapulted a poor real estate office to a very outstanding office. I did not use the government at all. I happen to use the healthcare of the USA and there is the chance my life will last longer as a result. But do you wonder if my doctors are paid good incomes? If they lack in incomes, why won't that impact against my health? I believe in your dialogne you see a need for excellent incomes. Biden brags he cuts the incomes down. It is a fallacy to compare the USA to other nations on that issue. Because it ignores other failures by said countries.

Republicans have no means to crash the economy. Democrats toss blame around but the people who believe them are not properly educated in the economy. Cities of the USA are camping grounds for millions. Apparently Democrats don't mind it since they use policies to promote it. Democrats promote many more laws. This is clear and is how they control the USA. They for example dictate our use of fuels. They dictate the bulk of our laws. Find a law that takes freedom and you have found a law created by Democrats.

In Real Estate sales, where agents can earn high incomes, those thinking like you think stay poor. Those thinking like me get wealthy.

First off, I don't assume that "government support is best". I recognize that there are some things that government does better and cheaper than private enterprise, which something that no Republican would ever admit. Health care and education being chief among them.

Republicans most definitely can and do crash the economy. Unfunded tax cuts, followed by extreme deficit spending to cover the negative fiscal impact of the tax cuts, have crashed the US economy in 1987, 2008, and 2020.

When the economy crashes, they're quick to bail out big corporate donors, but little to nothing for working Americans, the ones hit hardest by these crashes. Private profits, public losses.

Try looking at it another way.
First off, I don't assume that "government support is best". I recognize that there are some things that government does better and cheaper than private enterprise, which something that no Republican would ever admit. Health care and education being chief among them.

Republicans most definitely can and do crash the economy. Unfunded tax cuts, followed by extreme deficit spending to cover the negative fiscal impact of the tax cuts, have crashed the US economy in 1987, 2008, and 2020.

When the economy crashes, they're quick to bail out big corporate donors, but little to nothing for working Americans, the ones hit hardest by these crashes. Private profits, public losses.

Try looking at it another way.

I recognize that there are some things that government does better and cheaper than private enterprise, which something that no Republican would ever admit. Health care and education being chief among them.


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